Oh man, elder scrolls does that in spades.I don't want combat related grinds. I just want to relax and cut some wood with a few other players for an evening or something.
This game however is all combat.
Oh man, elder scrolls does that in spades.I don't want combat related grinds. I just want to relax and cut some wood with a few other players for an evening or something.
Just found this gais:
Maxed class costumes O.O. So dope!
Heads up to anyone playing this game; folks on Reddit have discovered something kinda shady about Skyforge's Launcher, it's actually a Peer-to-peer client that starts up with Windows and seeds the game automatically. Folks with a bandwidth cap should disable this option via the launcher's settings.
Details here; https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/3ds68c/newly_released_mmo_skyforges_launcher_is_a_p2p/
I don't want combat related grinds. I just want to relax and cut some wood with a few other players for an evening or something.
I don't want combat related grinds. I just want to relax and cut some wood with a few other players for an evening or something.
Lol. This isn't your game.
if I pick the class costume does it change based on the class I am or the class I was when I put on the costume?
I am conflicted between the class set and the rocker suit that makes my character look like someone straight out of wicked + divine (a comic I love dearly)
It is, just not right now, haha. I'm big into PvP, and MMO wise, no game seems to do it right at the moment. What I've seen of Skyforge PvP looks pretty awesome, and the spells are just beautiful.
Hell, the whole game is beautiful. Is it better looking than Guild Wars 2 in action?
I don't want combat related grinds. I just want to relax and cut some wood with a few other players for an evening or something.
It is, just not right now, haha. I'm big into PvP, and MMO wise, no game seems to do it right at the moment. What I've seen of Skyforge PvP looks pretty awesome, and the spells are just beautiful.
Hell, the whole game is beautiful. Is it better looking than Guild Wars 2 in action?
There are non combat related grinds too if you please.
You start to acquireslavesfollowers whom you can then send out on missions to acquire supplies, help others -- or acquire even more followers.
You cantrain your slaveslevel up your adepts and send them on even higher missions. It feels like one of those farming games I can't quite remember the name of right now.
It's pretty cool because you can see yourslavespotential recruits in game standing around your statue of you in awe of it.
Heads up to anyone playing this game; folks on Reddit have discovered something kinda shady about Skyforge's Launcher, it's actually a Peer-to-peer client that starts up with Windows and seeds the game automatically. Folks with a bandwidth cap should disable this option via the launcher's settings.
Details here; https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/3ds68c/newly_released_mmo_skyforges_launcher_is_a_p2p/
Well this is lame. I just now disabled it. It shouldn't default to having your system upload game files to other people by default to save them bandwidth.
Hope more people notice this.
perfect for my pso itch
Yeah this game has been filling the hole left by SEGA not porting PSO2 to the west.
Only just realized this was on since I been playing, turned it off now though.
Yeah, I've never seen an MMO do something like this before and I don't think too many people know about it. Maybe the OP should put it in the first post so people can see it and to turn that crap off?
Only just realized this was on since I been playing, turned it off now though.
Combat and boss mechanics are impressive, this game has been a pleasant surprise thus far. Thinking that I'll stick with it.
Premium should bring more to the table however, I don't really feel the urge to give them my money for premium alone. I would certainly pay for a box if they charged that way though, the game is a lot of fun on its own.
Combat and boss mechanics are impressive, this game has been a pleasant surprise thus far. Thinking that I'll stick with it.
Premium should bring more to the table however, I don't really feel the urge to give them my money for premium alone. I would certainly pay for a box if they charged that way though, the game is a lot of fun on its own.
There's room in our Pantheon if you need.
Agreed on the premium thing. I had early access which gave me a week of premium. It lets you acquire sparks that much more quickly, but then with a cap in play, it just means you hit it quicker. So not exactly sure what they're trying to sell at the moment. Not sure i'll actually pay for it unless they make it little more attractive. And so far theres not much else in the shop that is begging for me to part with real money either
On an unrelated note, have just done a story mission at 6.5k that gives a free respec on both appearance and name. Tempted to drop Sham Wow, but nah
edit - lol. All the npcs are commenting how different I look. I didn't change a thing.
Wait wut. Wow. Here I was stressing out because I wanted to change my hair o3o
And now I'm mountless. Ran out of my temporary mounts farming those purple flowers in Lanber Forest. The things I do when you're at cap, have a gimped class you just unlocked, and want to do something other than play the smart phone game of manage people and send them to do stuff for a while.
To rent another 1hr of mount time I have to pay about 250k, and to keep it I have to do this 10x... Yeah I hope they don't make anymore huge maps I think.
Maybe I'm missing something. What are the sparks of transformation for? Description says it unlocks classes but isn't that using the color coded sparks in the upper atlas?
I was going to work my way over to Kinetic class which from the training seemed visually interesting but I got sidetracked. I've decided the first thing I'm going to do is max out the three starting classes. I've got Lightbinder and Paladin well under progression and Cryomage on the way. Paladin is quite fun and useful once you start getting stuff unlocked. Surprising that you don't get the threat talent for a while though. Maybe that explains why the guy in chat was complaining about all the newb paladins being "scrubs".
How often do you get to recruit new adepts?
Current Skygaf status:
Now have spots for 25 with 16 filled. Next upgrade cost is is 90k and we have 50 in the bank. I've got about 2k to my name so I can't really push that along![]()
Yah I'm still broke from the last bank donation
(And turning my credits into argents)
In combat its not even close. This looks pretty spectacular at times, while GW2, although still pretty good, was pretty by-the-numbers fantasy stuff.
Whut? I'd say GW2 is one of the most unique looking MMO's, hell even unique looking games I've ever played.
I have a good credit score as a god, I'll throw some money the pantheon's way.
I guess I should spend my sparks of evolution. When I first started playing I thought they might be needed much later on and was not using any so I have a good stock pile saved up.
But fuck it, didn't mean to ruffle feathers. There's some GW2 knockers out there, but i'm def not one of them. I enjoyed my time with it.
Will I eventually unlock the other classes through quest line progression or in the skill tree?
I'm enjoying lightbringer, but alchemist looks insane
And if they are progression are they all at the same time or does necro unlock separate from slayer etc
Cool, appreciate your response.
So how's Skyforge in terms of exploration and sense of place in the world? I'd rank WoW as #1 in terms of making you feel like you're in a vast and 'real' world and I feel GW2 does a good job at that too although the high density (few massive wide open areas that don't necessarily serve a specific purpose) and broken up maps with portals diminishes it a bit.
From what I see, Skyforge is more of a pick-your-dungeon style thing rather than giving you a big world map you can travel through relatively seamlessly?
Thinking of downloading this tonight.
Is there any reason to buy the starter pack or the warden's pack?
Would it help a gaf guild if I did that would like to invite me?![]()