Aren't there Old Republic themed sets out now? Huh, can't find any, guess not.
Edit: Oh there are, they are supposed to release sometime this summer.
Aren't there Old Republic themed sets out now? Huh, can't find any, guess not.
Oh, I just saw the Darth Maul picture and didn't realize that was the Malgus set, doh. Now I see that pic is on all the sets, which is why I thought those sets I found on amazon were old.
Liar, we saw you log in yesterday!Although I guess if you didn't "do" anything then it doesn't count.
sooo any 1.4 info? I am kinda on a break, said 1 month to the guild (so about 2 more weeks) and well I am really not feeling coming back just to keep doing HM EC...
really should have released a new raid with 1.3 imho
Silence for weeks.
sooo any 1.4 info? I am kinda on a break, said 1 month to the guild (so about 2 more weeks) and well I am really not feeling coming back just to keep doing HM EC...
really should have released a new raid with 1.3 imho
FTP press release just went out. Should be a new thread on it soon. Coming this fall.
BioWare?, a Label of Electronic Arts (NASDAQ: EA), announced today that it will be expanding the story-driven, massively multiplayer online game Star Wars?: The Old Republic? by adding a new Free-to-Play option this fall. This option will give players access to each of the eight iconic Star Wars character class storylines, all the way up to level 50, with certain restrictions*. Unlimited game access, including new higher-level game content and new features, will be made available through individual purchases or through a subscription option
so far they are speaking of convenience and cosmetic items, like devs always do when it comes to these thingsIs it going to be pay2win?
Going to stay away from any SWTOR post in the gaming forums as per usual, but I must say this isn't a surprise. A bunch of people I know are excited now to try it out who never subbed.
well realy happy I dion't buy 60 days now ^^
from the little I read about this seems they will also increase the level cap with this?
I wonder how this will work, will raids be a buy to play thing? only some? maybe only the higher difficulties while normal will be for everyone?
I wonder how this will work, will raids be a buy to play thing? only some? maybe only the higher difficulties while normal will be for everyone?
Looks like I will keep paying, I don't like being limited on what I can do
Looks like I will keep paying, I don't like being limited on what I can do
Same. And here I was thinking I would be guilt free if I went to GW2.
As long as they don't start charging for content updates for subscribers (beyond full blown expansions).
Two games, 1 sub?
They'll be costed using cartel coins, most likely (aka blow your stuff on cosmetic stuff you're going to have pay for the expansion).
It's not a bad thing, I just figured they wouldn't restrict it that much. It's pretty much worthless if I want to continue to PVE and even PVP.
I haven't read much yet but I thought the coins were for convenience/cosmetic/vanity stuff and not content like ops and warzones?
Subscribers will continue to have unlimited access to The Old Republic, including new, more frequent content updates that Free-to-Play members will have to buy.
In addition to unrestricted access to the full game and features there will be several benefits to the transitioning from a subscription to a Premium Level account, including:
Unlimited access to regular Game Updates such as new Nightmare Mode content, a brand new Operation on the planet of Asation, a new Heroic mission series on the prison planet of Belsavis, and a brand new Warzone for our PvP lovers.Automatic monthly grant of Cartel Coins for use in our new Cartel Market.
The Cartel Market will offer a variety of in-game items including cosmetically customizable gear and convenience features that will enhance the game play experience. Subscribers will receive Cartel Coin rewards for every past and ongoing month of subscription.
Yeah, I hear you. I just hope the "convenience" features sold in the Cartel shop are only legacy perks we already have or will have access to as well.
From what I've read is seems like you could buy piecemeal, like more pvp matches/week, or new content like the new Makeb planet and such. Here is a quote from the FAQ:
If you join The Old Republic now, you will start earning Cartel Coins for every month you are subscriber. In addition, in August we will be launching new content and plan to provide more frequent Game Updates going forward.
Q. I’m confused, how many Cartel Coins will I receive when the free-to-play option is offered?
A. Current/Former Subscribers: Receive 150 Cartel Coins for each paid month prior to July 31, 2012. For example: If you played 3 months, you receive 450 Cartel Coins.
Collector’s Edition Pack = 500 Cartel Coins Special Appreciation Reward (Launch in Fall 2012)
Announcement Months = 200 Cartel Coins per Month (August – Launch in Fall 2012)
Launch of New Free-to-Play Option = 250 Cartel Coins Bonus (Launch 2012)
and plan to provide more frequent Game Updates going forward.
Totally haven't heard this one before. :/
Totally haven't heard this one before. :/
might actually come back and play a few warzones a week if i'm not too far behind gear wise
*edit: Actually EA financials saying the transition is happening in November while the PR statement claims it's in August....
Well this has been in the works for a while if it's coming in the fall, which from what this all says should be probably Sept. If anything this has all been in the works and pretty much screwing us over from getting new content since this obviously probably was ready already or they had to shift work focus on the F2P transition.
At least we are getting cartel coins for our past subscription stuff.
*edit: Actually EA financials saying the transition is happening in November while the PR statement claims it's in August....
I'm probably drinking the hype juice here, but it really does seem like content was delayed to shoehorn free to play.