It has already been unleashed while going through that thread.No transfers today (their reasoning is actually legit). Bioware's going to have the kraken unleashed on them on the boards.
It has already been unleashed while going through that thread.
It has already been unleashed while going through that thread.
The immediate reaction to his posts were extremely unhappy and I expect it to get worse. They kinda fucked it up by having so many servers transfer earlier, leading to high expectations for the rest.
People's expectations are their own fault. They said this was going to go into next week but people are "quitting" because every server isn't being transferred before the weekend.
I hope it doesn't go F2P. The F2P model is simply awful for MMORPGs.
It's actually been very good for both LOTRO and DC Universe, while i would rather it stay a P2P mmo if it gets them to pump out content quicker then i am all for it
So, what level is the first chest piece i can get as an IA(light armor excluded) that has a hood?
It has a hood attached to it but your character doesn't wear it.Black Talon Operative's Jacket, level 11?
Apparently from the PTS, I know there is another Dessler from the data mining done by darth hater etc but the coloring looks off...
Damn, that is a sexy speeder for sure. Everyone is saying it's a bug though, and since it wasn't data mined, I am inclined to agree unfortunately.
So, what level is the first chest piece i can get as an IA(light armor excluded) that has a hood?
You could search on I know for a fact that the level 20 bind account chest has a hood.
edit. Just got an e-mail saying transfers are open, going to check now.
You could search on I know for a fact that the level 20 bind account chest has a hood.
edit. Just got an e-mail saying transfers are open, going to check now.
bind account?
If you had made characters on Krayt Dragon you would have gotten the email since it was moved into Shadowlands yesterday.
It has a hood attached to it but your character doesn't wear it.
My bad, using wow terminology. I meant bind on legacy, the vendor being in Kaas City.
I think if you hide the head slot then he wears the hood.
Ah.. thanks..
With the info from HBroward, you might want to double check that, my char was an op ... so i'm not sure about snipers.
my character will also be an operative...
Unless they surprise released 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 all tomorrow, I don't know how it could be any more awesome then it is right now on these full servers!*
*Assuming you aren't one of the ones stuck on a dead server all weekend at least.
You had to rub it in didn't you...
So when it comes to PVP armor, are you guys stacking your main stat or power augments?
Supposedly you're supposed to go power after you hit 1600 of your main stat due to dim returns.
Is anyone playing on a Mac book pro? I want to buy one and would like to know how it runs.
It ran great on mostly high settings on my 2011 17" MBP, the new model should be able to max it for sure, the non retina model more so then the retina.
I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to, you can always roll an alt on our server if you want! Payed transfers will come one day, and then he can be reunited with your other characters where ever you end up. OK, not an ideal solution, I admit.
Anyone in a pvp centric guild (imp side) on the bastion with room to spare?
Ah so that's why I haven't heard from you.![]()
Well if you ever do start playing him drop me a line.
You know, i was watching a video of a level 50 shadow and his double project animation was delightful. Although, the pebbles completely ruin it for me. lol
You don't want to fight the Empire with DEM COCOA PEBBLES?
GarrickBlackSun: I understand he is a long way off, but could you please possibly give us any sort of clearer or better insight to the unlocking of HK-51?
Daniel Erickson (Lead Game Designer): The only thing we’re saying today is its going to take a serious amount of work, involves a galaxy-wide mission, introduces some different ways of playing the game and most people will need to have a 50 of one faction and at least a mid-level character from the other faction. Get working on those Legacy characters!
Kingofthebritons: In last weeks’ announcement, we learned that the level cap will be increased later this year. With this change in mind, will any changes be made to the current PvE endgame? For example, will the difficulties for Hard Mode Flashpoints and Operations be increased to match the new level? If not, could you explain why?
Daniel: We’re keeping a tight wrap on details about the level increase later this year until we’ve done far more testing. Right now we have plans and theories but no empirical numbers for what, if any adjustments will need to be made to PvE endgame content.
Community Q&A is up.
So we don't actually need a 50 on both factions for HK, thankfully, and the level cap increase seems like it is still pretty far out. I guess this was a pretty good Q&A, still have the same questions being asked and answered though. Threat generation? Really? And they didn't even take that opportunity to address what is changing with threat generation in 1.3, which will clearly be asked and answered in next week's Q&A.