is there any faq out there, that explains the skill wheel?
i've been lvling up AR & fist weapon, but ended up using AR mostly. :/
i really do not know what i'm doing.
Early on you should definitely at least concentrate on one weapon until you've unlocked the inner circle stuff. First I'll explain how the wheel works, then the philosophy of what to do with it.
The basics of the skill wheel: You have to unlock all inner wheel abilities for a weapon in order to start unlocking outer wheel. Each weapon has a DPS oriented half and a secondary half: Tanking, healing, support.
For example, Assault Rifles have a damage half (hovering over that part of the circle will call it the "Engage" group of skills), and a healing half (Hovering over that half will be labelled "Support"). Each cluster of skills in the wheel has 7 abilities, approximately half active and half passive, within each cluster you need to unlock skills in order from top to bottom. So you can work on either DPS (engage) or Healing (support) with the AR as you desire, one, both, mix and match, whatever. Eventually, you unlock all abilities for the AR on the inner row, this unlocks the 6 outer row clusters. The 6 clusters on the outer row ALSO roughly coincide with the two inner row clusters (clicking on either inner or outer row clusters will show a sort of column of light radiating from the center that highlights this), so there are 3 healing oriented AR outer ring clusters, and 3 DPS ones. The outer ring abilities are WAY more expensive in terms of AP. They are NOT necessarily more powerful, they tend to be more focused.
So how do you utilize this to make a build?
First off, choose a weapon you want to use, if you're desiring to heal or tank, you need to pick one of those weapons (healing = Fist, AR, Blood. Tanking = Hammer, Chaos, Shotgun) to start with probably. Early on, it's best to just build one of these weapons up so you can start functioning in combat. At the very least, you'll see what kinds of states you want to utilize to get the most out of your abilities, for instance something that says "Does 100 damage. Does 150 damage to hindered targets" would mean you'd want to hinder them to make that attack more efficient than other attacks. Many weapons do not play off of their own status effects, at least not in the inner circle, so don't sweat it, just make note of it.
Once you've got a feel for how that weapon works and how combat works, you'll want to choose a second weapon - you can equip 2 weapons at all times in TSW, and it's greatly to your benefit to do so. If for absolutely no other reason, many attacks will build resources for BOTH weapons, and having a second finisher is great efficiency (build to 5 AR resources AND 5 melee resources, then hit 2 finishers in a row, for example). Beyond that, what you want in a build is SYNERGY. This may not even involve two weapon (it may involve tons of weapons when it comes to passive abilities, who knows). An example is from my current build, which is Swords/Assault Rifles, i'm not saying I'm god at this game, but it's what I'm using so I know it at least:
My build focuses on Affliction and Penetration, affliction being a dot, and penetration being sort of like a crit - instead of doubling damage, penetration ignores the armor of the target when it triggers. I have my two most important passives:
Incision - Whenever you Penetrate, you cause the target to be Afflicted for 3 seconds
Fatal Flourish - Whenever you cause affliction, you gain a stack of 30 penetration rating, stacks 5 times
The synergy with these passives, basically cause me to only need to get a few penetrations OR afflictions in order to stack up a huge penetration buff which keeps afflicting targets and sustaining my buff. My other passives all play into these two factors - either causing a penetration or affliction, OR buffing/debuffing based upon getting a proc of them.
Then for active abilities, My basic single target builder, Grass Cutter, is weaker by default than the basic sword attack, however it hits about 30% harder if it's against an afflicted target. I ALMOST always have an affliction on my target, making this a better choice for me. For AE, I have a builder - Blade Torrent, and a passive that makes Blade torrent ALWAYS afflict all targets hit for 8 seconds. I can even use this single target if my affliction luck is against me in order to force my buff to stack from Fatal Flourish. Then I have an AE finisher, Clearing The Path, which is weaker than the default AE finisher on its own, BUT it is 100% penetration against any afflicted targets, which my builder AE automatically causes. For single target finishing, I use Destiny, it consumes all of my blade resources and does (the tooltip is wrong so I'm not entire positive) 227 damage per sword resource, but also does a 200 damage affliction dot if the target is already afflicted, again playing into my synergies. Finally I have an AE assault rifle finisher (my only AR finisher of note, so I stick with it because it's still a single target dps gain to use it when I have 5 resources), and an AE stun, which I use in AE or in single target situations to reduce damage or prevent spell casts etc.
I hope that wasn't too long winded, I was trying to give an example of how you can make a weapon work for you. I should note: I'm building towards a Slayer deck, which is Sword/AR, and yet I'm BARELY using any of the abilities from that deck as it stands: The deck uses the same weapons in COMPLETELY different ways than I am, focusing on Frenzy AE attacks, rather than Afflictions and Penetrating blows. It shows how much depth there is, just within the 'sword' lines you have probably a dozen different viable bases for builds that are totally different!
Don't forget to spend those SP as well, of course. If you want more ideas about how the different abilities can work for you, check out your factions decks (it's a drawer on the left side of the ability wheel). There are descriptions for all of them and ability lists, you can look at those and get a feel for how things work there too since they tell you the intended playstyle. Plus, you might find an outfit you want