To add to this : the code for amazons items is 353479.
What weapons does that code give?
To add to this : the code for amazons items is 353479.
To add to this : the code for amazons items is 353479.
I'm saving these codes for when I get my grubby hands on Downpour :lol BTW, where's your avatar from?
What weapons does that code give?
Ok so I'm going to retry getting out of the diner again this morning,I will even go back one of their lousy save checkpoints and redo all that section to try and find out what I am missing to get that lift going...
Did the stove kettle thing,the code on the window,the key to unlock a door upstairs and got the gun from the puzzle panel(that I have to redo now because the continue game brings me back before that puzzle....I am missing the wires for the lift,couldn't figure out what to do with that after 1 hour of trying
Is there any downside to enabling object and interactive elements flashing in the option menu? It seems a lot of the "I can't find x item" issue may be resolved by doing so. It would take some of the exploratory elements away would be the main downside but just a thought for those having issues finding certain items.
the wires are down there on a barrel or something. Not easily spotted like most other objects. Just search every corner in the basement.
Hmm, I dunno about 3D mode, but I've watched quite a bit of 360 footage via Youtube and it seemed similarly choppy at points with loads of tearing.i just reached the first pre-order chest, so i'm just at silent hill. 3D seems to work pretty damn well on the 360 version. if there's a resolution drop it doesn't look to be much of one. i'm guessing it's reprojection because even at max it's not uber deep and performance is so dang good... and i know UE3 has that 3D middleware available for it that is reprojection.
sounds like PS3 owners got shafted. there ARE framedrops on the 360 version playing in 3D, but it's 30 most of the time. be interested to see what the framebuffers are in 3D. seems pretty crisp (for console 3D). it's definately higher resolution than Halo Anniversary 3D. not full 720p but not too far off...
While I DO agree with you, let's be fair to Homecoming here. SH3 was broken up into hundreds of tiny "chunks" which served as rooms. Each room was its own little environment and it was separated from every other room/hallway by a loading screen. There were some larger open areas, but they were pretty limited in scope and did not contain the more advanced graphical techniques.Silent Hill 3, a 2003 PS2 game, had better character models than Homecoming, so personally I wouldn't even call the graphics decent. I played the PC version, and it actually managed to look worse than SH3 PC with all bells and whistles on.
Hmm, I dunno about 3D mode, but I've watched quite a bit of 360 footage via Youtube and it seemed similarly choppy at points with loads of tearing.
I did notice with Batman, at least, that playing in 3D changed the appearance of tearing (only appeared in one eye) and the general game felt different and perhaps a touch smoother.
The PS3 version never drops to the single digits or anything (and some sections run fine), but it definitely tears pretty *could* be tearing in my left eye which isn't nearly as good as my right, but i usually still notice it and i haven't noticed any. there are frame drops. espescially running around town it skips all the time whenever 'saving' pops up, which as you know is every three seconds if you are hoofing it. i haven't seen anything in the single digits, that's for sure, and when inside it's a lot more stable and generally 30.
really want to see a DF analysis on this one. i haven't seen any clear reprojection artifacts but that could be more down to the game not letting you push the depth to a level where reprojection really starts to become obvious. there is an okay amount of depth, performance in 3D is good, and on my 3DTV crosstalk is practically non existant. obviously on the HMZs it IS nonexistant![]()
The PS3 version never drops to the single digits or anything (and some sections run fine), but it definitely tears pretty often.
Like I said, in 480p mode, it's 99% stable with no tearing.
The Amazon code is much more enticing than the Gamestop one.
Anyone if Easy dramatically changes some of the gameplay?I'm trying to figure out how to use the dispatch machine to call away the patrol cars, but it's not letting me do anything. Wondering if perhaps that is something I don't need to do?
Is there any downside to enabling object and interactive elements flashing in the option menu? It seems a lot of the "I can't find x item" issue may be resolved by doing so. It would take some of the exploratory elements away would be the main downside but just a thought for those having issues finding certain items.
The Amazon code is much more enticing than the Gamestop one.
Anyone if Easy dramatically changes some of the gameplay?I'm trying to figure out how to use the dispatch machine to call away the patrol cars, but it's not letting me do anything. Wondering if perhaps that is something I don't need to do?
Have you actually had a car stop yet? That triggered the side-quest for me and it went into Murphy's notebook. As for the dispatch machine, you get a different noise when you enter a number correctly. After entering all four, you'll get an achievement/trophy.
you have to let one of the police cars 'catch' you before the dispatch console will do anything.
dunno if that's the problem you are having. i had that problem on hard puzzle difficulty.
While I DO agree with you, let's be fair to Homecoming here. SH3 was broken up into hundreds of tiny "chunks" which served as rooms. Each room was its own little environment and it was separated from every other room/hallway by a loading screen. There were some larger open areas, but they were pretty limited in scope and did not contain the more advanced graphical techniques.
Homecoming attempted to string things together with much larger locales that allowed you to move seamlessly between rooms and buildings with load screens only popping up between major locations.
It also tossed around plenty of shaders and physics that weren't possible on PS2.
For a current generation game, it was pretty ugly, but it was definitely doing some things that the PS2 games never went for (and could not have handled).
Oh, I have it on all right lol. Doesn't really help since it barely "shines" but with the lighting and the fact that the background and usable objects blend together, unless you get realllllly close to them, it doesn't really help. But, I'm a SH vet so I always manage to find everythingI guess it should be noted that object highlighting is something you can turn on or off in options. If you're having trouble spotting stuff, you could try turning it on.
Combat always seemed like a bit of an ordeal anyway from watching early gameplay vids, but judging by the impressions here, I think it's in my best interest to set combat to easy for my first playthrough. I don't really want to because I appreciate a challenge, but if enemy encounters are gonna end up detering me from all that sweet sweet explorage then it makes sense.
For all of its warts, I'm genuinely engaged in its story and the stronger points of the experience. I *WANT* to explore the town and I want to find out the secret behind Murphy being drawn to Silent Hill. I'm actually excited to play this based on what Vatra has established early on and that's a good sign.
I have to admit, the screamer ladies freak the hell out of me. Especially when you charge into a room and one is just there waiting for you..
Also, when I returned to the basement in the very first location in the game,one was following me down the stairs and i had no idea until the camera zoomed out a bit and saw something moving behind me.
Hmm, I suspect they were talking about those drops that occur when the game spools in new data. It's generally not a big deal, but there are a couple distinct moments when the loading causes a MASSIVE drop for a couple seconds. That's likely what they were referring to.someone earlier in the thread said they got a drop into the singles at one point. could well have been isolated though.
Watthat invisible shadow thing in the basement with a pistol that turns into a blow up doll when it dies though... what the fuck was that about?
so, without spoilers, is the otherworld decent?
yeah. i will never forget it.
Turns out the Gamestop pre-order code is just a number you type into the in-game keypads!
So here you go for the items. The lockers are located at:
Entrance of Silent Hill after the Devil's Pit
House with Basement on Campbell St.
Pearl Creek Subway (off Laymond Ave.)
Code is 171678
To add to this : the code for amazons items is 353479.
Aside from its technical problems it's actually shockingly great. The first 30 minutes were disappointing, but once the game starts to ramp up it really becomes engrossing. It's actually a very slow paced and atmosphere but they absolutely nailed the atmosphere.Sounds like this game didn't turn out quite as bad as anticipated.
Totally agree. It's really what stands out about Downpour in relation to Homecoming or the horrible Origins (easily the worst SH game, IMHO). Those other two games felt like they were doing a Silent Hill impersonation at best. Downpour does its best to maintain the overall "beats" you'd expect fro the series but happily does its own thing and doesn't feel like a cheap knockoff in the process.dark10x said:They've clearly decided to create their own take on Silent Hill rather than cobble together ideas from the first four games.
The enemy designs are nothing special, as you say, but I've actually found some of the encounters to be pretty intense and somewhat scary despite this.Totally agree. It's really what stands out about Downpour in relation to Homecoming or the horrible Origins (easily the worst SH game, IMHO). Those other two games felt like they were doing a Silent Hill impersonation at best. Downpour does its best to maintain the overall "beats" you'd expect fro the series but happily does its in own thing and doesn't feel like a cheap knockoff in the process.
Started really exploring the town this morning and I'm totally engrossed in the atmosphere and exploration. I only wish the enemy design were a bit stronger at this point. They aren't quite as bad as I was expecting after seeing some early footage but they are far cry from the amazing enemy designs in 2 or 3.
i've only experienced one trip though it. i would put it up there with any otherworld section from the previous games you could care to name.
yeah. i will never forget it.
mannequin not a blow up doll.
The combat isn't involved at all and you're not THAT weak so yet it still controls better than it did in the original games. I'd say the combat is actually just right for a Silent Hill game.From most of your impressions, it sounds like #1 and #3 are handled well by Vatra and Co. #2 doesn't sound so bad if you play on 'easy'.
Any 360 vs PS3 differences? I just want the best version.
The combat isn't involved at all and you're not THAT weak so yet it still controls better than it did in the original games. I'd say the combat is actually just right for a Silent Hill game.