Best motive:
Chiaki: I was forced into killing someone, but i'm going to take the fall because I deeply care about you guys.
you guys are crazy, Celeste's motive was the best
Leon gets credit for having the best chance in teh whole series to get away with the crime. The most people were still alive at the time, and his victim had already managed to stage the majority of the crime for him.At least Sayaka realized it was dumb and tried to retreat, what is Leon's excuse.
Best motive:
Chiaki: I was forced into killing someone, but i'm going to take the fall because I deeply care about you guys.
If only he would've paid more attention in 1st grade English he could've erased the part of the scene where his name was in huge, bloody letters.Leon gets credit for having the best chance in teh whole series to get away with the crime. The most people were still alive at the time, and his victim had already managed to stage the majority of the crime.
he probably left before she wrote it, he shoulda just made sure she was dead before leavingIf only he would've paid more attention in 1st grade English he could've erased the part of the scene where his name was in huge, bloody letters.
there is absolutely nothing in this world that's a better motive than "husbandos"
I feel like Gundham's murder is justified if they were all going to die if he didn't do something.
I do actually wonder about that, truth be told. If a headmaster can't arbitrarily kill anyone he wants to, he probably doesn't have the ability to let all of them flat out die by locking them somewhere and not feeding them if they refuse to kill someone to eat...
It's the same mess with Mikan, how it's Monokuma's direct screwing with a student that causes her to kill someone, when she was taking care of them(and putting herself in harm's way to do it!) instead.
I mean that I don't believe it was ever stated that any of those depicted in the pictures were of the DR2 cast, so it could be some, all or none of the survivors.
Didn't it say those were the remnants of Despair?
I'm not sure it said that, but doesn't "Remnants of Despair" mean all of the remaining Ultimate Despair, and not just the Hope's Peak survivors?
I'm not sure it said that, but doesn't "Remnants of Despair" mean all of the remaining Ultimate Despair, and not just the Hope's Peak survivors?
Ultimate Despair killed themselves, besides the 16.
Ultimate Despair killed themselves, besides the 16.
In the end, a story is being told here and while it is possible that they were just listing things to shock the audience, I think it's a little too coincidental for two of the pictures/descriptions to match up so perfectly with some characters but then for the other 3 to just be random nobodies.
the only ultimate despairs that definitely killed themselves were the reserve students. We are not sure how many remnants of despair are leftUltimate Despair killed themselves, besides the 16.
I don't get why Junko told them that anyway. Maybe she was stalling for time for the real Makoto to arrive and get stuck and she did give the silver lining of "if you graduate you'll leave with your memories so it'll be okay" but it just gives the survivors less reasons to vote for graduate and more reasons to vote to repeat which accomplishes nothing for her.And yeah, I don't necessarily think that the five pictured need to line up with any of the students we know. Wasn't it Fake-oto that told them about those events anyways? For all we know, Junko could've invented those details to make the group doubt themselves and feel like sacks of crap.
Well, Future Foundation said they're finally able to start rebuilding cause things have eased up now, which likely means that Ultimate Despair's gone, besides these guys.
Also, 16 still works, cause of Alter Ego!
I don't get why Junko told them that anyway. Maybe she was stalling for time for the real Makoto to arrive and get stuck and she did give the silver lining of "if you graduate you'll leave with your memories so it'll be okay" but it just gives the survivors less reasons to vote for graduate and more reasons to vote to repeat which accomplishes nothing for her.
Didn't say otherwise? Makoto and co implied that they still had a lot of work ahead of them before they could settle down.
would leave her in despair, which is ecstasy to her?I don't get why Junko told them that anyway. Maybe she was stalling for time for the real Makoto to arrive and get stuck and she did give the silver lining of "if you graduate you'll leave with your memories so it'll be okay" but it just gives the survivors less reasons to vote for graduate and more reasons to vote to repeat which accomplishes nothing for her.
you guys are crazy, Celeste's motive was the best
What? I thought Ultimate Despair was society at large.
Or it could be inconsequential to the actual story being told, so the writers don't even know who those portraits implied.
Ultimate Despair was definitely not society at large. Society was being directed to riot because of those who were labeled Ultimate Despair.
And I wouldn't just hand wave something as inconsequential to the story. Unless it's just a throwaway joke or other kind of reference, I highly doubt it was written for no reason.
Wait, when or where does it say this? Then who is "Ultimate Despair"? I never took it for some Illuminati group directing the chaos; I thought it implied everyone subject to Junko's influence.
And as things stand in DR2, those portraits are inconsequential to the story, just like what was actually beyond the door opening at the end of DR1. They have no relevance to the immediate story, was my point. They might have relevance in the future for the series; they might not. The point of that scene was to depict just how messed up the Ultimate Despair was as a whole, and how that implicated the DR2 cast, not to associate the portraits with the individual characters.
Junko and Mukuro...well I guess just Junko now
But aside from that, are you sure that "Ultimate Despair" was never referred to for anyone other than Junko and Mukuro? Why does that sound false to me? Maybe I was wrongly interpreting what that meant this whole time.
Wait, when or where does it say this? Then who is "Ultimate Despair"? I never took it for some Illuminati group directing the chaos; I thought it implied everyone subject to Junko's influence.
But aside from that, are you sure that "Ultimate Despair" was never referred to for anyone other than Junko and Mukuro? Why does that sound false to me? Maybe I was wrongly interpreting what that meant this whole time.
Ultimate Despair is the whole group. Mukuro and Junko were just the heads. Junko and those who served under her (like the 15 that became Remnants) all make up Ultimate Despair.
Well the easy way to solve this is if someone who played the JPN version could answer a question for me. Did they refer to the Remnants of Despair as Ultimate Despairs or SHSL Despairs. If they referred to them as SHSL then I think it's fair to say that Ultimate Despairs could only be students from hopes peak.
The latter.
Super High School Level Despair
I always guessed it was only Junko, Mukuro and the DR2 cast. I mean, the DR2 cast is already from various classes, so them being the only real Ultimate Despairs makes sense.
Were the Reserve Course students who killed themselves for Junko also "Ultimate Despair"?
Were the Reserve Course students who killed themselves for Junko also "Ultimate Despair"?
Were the Reserve Course students who killed themselves for Junko also "Ultimate Despair"?
That student used the cover-up to incite the students of the Reserve Department, who had long held resentment against the school, into an insurrection.
MONOKUMA: Don’t you know about what happened to the Reserve Students who rose up in “The Worst, Most Despair-Inducing Incident in the History of Hope’s Peak Academy”?
HINATA HAJIME: Wh-what happened to them ...?
MONOKUMA: Enoshima has the power to change people’s values. That's another way in which she's like those great heroes and villains of history
HINATA HAJIME: Hey, what did you mean by what happened to them! What happened to the Reserve Students!?
MONOKUMA: They had fulfilled their purpose. And so, believing that it was “what they had to do...”
MONOKUMA: All 2,357 members of the Reserve Department committed mass suicide!
HINATA HAJIME: Mass suicide!?
Yes, Junko, Mukuro, and the DR2 cast are the only Ultimate Despairs. Doesn't mean that her influence around the world didn't give birth to other despair-inducing factions though.
You should read the Dangan Ronpa manga. It made Leon one of my favorite characters in the series, and is probably the murderer who I most feel sorry for. (along with Gundham and Chiaki)so, if u guys were to try and rank the murderers from least sympathetic to most how would you do it
1) Celeste
2) Leon (Two horrible people involved in this one)
3) Teruteru
4) Mondo
5) Mikan (Could possibly feel more sympathetic based on her being forced back into despair self and not getting the rehabilitation chance the others got)
6) Gundam (SHe did save everyone else, coulda went with suicide and saved nekomaru as well. Damn his pride)
7) Peko (Peko did everything for someone else. Its not the right choice but easy for me to feel sympathetic. Or maybe im just feeling sympathetic for fuyuhiko)
8) Sakura (killed herself so she wouldnt have to betray her friends...)
9) Chiaki (was tricked...I can put my AI twist hatred aside long enough to recognize that chiaki didnt deserve to "die" for trying to put out a fire)
You should read the Dangan Ronpa manga. It made Leon one of my favorite characters in the series, and is probably the murderer who I most feel sorry for. (along with Gundham and Chiaki)
How is the manga in general? Leon was a fucking mark in the game.
Speaking of alternate adaptions, is there a DR2 manga?
There's a spinoff manga about Komaeda, I do believe.