Same here, especially if its not all that noticeable while playing.
To me it will have a big effect on the atmosphere, which is a pretty big deal for a silent hill game. If you are fresh to them, may not be such a big deal.
Same here, especially if its not all that noticeable while playing.
I can't see this game selling too well in big part since the marketing for this game is pretty bad.
Weird but not unexpected. None of that really sounds dealbreaking IMO...
Same here, especially if its not all that noticeable while playing.
Problem is the new VA for SH3 are terrible and have a different take on the characters that does clashes with how they were originally. Heather is coming off as a different character than her original incarnation and not for the better. Think Luke screaming at the end of The Empire Strikes Back's 1st special edition only much, much worse.
I don't really ever really remember this series getting any real marketing push from Konami. I always sort of thought that it was one of those word of mouth series that didn't really put out many ads outside a few trailers and print ads. Am I wrong? Its been so long...
I remember commercials for SH2 being EVERYWHERE, on a wide variety of channels. I also remember the commercial being pretty damn good at presenting the game.
But that was over 10 years ago and I was like 17 or 18 so I don't know I could be wrong.
I haven't heard Douglas's new VA myself, but I noticed some people complaining about him sounding drunk, slurring his speech.
He really does and it is incredibly distracting. You always felt kind of bad for Douglas in the original but he comes off as such jerk now. I'm not sure how late game Douglas is going to be effective if he sounds like that the whole time. Heather is far a bigger issue though.
Found the video in question. I actually don't think Douglas sounds all that bad, but Heather just sounds all wrong. She sounds like a mid to late 20s woman, not a 17 year old girl.
Weird but not unexpected. None of that really sounds dealbreaking IMO...
They've also removed fog effects and the grain filter entirely from SH3 as well as some ground textures.
The filter isn't even optional? What the hell are these people doing? I mean did they just hire the cheapest and most incompetent people imaginable?
The filter isn't even optional? What the hell are these people doing? I mean did they just hire the cheapest and most incompetent people imaginable?
The filter isn't even optional? What the hell are these people doing? I mean did they just hire the cheapest and most incompetent people imaginable?
As it is, you're honestly better off replaying the PS2 versions, be it via emulation or a PS2.
They've also removed fog effects and the grain filter entirely from SH3 as well as some ground textures.
Or PC versions.
The original's color palette was awesome.
And also plot relevant if you think about it, intentional or otherwise.
And also plot relevant if you think about it, intentional or otherwise.
the fuck ? +1 PS2 console sale confirmed, I have had enough with this HD joke collection.
Been watching some walkthroughs of the first 30 minutes or so, basically all the stuff we've already seen, but seeing it in better quality... gotta say I think it looks fantastic. Especially the otherworld. The creativity going on is godlike.
Youtube? Recently posted?
edit: yeah i found some
Care to explain?
Yeah. Not a big fan of the cameos
NoI think SH is at it's best when people make up their own interpretations of things
What cameo? I don't recognize that character at all and I've beaten every game in the series.
Its a joke, notice yellow, also poster is RACIST, they all look the same rite, THATS RACIST.gif
Yeah. Not a big fan of the cameos
NoI think SH is at it's best when people make up their own interpretations of things
These screenshots look rather good. I'm still torn about getting this game or not... I really miss a good horror game (last one I played was Siren: Blood Curse) but I think I'll wait for more reviews...
Trust me, the racist jokes likely won't be able to apply much to this game. About half of the characters in the game are black.
So many missing effects from SH3... Do not want.
If I wasn't so amped for Downpour beforehand, Dusk Golem's impressions would've sold me on it anyway. Thanks for your write-ups dude; your contribution to the thread has been essential.
Japanese cover...
If I wasn't so amped for Downpour beforehand, Dusk Golem's impressions would've sold me on it anyway. Thanks for your write-ups dude; your contribution to the thread has been essential.
Japanese cover...
Judging by the writing, I think it's Korean and not Japanese... But it's nice anyway.
Some of the side quest involving investigating an abandoned building or something of the sort, for example. There are quests for other people, but... I guess it didn't phase me much. You have to remember there was a side quest in the first Silent Hill game where you went to get an item for Kaufmann. It's not like you're questing on your way to slay X number of monsters. It's more... Investigating, and fetch quests to put it simply, but they usually have some nice pay-offs about them such as opening up new optional areas or expanding the story more, or giving you an item. I personally felt they worked great with the game, especially with the emphasized focus on exploration. And then these quests can become interesting due to some randomized elements, such as the fact that rain storms in the game happen randomly and when they happen things get pretty crazy.
That's one of the most awesome SH boxarts I've ever seen. Not subtle, but still. Eye-catching.