Is anyone else having issues with their friends list window not showing players logged in correctly? Half of my list are listed as online while the other half are greyed out, but are clearly online...
Yeah, it's been like it since the server transfers. Guild list is buggy too, like the sorting bar often not showing up.Is anyone else having issues with their friends list window not showing players logged in correctly? Half of my list are listed as online while the other half are greyed out, but are clearly online...
Can anyone give me some tips as a fresh level 50 Mercenary healer in PvP?
Right now I've got full recruit gear with 2 pc Battlemaster, and I'm getting absolutely obliterated and feel absolutely worthless to my team. People usually die before I can even get a heal off on them, or die even when I'm healing as fast and efficiently as I can; if I get targeted by somebody, I'm usually gibbed in 2-3 seconds as a flurry of 3k-5k hits take out my 14k health pool like nothing.
It's just frustrated as hell right now, because I really enjoyed PvP while leveling, and got to rank 42 before hitting level 50, but now I just feel like a body and nothing more.
Can anyone give me some tips as a fresh level 50 Mercenary healer in PvP?
Right now I've got full recruit gear with 2 pc Battlemaster, and I'm getting absolutely obliterated and feel absolutely worthless to my team. People usually die before I can even get a heal off on them, or die even when I'm healing as fast and efficiently as I can; if I get targeted by somebody, I'm usually gibbed in 2-3 seconds as a flurry of 3k-5k hits take out my 14k health pool like nothing.
It's just frustrated as hell right now, because I really enjoyed PvP while leveling, and got to rank 42 before hitting level 50, but now I just feel like a body and nothing more.
Decided to play this game after a longtime hiatus, last time I played was 1.2. What has happened? My sniper has been failing miserably. :< Do I need WH gear now or something? Where did my relics go? lol
The difference between BM and Augmented WH is. You could augment BM, but it'll mean paying more.Do you at least have Battle master? The difference between Bm and wh is really not that big.
Yeah, I have custom modded BM gear, but it felt like my crits were very low when playing last night.Do you at least have Battle master? The difference between Bm and wh is really not that big.
Yeah, I have custom modded BM gear, but it felt like my crits were very low when playing last night.
What's your crit chance/multiplier at?
Thinking about doing a solo alt so I can play while my friends level. What class has the most supernatural stuff in it? You know, lots of ancient tombs, weird sith technology, artifacts and such.
My BH is so "down to earth", so I want the mumbo jumbo.
From that description probably Inquisitor. IA is more Emp/Rep side of things rather than Sith/Jedi, and SW isn't very supernatural.Thinking about doing a solo alt so I can play while my friends level. What class has the most supernatural stuff in it? You know, lots of ancient tombs, weird sith technology, artifacts and such.
My BH is so "down to earth", so I want the mumbo jumbo.
hey can someone help me out? I am looking to buy SWTOR and have a few questions.
1) does it look good maxed out?
2) whats a good heavily populated pvp server?
3) lastly, is it worth it? you hear everyone bagging on this game but I have always looked forward to it. The reason I didnt buy it at release was because my laptop at the time couldnt really handle it and because I didnt want to be a part of the beginner launch.
I recently got a new laptop with a 7970m AMD card in it so I can max this out pretty easily.
35% crit, 75% multiplier, those seemed like alright numbers back in the day. Should I focus on getting WH gear or PVE mods?What's your crit chance/multiplier at?
35% crit, 75% multiplier, those seemed like alright numbers back in the day. Should I focus on getting WH gear or PVE mods?
35% crit, 75% multiplier, those seemed like alright numbers back in the day. Should I focus on getting WH gear or PVE mods?
Thanks, yeah it was just me needing to get used to playing again and I also had a lot of my buffs not set. I guess they did something to adrenals/relics because I had to set them all again. My stats all seem to be fine. I just did a voidstar where I came out second for damage, and I saw my 5k crits, so I think I'm doing alright!Critical Rating: Increases your Critical Chance for scoring a critical hit. A base critical hit does an additional 50% damage/healing for a minimum of 150% damage/healing on a critical attack. The value of Critical Rating decreases above 30% Critical Chance or about 350 Critical Rating.
Surge Rating: Increases the Critical Multiplier for damage done by a critical hit. Surge Rating increases the amount of additional damage/healing done by a critical hit by up to an additional 50% damage for critical hits that do up to 200% normal damage/healing. The value of Surge Rating decreases above 75% Critical Multiplier or about 300 Surge Rating.
I assume you are at 105% accuracy and 1k expertise, if not then: 1k Expertise > 105% Accuracy > Cunning.
TL;DR: Yeah, what Yooni said. You are already where you want to be for Crit. The only other suggestion I can make is to make sure you are properly utilizing your Followthrough ability after Ambush and Snipe.
Something like this:
- Shatter Shot for debuff on present target. So good.
- Ambush + Followthrough
- Snipe + Followthrough
- Takedown
- Series of Shots
- Corrosive Dart
- Orbital Strike
- Explosive Probe
- Rifle Shot
World event this week? Pweaseeeeeee
Said a while back I was going to try TOR out and well, I'm d/ling the game right now. Any tips I should know as a n00b going in? Only other MMO I played for any amount of time was Star Wars: Galaxies.
I did what I never thought I'd do today. I unsubbed. I'm really just kind of bored.
Rated has degenerated into Turks VS Turks for the most part (with occasional Uncensored/PD once or twice a week), so it's not much fun. Very repetitive, basically comes down to who has the most regular attendees online. One char is full WH and the other is half WH so not a lot to do normal warzone wise either. I haven't raided since 1.2, and my guild doesn't raid, so kinda screwed on that front as well.
And what was left of my GAF Empire buddies who went with me have now quit the game as well. Which is definitely the worst part - I've played with them every night for months on end now.
I want to keep playing, there's just not much to do. I guess it's a ceremonial unsub though, cause I'll be back when something finally hits - I've got until just before the middle of August still. I'm still gonna do rated wzs with the guild, but other than that I don't think I'll be on much til 1.4/world event.
I'll be back WHEN...
they release this. Or a new patch. I'll still be on Tues-Thurs nights for rated anyway for a few more weeks, too.
guild wars 2 bro, come with me.....
guild wars 2 bro, come with me.....
God I wanted to love GW2 so much, but I've been pretty bored in the betas. Even in the SWTOR beta I was always itching to log in, but my girlfriend and I would log in for an hour in the GW2 betas and then kinda just stop playing for the weekend. She was looking forward to it more than I was.
I already bought it so I'll play it but the combat feels haphazard and, say what you want about themeparks, I feel completely unfocused when I'm playing. Exploration is nice but running around aimlessly looking for these non-quests *wink wink* gets tedious. Plus the graphics are a huge disappointment.
God I wanted to love GW2 so much, but I've been pretty bored in the betas. Even in the SWTOR beta I was always itching to log in, but my girlfriend and I would log in for an hour in the GW2 betas and then kinda just stop playing for the weekend. She was looking forward to it more than I was.
I already bought it so I'll play it but the combat feels haphazard and, say what you want about themeparks, I feel completely unfocused when I'm playing. Exploration is nice but running around aimlessly looking for these non-quests *wink wink* gets tedious. Plus the graphics are a huge disappointment.
The game was highs and lows. graphics were good when you get in big situations like wvw. I think the sp of this game is WAY behind swtor but the mp which WAY better than swtor. The events are great, the combat in wvw is outstanding but requires a guild or it's just a Zerg fest. I'm going with gaf. The swtor kv dudes are on a different server and I went to their beta server and never hooked up with them.
My opinion gw2 will suck without a good guild. However the way it's structured with a good guild the game will be tons of fun.
The game was highs and lows. graphics were good when you get in big situations like wvw. I think the sp of this game is WAY behind swtor but the mp which WAY better than swtor. The events are great, the combat in wvw is outstanding but requires a guild or it's just a Zerg fest. I'm going with gaf. The swtor kv dudes are on a different server and I went to their beta server and never hooked up with them.
My opinion gw2 will suck without a good guild. However the way it's structured with a good guild the game will be tons of fun.
Well, to be fair I didn't end up trying the PVP because I generally never PVP, SWTOR is an exception.
Neither me or my gf could honestly put our fingers on why the game just wasn't grabbing us. The fact that it was beta and the characters would be wiped was one theory but I've been pretty hooked on previous MMO betas. Like I said I think it was the feeling of not having any kind of clear goal. It's a delicate thing because we WANT a sandbox game with freedom to do whatever you want but GW2 isn't really a sandbox either.
I specifically remember one instance during one of the earlier betas where we were following a group a people just killing centaurs and not really having any reason why except that a yellow bar was filling up for a quest neither of us knew anything about. It just seemed weird. Maybe it'll improve at higher levels.
Anyway, this isn't really the thread for it so I'll leave it at that.
I'm having a ton of fun with GW2 but my main issue is it's performance. It's much worse than even SWTOR when it was in beta. They have a month to fix it before they go live, and I don't think they'll be able to do it.