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The Order: 1886 |OT| Gears of Yore

He is doing this correctly. Graphics alone deserve at least a 5/10 maybe a 6. In many other walks of life, technical aptitude at least gets some reward.

No he's not. A shitty film like Transformers 4 (
sorry, I know it's low-hanging fruit
) is still a shitty film regardless of its good special effects and cinematography.


I rented this game two days ago, these are my impressions so far...

- First hour: This game is bad, i understand the reviews and why it should be punished... i barely play and what i play is plain boring. 6/10

- After the first hour: The game starts to improve in every way and it's growing on me, there's much more gameplay and fun to play as well thanks to the weapons, the story keeps getting more and more interesting as you go deeper... you actually care about its characters (i'm near the end). 8.5/10

So... looking at the scores and opinions i have to think if most reviewers have only played the first hour. R&D should make QTEs and cutscenes actions more compelling, but that is, the game is very far from being a disaster. I think R&D is a tiny study? with the sales of the order they should be able to grow enough so the sequel can get manpower to improve in every way.


i think a 6 - 7/10 is a fair score. the 2 out of 10s however are way off.. that is reserved for games that are completely broken like ride to hell: retribution and big rigs

You're right. Upon finishing I'd say 7.0 - 7.5. It's a good game, with an absolutely stunning engine...but it has some flaws for sure. For RADs first console AAA game, I'm rather impressed, but they need to focus on a few things for the sequel or whatever their next game is (pacing, qtes, difficulty spikes, stealth segments, etc.)
I platinumed it within two days, and if I were to give it a review score, it would be 8/10.
The only negative point is the length of the game and it's lack of any other modes (a TLoU like online multiplayer would have been nice). Otherwise it's a fantastic, well executed game with stunning graphics and I'm really looking forward to the sequel!

There will be a sequel, right?


Junior Member
Finished it yesterday. 3/10 reviews for this game are ridiculous. The game deserves a solid 8. Enjoyed it and looking forward to the sequel.
I cringed with the "You're making a mistake" dialog, and there are many times where I wanted to run and couldn't--or forgot how. Other than that, what is there is not bad at all. I really liked the sackboy easter egg.

What is not there is more character development. There should have been extra missions in the beginning that develop the character but do not advance the story. They should haven fleshed out every body sitting around that table.
There will be a sequel, right?

At this point, I doubt even Sony and RAD have decided. Pre-orders were supposedly pretty good, but I imagine sales post-release have died down very quickly. They obviously built this game to be the beginning of a franchise, but if it sells well below expectations they'll probably just shitcan the whole thing.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
6/10 is a pretty good score for your verdict
Wow... What a review.
Then why did you give it an "ok" score?

You should have said 1/5 perhaps.

My answer is this post:
He is doing this correctly. Graphics alone deserve at least a 5/10 maybe a 6. In many other walks of life, technical aptitude at least gets some reward.
Only for the technical part i have to approve the game.If the game don't have those graphics i give it 3/10.The values for this game are very high in the technical part so i can't suspend a game for try that.Also the sound of the game is very good and the soundtrack.


Personally I liked it a lot. The universe they created and the characters felt really good, the graphics and the audio department were stunning, with a voice acting that comes close to the best games out there.

The lenght of the game, for the gameplay they went, felt ok. Making it any longer would have just been tedious, too bad that once you get over with it you don't feel moved to play it again, at least not right away.

On the part of the gameplay, well, it felt good for the sections where we were allowed to actually play; the guns are quite fun and the stealthish sections were a nice change of pace. Still I think they could have gone with more variety for their "boss" fights, with maybe less QTEs.

I know for sure that I want a sequel in this universe, but I'm not so sure about the changes they should make; at the end of the day it should still be a game and not a movie, so they need to make it more interactive. Also having a little more freedom to explore the world they have created would be nice.


I've got to be honest, playing other games since playing The Order have made my eyes hurt. Visually, this game is second to none.


I've got to be honest, playing other games since playing The Order have made my eyes hurt. Visually, this game is second to none.
Better lower your expectations, you won't get many games that look as good for the coming year and even next.


Game over. Add me to the people not recommending. The thing I took away from this was padding. So much walking and half the time I wasn't in controll of it. I can see the why though, the very few times my I was in controll there were issues with my AI partners and pathfinding. Really sloppy. The reused animations and reused boss fights really stung as well. I think this game could have benefitted from being shorter maybe half the length it already is. The story and world is fine but again the padding was too much. I knew what was coming for so long, hell the game eventually tells you point blank what is going on well before it comes to a head and it takes so long to get there!!!
Don't you dare try to defend that story. Literally the only good character in that entire story was Dafoe's assistant, and that's because he doesn't get enough screentime to get subjected to David Cage's awful writing as awful as much as the other characters.

EDIT:Oh you were talking about the actors? Yea they're pretty subpar even for video game standards.
Yea, I was solely talking about the acting. Story is another point, although we could probably argue that one for days as well, but thats not the right place for it. If you think the acting in Beyond was subpar for videogame standards then I dont know what your standard is. I thought it had the best acting in 2013 right after The Last of Us. Cole, Ryan, child Jodie, Jodie's mum, Paul, Stan and really most side characters with more than one line were acted pretty well, even if you dont like what they had to work with.


Just finished the campaign and I gotta say i loved every moment. Im not a fan of how it ended and it's clear they could have added some additional elements to keep people playing but overall i think it's a great game.

Like driveclub it's a shining example of what the ps4 is capable of graphically and the reviews do not do the game justice. It's basically playing a movie, delving into the story and being apart of the action... once you understand that... you can enjoy the game even more.

im going to go back to platinum it.
So I finally finished this game and I gotta say I enjoyed it a lot, at first not so much you know the intro and stuff but after when things start to pick up I didn't want it to finish

Seriously so bad ass hopefully there is a sequel
Finally got this game and noticing alot of framerate hitching and audio stutter.
Audio will drop out ever few seconds briefly (headphones).

Anyone ever experience this ? Never happened on any other pa4 game.


Gold Member
Finished it, and had a good time with it. The amount of detail in the world is incredible, as a Londoner I really felt immersed. The game flowed well, and there were some really enjoyable battles. The story was great, and the cast was really memorable. The graphics are obviously jawdropping.

My main complaint is the shortness and shallowness of the experience. There is not much to explore, and very few items to find. The game also ends abruptly, it's definitely one of those 'wtf, credits?!' experiences. Also there could have been more of the challenging scenes.

But overall, I had a good time as long as it lasted.



Finally got this game and noticing alot of framerate hitching and audio stutter.
Audio will drop out ever few seconds briefly (headphones).

Anyone ever experience this ? Never happened on any other pa4 game.

Never experienced such issues on my copy. Everything was incredibly smooth.


I finished this game last night, and I have to say that I was able to enjoy it until the ending hit. I don't mind how cinematic it was and was actually very involved with the story. What really hit me was the ending that just seemed to come out of nowhere. I would've preferred it if some more loose ends were tied up. I am hoping for a sequel where they correct some of the faults and offer a little more freedom in the game play.


Man, the order has absolutely insane , unbelievable graphics... it sure does look like CGI a lot of times... but at the same time it is one of the WORST games for screenshot sharing... the IQ takes a serious hit, I dont know why, but you try to take a shot and everything looks blurred out. I rarely say this, but honestly The Order screenshots do not do the game justice AT ALL.
I had the same feeling with Uncharted. The quality of the textures was so high that they lost a tonne of detail in movies in particular.

Anyway, I'm actually challenged by this game at normal ... probably don't have the right strategy but I'm stick at
this fight where you get shotgunners sent to you one after the other. I haven't tried just pushing forward however - maybe I should 'leave the fort'?


The Blackwater Archives Art Book is now up on amazon. I know there were some people in here a while back that were wondering when it'd come out. Even if you didn't like the game, the art book should be pretty great:

Bluecanvas and Ready At Dawn Studios are proud to present "Blackwater Archives | The Art of The Order: 1886". Spanning over 260 pages, this leather-bound art book will touch upon how Ready At Dawn Studios created the stunning visuals of The Order: 1886 from early concept to final render. Specific chapter breakdowns focus on the visually striking characters, the vicious Half-breeds, Tesla's anachronistic weapons & devices, and the jaw-dropping environmental work, all taken direct from the development team inside Ready At Dawn Studios. Includes forewords from Kirk Ellis, Screenwriter, and Ru Weerasuriya, Creative Director, Ready At Dawn Studios.


How the hell do I know what I have missed in the Game? I only need three more tropief for platinum. Any ideas?

Collectibles and newspapers, there's no way to track - so you just have to go through each chapter with a fine comb. The audio canister logs are saved in the menu, so you can see what you've missed.


I bought this game on monday for 30€ (used) and finished it yesterday. I'm still not sure what to think about it. Graphics are phenomenal but everything else was pretty meh.

It's like a prettiest movie ever with okay story and where you occassionally have to press buttons. Game also does not let you decide how should you play it. For example game decides for you when it's time to run, sneak or walk and forces you to do so and only occassionally it gives you the option to jog. Also there is pretty much only one possible way to beat the levels since it's also already set if you are supposed sneak through the level unnoticed or just shoot everybody to the face. There's basically no replay value.

I'm not dissappointed since I knew what I was buying and I'm going to trade it in to Gamestop for 32,5€ (I called them yesterday about trade in value). So I was able to beat the game and also gained 2,5€! :D Not bad. If I bought this day 1 for 60-70€ I would have been dissappointed.


My first ever PS4 share clip - and my favorite scene from the Order (so far!)


Note about the clip..
I hate the idea of werewolves. The concept freaks me out. I blame my parents for showing the movie Silver Bullet to me when I was like 6 years old. I think it left permanent damage! :)


I just wanted to chime in here. I’m not done with the game, but I’m probably three-quarters through it, and I’ve been enjoying it quite a bit. I was highly skeptical at first, to the point where I told myself this game wasn’t going to be a day 1 purchase. Well, my wife wanted to see me actually use my next-gen console since I hadn’t touched them in a while, so she picked it up for me when it came out because she’s awesome like that.

The cinematic experience actually works. I think the voice acting is great, the story is cool, the score fitting, the attention to detail stunning, and the atmosphere thick. The gameplay feels quite nice, too, and some of the weapons are pretty darn creative. Even the ones that aren’t creative pack a satisfying punch. I certainly get the complaints that you’re not in control nearly as much as you should be… that as soon as things start to pick up, you’re dumped into the passenger seat once again to see more cinematics. Still, I can see what the devs were going for here, and I think they pulled it off quite well. For me, I’m glad I have this game, and I won’t be selling/trading this one away.

For me, it’s a great experience… but oddly enough, I wouldn’t actually recommend this game to anyone. It’s obviously divisive and it’s not going to be everyone’s cup of tea. I mean, I know some people who wish they could just turn their brains off and enjoy an experience like this… yet I know others who absolutely HATE sitting through cut scenes. I mean, an average length cut-scene just to set up a mission in GTAV is too much for them. I can’t really speak for anyone else’s tastes, so I’ll merely tell them what to expect, and that they’ll have to try it on their own and see if they enjoy it.

Outside of the game itself, I think all the debate has been interesting, to say the least. Nobody hated on Dragon’s Lair back in the day. It was cool because you were interacting with what was essentially an animated movie. Nowadays, a QTE mechanic is put in a cinematic heavy game, and people wig out. All I have to say to that, is, “Try it before you side with condemnation.” Because that was happening A LOT in the days prior to release… people were throwing this game up on a cross before they even had a chance to play it. I wish more people would be open minded enough to say, “Meh… but I’ll decide later on for myself.”
How the hell do I know what I have missed in the Game? I only need three more tropief for platinum. Any ideas?
Yeah, it's ridiculous they haven't patched this in yet. It now seems they aren't even listening to people who actually LIKED the game.
People giving this 7 and 8 out of 10, what do you give stuff like Uncharted 2 or Gears? 15?
A 7,5 for this game. Maybe a 7.

Uncharted 2: a 10
Gears of War 1: a 10. Well, maybe a 9.5..
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