I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED! WHAT IS IT CALLED!?I think all of the people they've had doing the intros have said SUPER BOWL Saturday at this point
I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT IT'S CALLED! WHAT IS IT CALLED!?I think all of the people they've had doing the intros have said SUPER BOWL Saturday at this point
John St. John is also going to do one, IIRC.I was thinking of the rustlemania intros, and isn't Steve Blum going to do one since Mat said he recorded something with him.
New Podcast Lore:
Woolie/Pat and Matt/Liam are better friends together than with one another.
Woolie talked about some Guy who I believed expected to do some naruto shit easily but failed miserably.Something Woolie said in the most recent podcast caught my attention at about 2:40:40. He says, "As someone who has firsthand experienced the most embarrassing moments of people thinking anime is real life and taking it into a training session, no."
Anyone know what he's talking about? Has this been mentioned before?
What makes you say that? I listened to the most recent podcast, but think I missed something like that.
Woolie talked about some Guy who I believed expected to do some naruto shit easily but failed miserably.
Also did you listen to the Steven universe argument?
It is a bit much but its a pretty common opinion. I know a lot of people dropped it early on cause they just simply did not like Steven which is a bit sad but understandable since your not getting attached to the main character.
Its not like Adventure Time where you can just pick it up anytime cause Finn and Jake are just goofy likable characters. Same with how Regular Show is and sadly those two shows aren't looking that great these days.
Woolie was probably thinking of Jack from Gears of War for invisible robot that pops up to do things then immediately disappears.
There's going to be a site version, but it'll be uploaded later, once they fix the uploading problem.I don't think there will be a site version. The site completely messed up now I think. There was a FB post about it.
Wow, uh, this video's kinda a mess. Improper aspect ratio, game audio out of sync...yeesh.
I've said my thing about the recent videos, but its the basically been the eclipse for a while now imo.We finally in the age of the Subpar Best Friends?!
They recently had the spoilercast on episode 103 I think it was, but I don't remember if they ever specifically freaked out about the intro in that podcast or prior ones.Does anyone know if there is a specific podcast number where they reacted to ep 47 of jojo?
Yeah, cut off on all sides besides the right maybe? Game audio is ahead of the action too. It's not great.Wow, uh, this video's kinda a mess. Improper aspect ratio, game audio out of sync...yeesh.
The video worked fine for me, but I played it in Chrome.
Who! What... Why?Yo..
I can't believe how dark Steven Universe got with theAmethyst showing her "home" to Steven and the idea that she's a "dark gem"/mistake.
Calm down Steven Universe!
I really hope all the RustleMania videos are just leading up to one hour long video of nothing but dumb intros. My joy would know no end at that point...
I'm looking forward to seeing if someone will get the show name right in one go.
The best would be if they somehow got Lex Luger to come in and cut a perfect promo.They should have a random 5 year old kid pronounce it flawlessly in the last video.
Just getting around to watching Best Friends Play again. Going through the Bloodborn comment section lmfao.
Just getting around to watching Best Friends Play again. Going through the Bloodborn comment section lmfao.
Man, that's nothing compared to whenAmethyst shapeshifts into Ruby Quartz to try and manipulate Greg into staying with her to keep watching TV.
You are in for a treat in the later videos then. Those comment sections get their own narrative going after a while.
Brought together by Woolie ''Snails'' Madden 2015.
Bring back the mailbag dammit. Is it cos they didn't get enough dragon dildos and fists for Pat that they stopped? That could be fixed easily.
They stopped because they got live animals and weaponry.
They stopped because they got live animals and weaponry.
That was gonna happen from day 1 and they knew it.
I think they are ok with all the Zandatsus in the world and make thrones out of them for all of them.