It makes that reveal so much better in retrospect. What the group saw in Mikan at that point was who each one if them really was underneath. The disease made the others the opposite of who they were, but Mikan, it just reverted her back to who she was outside the game: Ultimate Despair.
Oh holy shit. That was the first hint, wasn't it?
Actually, do you think the examples Makoto gave of what Ultimate Despairs did are actual example o what the cast of DR2 actually did? Wouldn't make much sense if we only know what Nagito did.
I'd have to whatch that part again, but a few possibilities:
Starve = Akane
Take Junko's Eye = Fuyuhiko
Have sex with dead Junko = Kazuichi
Let's humour your theory for a moment and assume that all of the Ultimate Despairs pictured in that CG correspond to characters from the game. If this is the case, then two of your designation can be nothing but SHADOWS which OBSCURE THE LIGHT OF TRUTH!
How can Akane be the one who starved herself if the hair length, hair colour and body structure do not even come close to matching hers? And why in the name of Pandemonium would you assume that Kazuichi is the one who became intimate with Junko's corpse when it's far more likely that he's the one shooting pedestrians in a different panel of the very same CG! The figure depicted in said panel is even shown to be wearing a beanie of the same shape and colour as Kazuichi's!
It's also important to take into consideration that there's some debate about the "having sex with Junko's corpse" translation. Some are saying the more accurate translation would be that someone tried to use her ovaries to have babies in their own body. (Implying a female.)Hair length isn't really a problem, what with the time skip of 2 to 3 years. Colour and constitution can be affected by the starving. And it would fit her quite well for her "despair" action, seeing the glutton she was before she was overtook by despair.
For Kazuichi, as I said, I don't remember every panel. I just take him for quite a perv, so why not? ^^
Why are you not all pretending to be characters like Scrafty is
what is a forum but an endless debate
But in the case of the last few characters, it wasn't clear to them whether or not they would go back to being Ultimate Despair or not, losing their memories of their experience in the VR world.
Mikan never lost her memory of the experience, she's just too far gone.
Actually, do you think the examples Makoto gave of what Ultimate Despairs did are actual example o what the cast of DR2 actually did? Wouldn't make much sense if we only know what Nagito did.
I'd have to whatch that part again, but a few possibilities:
Starve = Akane
Take Junko's Eye = Fuyuhiko
Have sex with dead Junko = Kazuichi
Let's humour your theory for a moment and assume that all of the Ultimate Despairs pictured in that CG correspond to characters from the game. If this is the case, then two of your designation can be nothing but SHADOWS which OBSCURE THE LIGHT OF TRUTH!
How can Akane be the one who starved herself if the hair length, hair colour and body structure do not even come close to matching hers? And why in the name of Pandemonium would you assume that Kazuichi is the one who became intimate with Junko's corpse when it's far more likely that he's the one shooting pedestrians in a different panel of the very same CG! The figure depicted in said panel is even shown to be wearing a beanie of the same shape and colour as Kazuichi's!
Gundam's VA should win some kind of award.
A spiky award.
From hell.
They were still given a choice: To go back to the people they were before they entered the Island(which from most accounts were horrible people, something that's sort of proven when Hajime starts getting flashes of himself speaking to Nagito on the boat over), or to stay on the Island, and remain their past selves pre-Junko. This was a decision they all had to come to(after all, none of them would have gotten out unless all of them voted a specific way).
Mikan got a "disease", and there was no decision allowed to be made for her, it was done. She never killed anyone, she was killed by Junko the second she got that disease, and then murdered other people. The game itself hinges on the idea that these kids pre-Hope's Peak and what they became after are vastly different people. The Mikan we the players got to know died the second she got the disease.
I loved the dub a lot, much improved over the first game(which I still thought was pretty good).
Junko was seriously incredible. I think the fact it was almost exclusively Amanda Miller this time helped a lot. Erin is great, but Junko has sooooo much more consistency in both her voice and her lines in DR2. I'm so happy they gave the character more to work with this time than just "I did it for Despair!" reiterated over and over. They got better at writing her quips too, which is great since she's the perfect character for that sort of thing. That's what you want from or at least I do and I reveled in it.
As much as I like Erin, I think it would have been more preferable if Amanda C. Miller voiced Junko by herself. She definitely has the range to pull it off (and imo it's always jarring to hear Erin's radically different voice)
I thought both dubs were pretty spot-on. I don't think there were quite any points in 2 that reached the series's all-time high of Celeste's breakdown, but it was really, really solid. Really looking forward to AE's dub.
This is one of those games I prefer playing in Japanese. I WOULD look up Youtube clips to hear dub snippits, but since it's not spoiler-free there anymore...
I'm too much of a Megumi Ogata fanSome of the voices though, I have a hard time picturing in english.
Bryce is brilliant as Nagito. It's almost sold me on him as an actor.
Celeste's dub voice was A+ all around, especially the way she says Makoto and Kyoko
Well Fuyuhiko isn't that far from him and he had the whole change of heart arc. Also why the fuck is Akane so highSo out of some level of boredom and with 3.30 showing trophies % gets, here's from highest to lowest, the % people maxed out characters free time events as shown by them getting the respective trophy:
1. Chiaki - 42.8%
2. Sonia - 31.8%
3. Akane - 28.0%
4. Mikan - 27.8%
5. Ibuki - 26.1%
6. Gundham - 25.1%
7. Peko - 22.2%
8. Nagito - 22.2%
9. Mahiru - 21.9%
10. Hiyoko - 21.2%
11. Fuyuhiko - 20.5%
12. Nekomaru - 20.4%
13. Byakuya - 20.0%
14. Kazuichi - 19.6%
15. Teruteru - 18.2%
It's interesting and fitting that Kazuichi is only ahead of the first murderer and the first victim and he pretty available almost all the time for free events. (That's cause no one likes you)
I always thought of the survivors by Chapter 7 as the counterparts from the survivors of the first game.For some reason I thought the surviving cast of DR1 went to the world of DR2 and disguised themselves as students to help the trapped students. The equivalents I thought up were:
Asahina = Aoi
Makoto = Nagito
Byakuya = Byakuya
Kyoko = Peko
Well Fuyuhiko isn't that far from him and he had the whole change of heart arc. Also why the fuck is Akane so high?
Well Fuyuhiko isn't that far from him and he had the whole change of heart arc. Also why the fuck is Akane so high
Well Fuyuhiko isn't that far from him and he had the whole change of heart arc. Also why the fuck is Akane so high
Because her FTEs are great man. All of her best story is in those.
While that is true, I don't that's really the reason. Probably some combination of her being around so long and boobs.
Well, then....
Oh, didn't know that. But then about what you said about Kazuichi:I don't think you can even hang out with Fuyuhiko until like Chapter 4 which might explain why he's so low on the list cause you get like only 2 chapters to hang out with him.
Although Kazuichi is also a survivor, you must talk to him after chapter 4 to finish his FTE. That isn't a big window of opportunity.
I'm too much of a Megumi Ogata fanSome of the voices though, I have a hard time picturing in english.
I'm totally a Megumi Ogata fan nowLove her two ending songs as well. The Japanese voice cast was way too all-star for me to switch to the dub ^^;