Just saw this thought you guys would be interested:
Scot Andreason texture gallery for the Order
Scot Andreason texture gallery for the Order
And I find this reasoning odd as plenty of first installments of trilogies have worthwhile conclusions. Sequels are never guaranteed and no game should ever end as unresolved as the Order. Do we need another Psi Ops?He is not "Galahad". Not a REAL name!
Anyway, it's odd for me when someone said that ending is terrible in The Order.. How someone can expect something from ending when there will be a sequel. Ending in first game will be beginning in next sequel. Same thing in GOW II and GOW III for example. End in GOW II ( what a terrible ending dammit) was the beginning in GOW III.
Just saw this thought you guys would be interested:
Scot Andreason texture gallery for the Order
So my save data for the a game has just up and fucking vanished. WTH
I had just got the airship to drop the sonic resonator thing. How far in was I.
Just saw this thought you guys would be interested:
Scot Andreason texture gallery for the Order
So I just met the indian woman, possibly near the end, and I'm extremely surprised at the low scores from some reviewers. What am I missing here?? This is fantastic! Solid 8, possibly 9. And by far the best looking game on any platform including PC.
I just beat the game. I thought it was OK I would five it a 7 or 8.
Graphics - they were awesome
Length - I have a wife and two kids I was able to knock this out in 3 play sessions
Story - I thought it was pretty good it was predictable but it served its ourpouse
Guns - the guns felt good I enjoyed the firefights for the most part
That slow walk almost drove me crazy
Stealth missions - oh I hate stealth missions
Collectibles - Did not enjoy looking for collectibles at all and ended up not doing them
Qte - I don't mind qte but this took it overboard
Stealth missions - I almost just quit playing during the second stealth mission
I did enjoy it and my wife watched and kept mentioning its like a movie. Also Coop would of been great in this game my wife wanted to play with me and she kept bringing up how we played gears of war together
Hopefully we can get a sequal so they can fix some things
So, despite having enjoyed this game throughout its duration... It's been a few weeks since completion, and I came to the realization today just how empty it is. I mean, I don't think I'm ever going to want to play this again. I see virtually zero replay value. And because the 'in the moment' enjoyment of the cinematic experience has passed, the games flaws are becoming all the more glaring to me.
It isn't often I end up saying I enjoy something, only to say almost the exact opposite after I let some thoughts marinate a while.
Got this for $25 during the 4 hour BB sale. You summed up my thoughts, though I didn't hate the stealth and I was ok finding the collectibles. Platinumed the game at 8 and a half hours.
Cost me more than that for a movie with the wife, and this lasted 3 times as long, let me interact, and didn't force me to deal with s-head teenagers being rude the whole time.
Bring on the sequel!
Multiple posts on zbrushcentral by RaD peeps who worked on character / item / weapons /etc modelling; some really detailed stuff.
http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showth...86-Team-Post&p=1138442&viewfull=1#post1138442The poly count for entire character varied quite a bit, with background characters between 12 and 16k and main characters averaging between 40 and 60k. The main character, depending on costume would be as high as 80k.
So umm... my PS4 just downloaded this while suspended..
(from The Order: 1886 - Update History)
..New thread anyone?
Multiple posts on zbrushcentral by RaD peeps who worked on character / item / weapons /etc modelling; some really detailed stuff.
Well finally picked this up. It sure is pretty. Really love the animation and detail.
Too bad the game fucking suuuuuuuuuuuucks. Wow. I figured this was going to be another one of those games where my opinion differs from the general community sentiment, that I would probably really like it, but no.
I don't know if I'm even going to play anymore. Well, pretty damn disappointing, I was saving this one for a rainy day... whatever.
edit: And I just have to ask this, even though in the grand scheme of things it's basically a non-issue, but why is the shoulder switch so retarded? Like, why do you have to press different sides on the touchpad to switch it back and forth? That is really annoying, and really dumb. Just touching the pad anywhere could accomplish the same damn thing... I don't get why they would do something like that. I only comment because it's so obviously dumb. How do you spend years making a movie and not see glaring stuff like that. What would it take, 10 mins to fix?
If there is one thing i'm disappointed about it's the complete lack of curiousity and support of the developers on what we think of the game and what we'd like next.
Sure, there is a photomode. But that only makes it even more clear the most important aspect of the game is the graphics.
There was never a reacion, a comment, a question by the devs.
Here is the fucking game, deal with it.
You'd like DLC? fuck you. the game is done. Things can be improved? Fuck you.
I have no idea why they think not listening to the few people who actually LIKED the game was a good idea.
So like what happened about going after the East India Company and Lord Hastings? Why the sudden shift to "Lucan must die" in the last 90% of the game? Bizarre.
I'll buy the sequel if it has no black bars.
So like what happened about going after the East India Company and Lord Hastings? Why the sudden shift to "Lucan must die" in the last 90% of the game? Bizarre.
I'll buy the sequel if it has no black bars.
LTTP: Just finished this and I found it to be pretty great. The potential that the sequel has is crazy high, imo. I don't understand the hate ¯\_(ツ_/¯