TLDR: Deception assassins, suck it up. Concealment operatives, maybe next year.
TLDR: L2Play. As a deception assassin, I'm okay with this.
TLDR: Deception assassins, suck it up. Concealment operatives, maybe next year.
TLDR: L2Play. As a deception assassin, I'm okay with this.
Im not trying to sound like an cocky elitest jerk, I just don't think there is as much disparity in the classes as some of you think there is.
Like it's going to fix anything. Players will just pick the next optimal fotm team combo for rated and then demand nerfs and the cycle will go on forever. Rated pvp has shown us this never will end.
Im not trying to sound like an cocky elitest jerk, I just don't think there is as much disparity in the classes as some of you think there is.
Yooni, I am running out of over used flirtatious reaction gifs for you.
Incoming nudes.
man the brekfast on bun from whataburger arent even that goodmaybe if i actually had gone druing the morning theyd be good but the bacon sucked so disapointed
man the brekfast on bun from whataburger arent even that goodmaybe if i actually had gone druing the morning theyd be good but the bacon sucked so disapointed
man the brekfast on bun from whataburger arent even that goodmaybe if i actually had gone druing the morning theyd be good but the bacon sucked so disapointed
Im not trying to sound like an cocky elitest jerk, I just don't think there is as much disparity in the classes as some of you think there is.
In every pvp match you play sort by dps. Notice the class at the top 3 every time. Its pretty easy to see what class needs balancing. However i dont think its game breaking atm.
Don't bring my sniper into this
Id love to see you in action. I never see snipers as top dps in pvp. Its al ways marauders then everyone else. But ive only been playing a few days so i hardly know it all.
Id love to see you in action. I never see snipers as top dps in pvp. Its al ways marauders then everyone else. But ive only been playing a few days so i hardly know it all.
lol, sorry, but I disagree. Snipers/Gunslingers and Vanguards/Powertechs are just unmatched in the DPS they can dish out in Warzones. I'm not saying Sentinel/Marauders are underpowered or anything like that, but those other two DPS classes are just unmatched in the DPS they can easily dish out.
I love that nobody talks about Engineering. It makes all the ways it is totally broken in RWZ fly under the radar. Probably the best-designed skill tree in the game out of the four classes I play.
If people don't focus me, I can get the big numbers. However, I do go untouched quite a bit due to morons on the other teams.
I leveled with it, but I never tried it at 50. Any tips?
lol, sorry, but I disagree. Snipers/Gunslingers and Vanguards/Powertechs are just unmatched in the DPS they can dish out in Warzones. I'm not saying Sentinel/Marauders are underpowered or anything like that, but those other two DPS classes are just unmatched in the DPS they can easily dish out.
I don't see the big deal with ptechs. I've crushed all of them I've played. but since it's fotm I'm probably killing bads.
So, I should roll a pyro PT?
By the time you get it to 50 it'll be nerfed a bit, and good chance sniper will be fotm by then.
By the time you get it to 50 it'll be nerfed a bit, and good chance sniper will be fotm by then.
Theyve been considered op since launch. Id say his chances are good that they are still op.
So, I should roll a pyro PT?
Returned to the game courtesy of Bioware´s 7 day free trial period for former subscribers. Have to say that i´m feeling little to no inclination to return, apart from repeating the 2 new dungeons they added since i left, there´s nothing to really do pve wise at level 50.
Also some things i noticed:
1. the AH is completely bonkers, prices are insane for mats or items.
2. even with the LFG tool, it still takes too long to find a group, even as a healer... the general chat at fleet is still getting spammed with LFG messages even with the tool
3. there´s no talk, no community feeling in the chat apart from the LFG spam.
4. Game runs much better now o/
5. looks nicer too
So I've been playing this a bit using the 'free till 15' trail and was wondering, if I were to pick up a 60 day sub card from ebay would that be all I would need to play the full version of this game or is there anything else that would be necessary for me to play?
Was there a SWTOR panel at Comic Con? Did anyone see it?
no community? I was chatting it up in minutes when I came back 3 days ago. Pvp really helps meeting people though.Returned to the game courtesy of Bioware´s 7 day free trial period for former subscribers. Have to say that i´m feeling little to no inclination to return, apart from repeating the 2 new dungeons they added since i left, there´s nothing to really do pve wise at level 50.
Also some things i noticed:
1. the AH is completely bonkers, prices are insane for mats or items.
2. even with the LFG tool, it still takes too long to find a group, even as a healer... the general chat at fleet is still getting spammed with LFG messages even with the tool
3. there´s no talk, no community feeling in the chat apart from the LFG spam.
4. Game runs much better now \o/
5. looks nicer too
Was there a SWTOR panel at Comic Con? Did anyone see it?
So I've been playing this a bit using the 'free till 15' trail and was wondering, if I were to pick up a 60 day sub card from ebay would that be all I would need to play the full version of this game or is there anything else that would be necessary for me to play?
This is as good as we are getting in coverage for this game.
Should I laugh or cry? I'm not sure who to blame, Bioware (for lack of info) or the lack of someone with the drive to create an MMO Champion for this game. Darth Hater always seemed like a cluster to me.
Not big on end game raiding? What content would you expect or simply like to see?
As for 1 and 2 in your observations, what server are you on? I'm on Jedi covenant with most of TOR GAF and it's nothing like what you are describing.
I myself want more to be done with the PvPside of things. Mainly, Arenas.shocking, i know
1v1 2v2 and 4v4 brackets.
Shame you aren't on Nightmare Lands(The other EU PvE server). I'm always seeing people talking in general chat. For 3 days last week IF general chat was full of people coming up with pretty poor goat puns.My characters are in Tomb of Freedom Nadd and The Red Eclipse servers. As i said, the only people talking in chat in the fleet are those looking to sell/buy or group, talking during groups is also pretty much non existent.
The feeling i got was a remarkable deja vu to my WoW days years ago, where people would just log in, queue for the daily, get some dungeons done for commendations and then log off.
And your right, i´m not a fan of raiding, i find it mind numbing to say the least, especially as a sorcerer. Plus, in the state raids were launched, even tho they might be fixed right now, i´m not too sure i would want to play any raid designed by Bioware... they were just that bad Oo
Anyways, the game was fun for the first couple of months, the personal story, the voice overs, were both novelties that at the time were missing or poorly executed in mmo´s and i loved that. But thats about it, the game is a theme park through and through, once you sample the rides, all your left with is to wait in line to do them again![]()
Yea well I feel useless as a Sniper in Huttball too. Outside of a few CC abilities, I always feel like I'm out of of the loop in the matches and having to constantly run to where the action is screws up snipers who are more stationary. I always feel like I'm just going to bring down my team in Huttball unlike how useful I feel as a Juggernaught with guarding and jumping around the board to score.
I mainly control mid. There are rare occasions when I have to go score.
Oh, and I just found this out like last week.
Don't use real cover + entrench, it doesn't even work.![]()