I found the guy with your name Azurae, Azura Lapis, Merc Healer. Now I just need to find who the hell has Trevin on this server.
Mother trucker, only bad thing about the transfers is the name issue...
I found the guy with your name Azurae, Azura Lapis, Merc Healer. Now I just need to find who the hell has Trevin on this server.
So I've been racking my brain trying to figure out how to play my Assassin as a DPS. It's not that I think the tank nerf is that terrible, I just want to try the other roles. My ideal for the class is something like a Concealment operative - the ability to pounce on an isolated target in PvP from stealth and destroy it. They're glass cannons, so the burst needs to be really significant, and I've found it just isn't there if I have 31 points in Deception. If I try to pounce on someone they can just turn around and murder me. Either there's something really obvious I'm doing wrong, or the stacking dots in Madness would simply suit my playstyle better.
I found the guy with your name Azurae, Azura Lapis, Merc Healer. Now I just need to find who the hell has Trevin on this server.
Anyone know the deal with diminishing return when farming mobs? I'm going hunting for my 1.3 look, but it seems I have to farm this boss for it.
Ugh cant decide, Gunslinger or Scoundrel
Ugh cant decide, Gunslinger or Scoundrel
Either way you get nerfed!
Are Sage's still OP?
Are Sage's still OP?
I have no idea what to do with my Commando.The class got so fucked, and it wasn't even anywhere being OP in my opinion. Sure, Grav Spamming in PVP was annoying, but it was so easy to shut down... Plus the whole fucking tree basically revolved around grav round in order to set up everything else. Basically bottom of the barrel class, in both specs. Heals they're no where near as godly as a Scoundrel healer and DPS wise, well it's just pathetic in PVP.
On the bright side they have by far the best looking War Hero set. They actually look like troopers instead of a cheap knockoff power ranger toy like my Sentinel. :/
As requested:
Hey do you have a sage alt named Jainia or something? I saw one a bunch earlier and figured it was you.
I have no idea what to do with my Commando.The class got so fucked, and it wasn't even anywhere being OP in my opinion. Sure, Grav Spamming in PVP was annoying, but it was so easy to shut down... Plus the whole fucking tree basically revolved around grav round in order to set up everything else. Basically bottom of the barrel class, in both specs. Heals they're no where near as godly as a Scoundrel healer and DPS wise, well it's just pathetic in PVP.
On the bright side they have by far the best looking War Hero set. They actually look like troopers instead of a cheap knockoff power ranger toy like my Sentinel. :/
Healers are okay, so long as they're geared properly,
Austin: So far, this hasn't fallen into the category of gameplay we want to change. All AOEs prioritize targets closer to the center of that AOE, so a better aimed Revivification or Kolto Bomb will yield better results.
Try the pyro equivalent for commando? I switched my merc to it and its much more fun than tracer spam. Watching some pvp vids for it and they put up dece #s
Are you talking only about PVP?
Try the pyro equivalent for commando? I switched my merc to it and its much more fun than tracer spam. Watching some pvp vids for it and they put up dece #s
Problem with Assault is that the tree works better for Pyros/Vanguards, playing that spec makes you want to reroll into a pyro/guard (at least for me).
Yeah... I'm hoping it might some day be brought up to the level of a Vanguard, kind of how they did with the Focus shared tree for Guardians and Sentinels. But I'm expecting way too much.
Problem with Assault is that the tree works better for Pyros/Vanguards, playing that spec makes you want to reroll into a pyro/guard (at least for me).
Ugh cant decide, Gunslinger or Scoundrel
Are you talking only about PVP?
In PVE the Sage (or Sorc) still does not have a class that comes remotely close to the heals and overall utility.
Running all sage/sorc healers would still be the ideal choice which is just poor design by Bioware that this is still the case
The reaming of my BH healer and shit like (the question was about smart heals) :
Your sage will get a purdy huge AOE heal that will do up to 8 people.
Which kind of makes sense. One of reasons Fatman was so big was because a lot of them were rerolls. Once people got transfers I'd wager a lot of them returned to their old toons.Not surprised they have more Fatman transfers but no more P5. P5 actually had a higher population than fatman all weekend, from what I saw.
Don´t forget you can transfer your character even if you don´t have an active account. I just logged on to the account page and proceeded to transfer around all my characters, even tho i haven't had an active account for months.
Oh wow, really? It explicitly says on the transfer page that you need an active account. that's good to know, I'll pass it along to some of my anchorhead buddies who no longer have active subs just in case they ever come back and want to play in P5.
The Agent AOE 6-second stun thing pisses me off to no end.
wait, what?It's 8 seconds, but it's a blind that breaks on damage. Marauders get an actual AoE stun.
It's 8 seconds, but it's a blind that breaks on damage. Marauders get an actual AoE stun.
wait, what?
no we don't...
our only stun is on a 1min CD and stuns us as well...
How does Intimidating Roar stun you as well? I must be missing something you are referring to here...but Tarazet, the marauder/jugg AOE stun also breaks on damage (unless there's a talent I don't know about)
it doesn't, but it isn't a stun either...How does Intimidating Roar stun you as well? I must be missing something you are referring to here...but Tarazet, the marauder/jugg AOE stun also breaks on damage (unless there's a talent I don't know about)