Is something wrong with Chaos Squad or are people just not playing it.
Been searching all day not one game.
I get into games super easy.
Is your NAT Open?
Is something wrong with Chaos Squad or are people just not playing it.
Been searching all day not one game.
Is something wrong with Chaos Squad or are people just not playing it.
Been searching all day not one game.
Finished all the trials yesterday. About 50% of the way there on collectables.
Started forcing myself to use unloved weapons to get more of them up to level 5.
Still, no luck in Chaos Squad. The gods hate me. All I get are clothes. No amp level 2s, no weapons. I'm getting all of the spins to unlock too![]()
I get into games super easy.
Is your NAT Open?
After doing a full reboot of my Xbox i was able to find a game in like 2 seconds.
Checked my NAT its was limited....i dont know what the heck happened.
As long as i can play im happy.......sometimes my NAT says open other times it say limited, and im not sure whats causing it to switch.
Also, I would like to thank Insomniac Games for putting little elevation indicators on the map for collectibles.
Not that I mind (as matrixman was kind enough to send me his code), but I still haven't received the vanity items,
Fair to say that if anyone hasn't received a code by now they won't be receiving it? Pretty disappointing if that's the case, some info on what exactly the selection process is would be nice...
Is something wrong with Chaos Squad or are people just not playing it.
Been searching all day not one game.
Hrm, I wonder if my router doing something because I haven't been able to find a game at all.I had to check IPSec Pass-through on my router to get Chaos Squad to find a game. Works every time now.
Not that I mind (as matrixman was kind enough to send me his code), but I still haven't received the vanity items,
Fair to say that if anyone hasn't received a code by now they won't be receiving it? Pretty disappointing if that's the case, some info on what exactly the selection process is would be nice...
Really? That's sucks. I'm assuming you've been playing since day 1. I got my code when the first started sending them.
Though I've never received an Xbox gift for Xbox One's BDay and I've owned one since January of this year.
I didn't get a code. Bit confused as to why but no big deal. I would rather they just put stuff like that on the store in future.
Roman candle is pretty much worthless outside of normal od.
What? No. I usually main the roman candle, and I can tear through almost anything in the game with it outside of the super-big OD. I usually switch to the Dirty Harry for FizzCo robots, but even them I'll take on with the roman candle.
Easy my favorite weapon in the game, and one of the ones I find the most versatile.
Roman candle is pretty much worthless outside of normal od.
Better off with flaming compenstaor to set on fire then dirty harry for mega damage.
those wingers drop like flies with dirty harry.
Hell it the only combo the game tells you about in game. And its the most useful.
What? No. I usually main the roman candle, and I can tear through almost anything in the game with it outside of the super-big OD. I usually switch to the Dirty Harry for FizzCo robots, but even them I'll take on with the roman candle.
Easy my favorite weapon in the game, and one of the ones I find the most versatile.
That's sucks. I'm assuming you've been playing since day 1. I got my code when the first started sending them.
Though I've never received an Xbox gift for Xbox One's BDay and I've owned one since January of this year.
What percentage are you at on it? I know that mission was glitched for me and the side quests never appeared. I wrote about it on their forums and there is a fix coming.So, was looking through the achievements and I noticed that a side quest related to learning the truth behind Fizzco hasn't activated. What gives?
Also noticed one related to taking back the streets, but there aren't any side quests left. Have I already done the side quests and the achievements haven't popped or what?
What's the best way to farm Overdrive?
I got all the security cameras, but I need to buy some maps for the other goodies. I'm still working on the blimp and supply drop achievments so right now I'm randomly picking up collectables as I see them, but that's going to end soon.
It's really odd how much I still like just moving around the city. I've actually bought a couple of games I really have wanted to play (Tomb Raider, Rayman), but have shelved them in favor of collectathoning these guys and playing Chaos Squad.
Still can't hit my role for weapons or amps on Chaos Squad. It's like the stupid Cryptarch followed me. >:|
Getting gold on challenges nets you 1000-2000 overcharge. If you still need to get Buck's Ep 3 achievement, that's a good place to farm up too (I got about 5000 overcharge for beating the Insomniac score.)
Using badges that let you refill ammo per shots fired + OD damage + Hairspray gun decimates that challenge.
I will likely be getting an XB1 in the next few weeks, would you guys consider this game essential? I will only be getting 1 game with it and I want it to be an exclusive.
I will likely be getting an XB1 in the next few weeks, would you guys consider this game essential? I will only be getting 1 game with it and I want it to be an exclusive.
I would get this game to start.
Titanfall is fantastic, but that community is struggling. MCC has issues. Forza 2 is beloved also.
But this is a game that doesn't really exist anywhere else, so I would strongly suggest starting here.
Best new IP of this gen, so yeah, go for it.
I finished off all the challenges already, I think replaying them just gets you cash money.
I need like ~75K overcharge to get all these maps :/
I don't know what I did to all my overcharge. I Seem to have spent it on something dumb.
Well, finally did something I thought I'd never do: bought an Xbox One and the Sunset Overdrive bundle. Game seems nice. only started but the movement feels great. Also like the cartoonish art style, fits the game perfectly.
Have to say that coming from PS4 and hearing all the bad things about the One, it's a really pleasant system. I'm not crazy about the windows-like interface, but the machine itself feels top notch. Much better than the 360 in that department. Controller is great and it is super quiet. I did have my PS4 vertical, so maybe that's what influenced the fan noise.
On that note, does anyone know a video that would work as a how-to guide for the Xbox One interface? I'm totally lost in it. How do you shut down the game, for example? Does it just stay open in the background until you close the machine or how does it work?
However, you'll be best of setting the console under options to be in instant on mode. It's really nice to simply turn on the Xbox One and continue straight where you left off in the game, without loading up the game again.
Is there anywhere that details the power consumption of both modes?, as I am a bit of a skin-flint, I have mine set to off so I don't waste leccy!
Hopefully JSteve or one of the developers can chime in and let us know what's happening.
Yeah, this seems the more logical thing to do going forward.
Hopefully JSteve or one of the developers can chime in and let us know what's happening.
Hmm...yeah you can hope for the best in Chaos Squad.I finished off all the challenges already, I think replaying them just gets you cash money.
I need like ~75K overcharge to get all these maps :/
I don't know what I did to all my overcharge. I Seem to have spent it on something dumb.
I think they use a fairly small amount in standy, check this article, you'll have to work out what those watts in standby work out in say a month off your electricity bill:
To be honest though, standby mode is only for the benefit of not loading up a game each time you boot and getting updates installed while you are out of the house, resulting in not having to wait when you are about to play. If those factors don't bother you, then you can save something on completely shutting it down I guess!
What's the best way to farm Overdrive?
I got all the security cameras, but I need to buy some maps for the other goodies. I'm still working on the blimp and supply drop achievments so right now I'm randomly picking up collectables as I see them, but that's going to end soon.
It's really odd how much I still like just moving around the city. I've actually bought a couple of games I really have wanted to play (Tomb Raider, Rayman), but have shelved them in favor of collectathoning these guys and playing Chaos Squad.
Still can't hit my role for weapons or amps on Chaos Squad. It's like the stupid Cryptarch followed me. >:|
Congrats! You should be picking up Forza Horizon 2 if you are remotely interested in racing or cars!
To completely close an application, hit the Xbox guide button (the big round shiny one) and you'll return to the Home screen. Press the menu button to the right of the guide button (where the start button used to be) and you'll get a box with some options, from here you can close the application.
However, you'll be best off setting the console under options to be in instant on mode. It's really nice to simply turn on the Xbox One and continue straight where you left off in the game, without loading up the game again.
Double tapping the Xbox Guide button ingame gives you some neat quick menues which you steer with your left stick. You can for instance snap in an application on the right side of your screen, like the achievement list or youtube to check out a guide for example. Simply repeat this to unsnap the application.
You don't really need to shut down games, you can use all the other applications without doing so, booting up another game though will of course end a game being played.
Hope that helped a bit!
Edit: Oh and to your left on the home screen is the Pins screen, you can press the menu button on icons for Achivements, games, blu-ray player, youtube, Netflix etc. and choose to pin to this screen. Doing so will make your own list of Pins with your favourite applications and games.
No prob, and yeah, as adult life takes up more spare time I also see my gaming time going down!Thanks alot, great post. And sorry to hijack this thread. About instant mode: what if I have my One hooked to an extension cord that has a power plug, and I want to turn the power off for the night. Should I first turn off the instant mode before doing so? I don't know how the console feels about shutting the power down while in instant mode.
I think I might check out Forza around xmas, it will probably take me a month to finish Sunset. Two young kids so my gaming time is limitedFor that reason alone the instant mode is a godsend. I can just pick up and go whenever I have some free time.
Thanks again for the help.
I know I'm literally the only person on Earth who was really trying to figure this out, but for future generations, FINALLY, AT LAST, MY GOD, HOLY SHIT, THIS is the goddamned song that played over the end credits.
"I Wanna Be Forgotten" by Bass Drum of Death
*I* wanna don't EVER forget SUCH A RAD SONG.