nintendo, sony, ms and valve all do this
Well, all of those actually do a actual service.
nintendo, sony, ms and valve all do this
So Black Shell Media is doing an AMA.
Apparently, they take 30% of your net?
Disgaea will also be out by the end of your vacation too, just saying. Also you liking until dawn, anyone died for you yet?Just realized The Small Ones didn't come out for This War of Mine on PC? Was that why there was the whole "the developer don't care about their first fans" talk yesterday?
I actually think I'm gonna wait on The Witness. Only because I'm currently doing a playthrough of FF VII, Until Dawn, Oxenfree and Yakuza already.
Street Fighter V will have to wait until after my vacation as well. I'll practice Tekken Tag 2 instead.
Might pick up Wayward Souls on iOS though. Heard that ones a really good Dark Souls clone for mobile.
Just realized The Small Ones didn't come out for This War of Mine on PC? Was that why there was the whole "the developer don't care about their first fans" talk yesterday?
you don't have to be passive aggressive every time someone criticizes something you likeflattery won't get you anywhere, but thanks
Doing a little wishlist pruning. Are any of these worth playing?
XCOM 2 is so good that it takes 2 places in Top Seller list on Steam XD
A publisher so shitty even I would do a better job alone for 1/5 of the money.
Wow, what have they published? I don't recall the name
I still only got to use one of those guys once D=nobody wants to party up with BernardoOne, bunch of racists
oh wow at xcom 2 not having controller support
I loved the gamepad controls on the first. played the whole thing on a TV laying in bed and I much rather do that than the desk since its a slow game with no need for precision
really bummed. shit.
Is the Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie worth it? It's on sale for 2,71.
Have you read the DF Division PS4 vs X1 thread though? Why would anyone not want something like that to exist, it's fantastic. Must be seen to be believed material. Stuff you show your kids to explain to them why they are living in a Mad Max-like apocalyptic world and why it's better to not have internet anymore.
How much do you like AVGN and/or old school platformers?
How much do you like AVGN and/or old school platformers?
Is the Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie worth it? It's on sale for 2,71.
Urghhh I'm not going in there. I don't have enough eye bleach to cleanse myself of all the righteous indignation and legion of uninformed armchair developers those threads attract like flies around shit. I hate to think what the scenes would be like if there was an PC comparisons.
When Xbox and PS4 are compared, the PC is left alone. Brute forcing on the sidelines.
I was talking about the movie though, not the video game (which I already own and is an ok game if you enjoy the whole AVGN meta thing).
The movie, not the game
GamesBeat: Ono why did you make Birdie fat?
[Ono laughs]
Ono: If you actually end up playing the prologue, youll see why Birdie is so freakin fat now! Youll see the house hes staying at, where hes living.
Ill go ahead and spill the beans on this: Hes a freeloader over at Karin Kanzukis house.
I entered the company about 24 years ago and put on about 30 kilos of weight since that time. If you think about Birdie, he started out in Street Fighter one, and thats been almost 30 years now. In that amount of time gone by, youre probably going to put on a few pounds.
Am I just overlooking it, or is Bombshell not listed on Steam's top sellers anymore?
Am I just overlooking it, or is Bombshell not listed on Steam's top sellers anymore?
Speaking of The Division, anyone here try replaying the Hospital mission on hard? You need to be level 8 to selected the difficulty but even at that level it will seriously kick your arse if you're not geared up. Chances are you'll die to the first 3 guys over and over again if you're not in a team. All my swag weapons have perks that I'm no where near the requirements to unlocking![]()
XCOM 2 is listed twice, I'd guess one of them is actually Bombshell
Had a ton of issues with The Division today. Trying to get six friends playing together and fighting against a four person party limit, instanced dark zones, general beta bugs and an overloaded network was simply a lost cause. We spent at least half an hour just trying to party up and get into the same instance and we couldn't make it happen.
Stark reminder that it's an always online Ubi game and they don't have the best track record in that department. Their last game launched with a host of network issues as well. Until yesterday I was pretty certain I was going to buy it but now I'm not so sure anymore.
I think I might take the plunge. Uplay games aren't run region locked and it's on sale at Nuuvem for another day or so. $25 for the base game, $32 for the Gold Edition.
AW stream redeemed, not rigged anymore, praise the RNGesus.
the game looks abysmalThere are 25 people playing Bombshell right now.
They were too busy thinking how many fonts they could pack in, to ask how many they shouldcmon
There are 25 people playing Bombshell right now.
the game looks abysmal