bf deal better but i guess its cool they are discounting
So...there's one control panel I can't figure out how to get to. It's the last mission you get the LARPer, the control panel is near the docks, can't seem to figure out how to hit it as it's actually underneath the dock and I can't see any way to get under there and melee it.
So...there's one control panel I can't figure out how to get to. It's the last mission you get the LARPer, the control panel is near the docks, can't seem to figure out how to hit it as it's actually underneath the dock and I can't see any way to get under there and melee it.
If it's the one I'm thinking of, there's a wire running under the docks that you can grind on. Swim out a little bit to the left and right, look for an entrance.
- Most weapon amps are a "% chance of something happening on kill/hit".
Don't know if this is 100% correct, but I had my gf play the 1st 30 minutes so I missed out on some of the intro stuff but from my observations:
The style meter on the top right dictates what amps activate:
Lvl1. Hero Amps are active
Lvl2. Weapon/Melee Amps are active
Lvl3. Epic Amp is active
Lvl !! Haven't figured out yet...
Don't know if this is 100% correct, but I had my gf play the 1st 30 minutes so I missed out on some of the intro stuff but from my observations:
The style meter on the top right dictates what amps activate:
Lvl1. Hero Amps are active
Lvl2. Weapon/Melee Amps are active
Lvl3. Epic Amp is active
Lvl !! Haven't figured out yet...
!! turns everything up to 11. Bigger booms, harder hits, etc.
Yes, I know that (this bit is pretty clear). But even when "activated" (ie when proper style level is reached) most amps' effect still has a % chance of happening (which is logical, else it would be ridiculously overpowered).
Maybe my post was poorly worded, I meant I'm having trouble sometimes knowing when the effect *did* happen. It mainly happens when the weapon visual effect and amp visual effect are similar.
No big deal though.
By the way, thank you to whoever suggested equipping the nuke amp to the gun turrets.
Oh my god...I had one encounter where it went off four times during a night defence.
I had it attached to the hairspray bomb myself
Good grief, the second part of the One Man is an Island is insane. I've died so many times.
What the hell at the crazy difficulty bump.
Does anyone know a good mission or challenge to farm Scab killing badges?
Breaking Booze (quest) probably works well for that.
Are there just enough of the collectables to purchase every single Amp in the game?
The patch the other day fixed this. All in all you can buy everything and have 15 pairs of shoes left over.I think so but there have been bugs regarding this like a lv1 amp returning to the store after get the lv 2 version from Chaos Squad. I think there's supposed to be a fix, if it hasn't happened already.
The patch the other day fixed this. All in all you can buy everything and have 15 pairs of shoes left over.
The patch the other day fixed this. All in all you can buy everything and have 15 pairs of shoes left over.
I'm still wondering, where do I get the nuke amp?
Did we ever get the black crush patch?
It's all about the under grind. Once I started using that fighting the fliers was way easier.
I'm still wondering, where do I get the nuke amp?
Your welcome 😊*cries* I Just want to thank tuna_love again for giving me the game. This is the first time in 2 days i've come up for air. My only complaints are the lack of local co-op, not letting me keep the op story weapons forever and the fact that i couldn't get a game of chaos squad(that could be my crappy net though). The game is glorious. GG Insomniac. GG Microsoft. I'm going back in
Did we ever get the black crush patch?
It's all about the under grind. Once I started using that fighting the fliers was way easier.
Never understimate the Dirty Harry, that gun is POWERFUL at lvl 5.
Never understimate the Dirty Harry, that gun is POWERFUL at lvl 5.
I replaced it as soon as I bought the Roman candle. I don't think I levelled it up past 1.
I think it's my favourite. I always ended up using it when there were powerful enemies around.
I think Insomniac said something about gamma levels being wrong and that it is just too dark in 50 % settings, no black crush involved. If you put gamma slider at 60 or 70 it should be perfect.
Huh, might be time to give a second chance.
Although I love the Roman Candle too much to bother using anything else...
I just got it doing the boat night defense in the story.
I just bought it from floyd for 35 fizzie balloons.
It plus any automatic weapons = fun times.
P.S Its not called Nuke its actually called Twist of Fate in case you were looking for nuke like i was when i visited floyd the first few times.
Never understimate the Dirty Harry, that gun is POWERFUL at lvl 5.