The quest getting bugged is bad but the chat getting bugged is game crippling. You can't do anything. I got it yesterday it came back for five minutes and i was able to post 2 messages in cabal, then went away again for 2 hours and came back for another five minutes before going away again.
I hope Funcom step up with the patches since so far there has been none.
Last time I had that I communicated with my group the whole afternoon with emotes
It's just too expensive. Considering how many times, I've been burned before by new MMOs that just end up to be incredibly poor to pay £40 then £13 a month thereafter is probably the most expensive game I can play right now...and it's not even an incredibly polished game.
I bought the game for 37$ from a link posted in this thread. The game can be pretty much played as a single player rpg (with access to cool community features) that you can finish in a month. After that, it's the customer's call to see if it justifies paying 15$ per month to keep playing or not. As far as I am concerned, the business model seems pretty reasonable.
After sinking a huge amount of hours into this game, I can pretty much say that this is one of the best games I've played since The Witcher 2 and Heroes Of Newerth/Dota 2. I'm still having tons of fun playing when, in comparison, I stopped enjoying Diablo III after a few hours (a game on which I've spent 100 hours+ mind you). Now, it does appeal to a certain public, and I understand that many players may find it to not be what they are looking for in an mmo. Ultimately, it does suck for us people who love these type of games, but these are the laws of the market. Still, I would encourage everyone to at least give this game a try for a decent amount of time as it does require a few hours of investment to get a good grasp of all the mechanics and possibilities it offers. After that, its pure enjoyment.
I think that people that liked The Witcher 2 will love this game. Even though the setting is drastically different, many of the elements that made TW2 so solid are present in The Secret World too. If you love your games for the story, the dialogues and a certain moderate challenge, then you should totally give this a try. If you are more interested in PvP, Loot, XP ... then you probably should try something else.
Well, press too got sick of wow clones and luckily games like Tera and TSW stick out - it just does not reach the people on gaf sadly. I want to know why that is as I think it's right up to their alley.
I think you have reached a lot of people on gaf, including me. I didn't even realize this game was being developed; as I'm not much of an mmo player even though I tried most, until I saw this thread so props to you.
I have you to thank (and bloodforge for inviting me into the CB) for making me discover this awesome game.
Get ready to hit your head against a wall

Blue Mountain is no joke, in Beta I had a HARD time there so I went to Egypt a bit and did a few missions there, because it was easier. Let me know if it's still the same.
Back in CB I was doing decent in SC but had a little bit of trouble in Blue Mountain. Right now, SC felt pretty easy, I don't remember dying once (except to being AFK in the worst spots) so I think BM might be just the challenge I need!
oh great, my client crashes whilst installing and it won't resume from where it left off and now i have to start this sloooooooooow download again.
That sucks and I definitely understand your feeling having had a very unstable internet until recently. I think your best bet is to try to download the game again this afternoon when all the patching etc is done as I know that the resume feature for the client works okay for most people.