Making sure we only have one Minister of Misinformation, otherwise it will get confusing in here.
Making sure we only have one Minister of Misinformation, otherwise it will get confusing in here.
Yea they are disabling character creation on the old origin servers!
Also sounds from that they are going to likely do forced transfer/merge later this summer.
Yea they are disabling character creation on the old origin servers!
Also sounds from that they are going to likely do forced transfer/merge later this summer.
He was in charge of class balancing. I'm not sure if his departure will end up being good or bad.Looks like Georg Zoeller left Bioware as well (voluntarily it seems). I am not sure what he did behind the scenes, but I do not miss his abrasive posting pattern on the boards at all.
He was in charge of class balancing. I'm not sure if his departure will end up being good or bad.
He was in charge of class balancing. I'm not sure if his departure will end up being good or bad.
He was in charge of class balancing. I'm not sure if his departure will end up being good or bad.
He's gone? Hurray, DPS Scoundrels have a chance at redemption!
This is the MMOI can think of where I actually benched my main raiding toon (level 50 BH) to roll another character (Sorc) because it out healed it in every way shape or form plus added a shit ton of utility.
I was in the beta's and it was widely posted about the discrepency between sorcs/bh/IA but noting was done.
Even after the nerfs Sorc's are still the ultimate PVE healers
Scoundrels/Ops are quite viable healers are well pve, and the best in pvp. Let's not talk about commando/merc healers.
Nope, they're going to get nerfed every patch for no apparent reason while marauders get buffed.
Nope, they're going to get nerfed every patch for no apparent reason while marauders get buffed.
Yea they are disabling character creation on the old origin servers!
Also sounds from that they are going to likely do forced transfer/merge later this summer.
So the new "refer a friend" speeder, has 110% speed boost, and only requires speeder training 1! Never using another low level speeder on my alts ever again. Hopefully this is working as intended, and isn't just an oversight. They are going to be EVERYWHERE YOU LOOK now.
Not really since it requires you to have a friend sub to the game. All my friends are not interested or already are subbed to the game
Won't be surprised to see them add new faster mounts eventually also.
I'll take a good op healer any day over a sorc in pve.
Not really since it requires you to have a friend sub to the game. All my friends are not interested or already are subbed to the game
Won't be surprised to see them add new faster mounts eventually also.
Eh. I usually top the meters as an OP healer but dat circle is insanely good.
Hopefully that means better balancing.
Back on the discussion of Juggs/Guards tanking, I've been trying an hybrid tank spec(16/25/0 though there is quite a few variations knocking about depending on whether you want extra survivability or extra damage) in PvP today. It's definitely the way to go if your wanting to tank in PvP. It has pretty much the same survivability as full Immortal/Defence but has much better damage.
Hopefully that means better balancing.
Back on the discussion of Juggs/Guards tanking, I've been trying an hybrid tank spec(16/25/0 though there is quite a few variations knocking about depending on whether you want extra survivability or extra damage) in PvP today. It's definitely the way to go if your wanting to tank in PvP. It has pretty much the same survivability as full Immortal/Defence but has much better damage.
Those meters don't count shields, which I can spam endlessly and being a former discipline priest I am shocked at how little other sorcs seem to use them.
I'm usually topping healing meter without counting that, as the game is too primitive to count overhealing as well
Hey, there's me in the corner losing my religion!
Oh god lolAnd now that song is stuck in my head, you fiend!
Oh god lol
So guys what in this game has changed since they did that L4D flashpoint? What's the big changes?
I know some of those who were on Keller's Void re-rolled on The Fatman before the transfers happened. I think there's one or two on Prophecy in this thread.What server is gaf active on? I can only transfer my 50 to prophecy
What server is gaf active on? I can only transfer my 50 to prophecy
I got so many ranked comms that I don't know what to do with em. /swag
A coworker of mine who is a huge WoW fan just asked me to send him the 7-day trial. It'd be cool to know someone who is playing the game, but I just wish I had more time after work to play.
I got invited back with a free week. Redownloading everything. Im still not done with dead space two though.... So many games so little time.
You're missing PVP mania. Instant queues, lots of teams. Just avoid the rated.
What's the problem with rated?
Thought I'd download the trial to play with a friend but I can't join his server because it's locked, wtf is this??????
Thought I'd download the trial to play with a friend but I can't join his server because it's locked, wtf is this??????
Thanks for the info guys, I'm not sure if he'll transfer but we'll figure something out.