Ahhhh MGS5 is almost hereDDDD
Wonder if they're gonna talk on the podcast about that MP base thing with microtransactions that Konami is charging the house for.
After the PAX Botch Rumble (which was still great), I'm excited to see more Royal Rumbles.
Pat def noticed it but i'm guessing it's too late for this week's podcast even tho it's coming a bit later (they probably already recorded it). But yeah I find it super gross myself
Seems like FOB's only purpose as far as I can tell is to speed up development time and according to some people who are playing it the development times on things in the mother base in mid-late game don't feel too long and can be done after doing a couple of side missions, so at least that's fine.
Definitely agree that its super gross, but I'm gonna be spending so much time playing the game when I'm not in class or work that it doesn't really matter much to me. If it was impossible without paying money, many reviewers wouldn't have been able to even finish the game anyway since the FOB servers haven't gone up yet. And I'm also getting bored of complaining about Konami shenanigans.
This is a better way to do in-jokes. 's ok.
Can't wait for the podcast when they talk about how they forgot to make a video again.Now let's just hope they do the games coming out in sep vid.
I guess this promo was the shoot they talked about awhile ago that might get the cops called on them again. It looks like Matt filmed his part in a sketchy alley at night.
this royal rustle is perfect
That final promo is probably my favourite of the bunch.
Special mentions to the two drunk guys, Zone-tan and Slowbeef.
This oneWhich one was slowbeef in?
No podcast yet?
it's was delayed, it will be out Wednesday i believe
Zach in that intro is too cute
Just glad i got some time with mgs.Its weird but I actually don't mind the podcast being late. A good amount of video game news happens on tuesday too so its nice they'll be able to touch upon that for this week.
it's was delayed, it will be out Wednesday i believe
Just glad i got some time with mgs.
Guess they were busy with Metal Gear?
Nah. Liam and Pat had a 12 hour layover at an airport yesterday.
Also Woolie's twitter, also super detailed reddit postyou guys should probably actually check twitter sometimes
you guys should probably actually check twitter sometimes
Its weird but I actually don't mind the podcast being late. A good amount of video game news happens on tuesday too so its nice they'll be able to touch upon that for this week.
Best Friends Play Rare Replay (Part 5 FINAL)
Honestly kind of relieved Rustlemania is over now. I think I've had my fill of wrestling and screaming hype Matt for a while, and I've only watched maybe a third of the videos released.
According to twitter, Matt has some strong feelings about it so it will probably come up.I wonder if they'll talk about the Deus Ex Pre-Order situation.