This and Mordor are the game that defined this year for me (titanfall was a very good surprise too but still ranks lower than those two in my heart).
Sunset Overdrive is the game I wanted for a long time, and even more. Ratchet-like weapons with customisation + colors + crazy bouncy open world traversal + actually reward combat while moving, it takes everything I like and puts it together to make its own thing, and it works wonder.
I was afraid I'd want to punch the smartass character in the face (didn't really like him in the trailer), but actually I made a female character and ended up loving the voice actress (maybe I just didn't like the male actor, or maybe it isn't that bad in game). I'm glad I played a game that can reference both
and several
movies without rubbing it in my face to obviously.
I'm gonna be playing this for a looong time, be it just for the fun of traversal. Glad someone went with traversal as an actual *gameplay* and not just automatic-spectacular, not only this is incredibly fun, but I think this is also the solution to all the "fuck, that's not what I wanted to do" problems that Assassin's Creed has had since forever (it was still very painful in Unity, which I just finished). Of course I'm not saying AC can just copy what Sunset does, or go "full manual" with their particular brand of traversal, sadly for them
Now that I'm done with the game's campaign, and have played some hours after that, I just have a few annoying tidbits I feel like mentionning, maybe stuff to patch in or keep in mind for the sequel (yeah I just decided you guys were making one) :
- There's this amp that gives "more damage when in the air". I love it because boucing is what I do most, so this totally fits my playstyle, but the feedback for it is just so incredibly shiny that I had to stop using it. Basically it damages both visibility (because of this huge golden particle effect all around my character as soon as he isn't touching the ground), and my customisation (because of this way overdone golden gloss shader-thing all over my character, so basically since I spend a lot of my time bouncing, I never really see my actual character's look, which is sad because it's the only game where I put so much pleasure and effort into changing clothes around). So yeah, due to those huge effects I ended up not using that amp that sounds just perfect for me on paper
- Most weapon amps are a "% chance of something happening on kill/hit". This is totally cool with me, but sometimes it's hard to tell when an amp actually happened or not. For example when i use the flaming compensator + burn baby burn, since it's a fire amp on a fire weapon, it's kinda hard to tell "how often" the amp is useful to me. Sometimes I end up changing amps around just because I don't really know how much of an effect they have. When I purchased the Announcer amp (it's awesome btw), I expected it to maybe say the name of an amp everytime it is triggered, so I would know when my amps are actually useful, plus it would be totally rad

(he does say "burn baby burn" sometimes but I don't think it's related to the amp). Other than that, maybe showing the actual % of chance would have me stop worry about it and know which one is rarer. For example the grim reaper one is very cool, but I feel like it almost never happens. Again, hard to tell If I'm just missing it in the chaos of everything else, or if it just has a lower % chance of happening than some others.
- I kind of liked that thing in Ratchet where when reaching level 5 a weapon would have a small cosmetic change and maybe an fx or two on top of it. It was largely useless gameplay wise but it was lovely nonetheless. I won't bother you into doing "everything like ratchet" again (after all I heard you were reluctant to have wacky weapons at first because of that), but maybe it would be cool to have some sort of "small thing" happen when you reach level max, other than the sheer satisfaction of knowing you have maximum stats
- I don't really know what those "+" weapon earned in chaos squad do.
So, great work guys, amazing work all around, especially for creating not only your first open-world game, but also a brand new IP with actual new gameplay concepts. There was a lot of "new" to do here so it's amazing you got so much of it right !
Edit : goddamn that's huge.