First impressions. I will not lie: I love the presentation, the music, the Quick battles, the costumes. I did not touch CAS yet, so I will ignore that for now.
I am in a huge dilemma. I always jumped around characters as there were transferable knowledge (guard impact timings, blocking) between them - and now that free GI is gone, I do not know what to do against rushdown type of characters. And I do not even know how this guard breaking thing works. Anyways, I do not know what charater to stick with.
Xiba? Amazing. I play him the most, but a few missed Kilik moves are hurting me. I do not know what is his fastest punish - yet. Against Patrolkos, I cant really use his quickstep either. He is amazing momentum-wise, but hard to use properly, imho. But will stick to him.
Leixia is another solid pick. I like playing with her, but again, there is a lot of different things when it comes to how she moves - not always Xianghua-like, I have to say.
Natsu? Totally different than my usualy Taki BNB attack patterns - the k, down+k, k combo is now on a different input, damn it. It fucks my gameplay up

And I could not even start to train with the new characters.
EVERY character feels fun. But I have to choose. Will stick to Xiba for now, with the occasional Leixia and I'll hit the lab with Hilde soon, I guess.