Should I bother playing this if my internet is bad.
Yeah, it's great. Its actually a double reference to King novels and HP Lovecraft's Cthuluh mythos (New England towns like Innsmouth, etc), since King was basically the latter day Lovecraft anyway.Pretty fun so far, I can see how these games get so addictive. I love the world design and story, and Kingsmouth basically being a big Stephen King homage is cool.
I switched to using a controller setup with this game and combat is much more fun now. Might someone in the GAF Illuminati Cabal please send me an invite? My nick is LDJ.
My account says I've got 5 keys to try the game for 24hrs. PM me if you're interested. I think the game is about 38-40 gigs. I hope they let you download it all before activating the 24hrs lol. Like I said, let me know if you're interested.Should I bother playing this if my internet is bad.
Invite a friend to join you in the Secret World.
5 Keys Remaining
Buddy keys allow any friend of yours to try the game for free for 24 hours. Your buddy will receive an e-mail with a key and instructions on how to get into the game.
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The Secret World working on account-wide shop unlocks and a veteran system
by Eliot Lefebvre on Jan 22nd 2013 2:30PM
Cash shops can be the bane of an altoholic, but The Secret World is aiming to ensure that your alts get all of the benefits your main already enjoys. Starting today, pets you unlock via the store will be unlocked for your account rather than one character, with the development team planning to move this functionality to outfits as well. That means that if you buy some cosmetic frippery once, it's yours forever on all your characters.
The game is also going to be putting together a veteran rewards program for subscribers. Each month of subscription provides Veteran Points, awarded at the same time that the subscription awards bonus cash shop points. Veterans can then spend the points on a variety of items, including new consumables, outfits, pets, and training dummies. It's always nice to have some extra benefits to being a long-term fan of a game, so if you're already enjoying deciphering conspiracy, there's extra incentive to keep at it.
I made a simplier version with that for the crosshair mode, which is even better now since the "mode" switches itself. press back - aim mode with crosshair, press back again, controller works as a mouse with a few shortcuts.
I bought mine not far from the launch date when there was still subscription . I never play MMO , so I'm not really an MMO guy but I bought it just out of curiosity and to satisfy my dark fantasy mood . Thought of just playing it for a month where it was free with the purchase and probably won't be bothered to re-new after that . I did play it for good few days , the world is quite atmospheric , the story is good and stuff . However , those fetch x items side quests and enemies took blow after blow to fall really put me off , but I guess hey, that's the nature of MMO which like I said , not really for a non-MMO guy like me .
Then now because it is free to play already , I might dip in it again and see if I can progress much further . You guys reckon it would be better playing off with a party ? I did solo all the while .
I remembered playing till the college surrounded by monsters . Oh and guess what , 15GB download ughh shouldn't have delete the client last time .
Does anyone know if there are any deals on this right now? It looks like I just missed sales on both Amazon and Origin. My wife and I would love to play, but $60 for two accounts it a little too much for us right now. I now we can cut that down to $48 through GMG, but the fact that we missed the $10 sale on Origin is stinging.
I have 37GB client ;P
I tend to play in spurts but I'm also always willing to log on whenever, if something is planned in advance.
If you're a Templar, the Templar GAF cabal is probably the most active out of the bunch.
I'm guessing cabals are like guilds and faction specific? No biggie ill make a new character.
Huh, cabals are faction specific?
I've been playing for a bit now (still running around Kingsmouth doing various missions) and feel like I don't really understand certain things, so apologies for a few short questions that likely necessitate long answers:
1. How is progression supposed to work? So far I get AP/SP points (and I've been holding off on using SP some as I work on the blood/elementalist deck but I think Blood will be my primary) and how they work within a somewhat typical progression system, but I really don't understand what I should be doing to be able to venture further and fight tougher monsters. In particular, I really don't understand how I should be progressing with gear in any way aside from the somewhat confusing crafting system (which seems more difficult than it should be).
2. this ties back to 1 a bit but is there something in the game that more directly indicates to the player "don't go here/fight this"? I played EQ/WoW back in the day so those trained me to identify what the developers wanted me to do at certain times, and from playing GW2 now this largely still seems to be common, but TSW seems to be extremely arcane on how to avoid walking into instant doom. The game seems to kinda conform to the traditional WoW quest structure, and the quests themselves do indicate difficulty (which doesn't always seem accurate), but it still feels random and I don't get a sense of when I should be heading out (eg WoW changing quest text color).
3. I'm Illuminati, but since arriving at Kingsmouth I have not gone back to NYC for anything. The game hasn't indicated that I necessarily need to, but am I missing out on some critical element of the PvE game?
Mission Difficulty Indicators
Mission difficulty is shown when you click on a quest starter "tablet" or "chiklet" to examine the details about the quest. You'll see indicators like "Hard", "Very Hard", "Daunting", etc.
This "mission conning" system works exactly the same way as the monster conning, except with suggestive text labels rather than color coding. For example, if you're in a group with 2 other people and the three of you examine a new quest starter, two of you might see "Very Hard" if you're both wearing a majority of QL2 gear, while the third person might see "Daunting" if they are still wearing all rank QL0 gear.
Monster difficulty conning indicators
TSW uses two conning indicators to show the relative strenght of any given monster versus yourself: the symbol at the left of the mobs name, and the *color* of that symbol. Note that the red or yellow text for the monster's *name* is NOT a difficulty indicator. A red name indicates a stronger/wider "aggro range" for such mobs.
Conning Symbol Colors: range in a spectrum from green > blue > white > yellow > orange > red. White means "roughly same strength as you are". Green and blue are weaker than you are, and yellow > orange > red are stronger than you are. If you pay attention while you progress in Kingsmouth, you'll notice that a lot of mobs that were formerly orange turn yellow eventually as you start equipping more QL1 and QL2 gear items, and certainly you'll see differences by the time you are wearing mostly QL3 gear. (What seems like yellow at first is actually orange; it's a subtle difference.)
Conning Symbol Shapes: three small dots, one large dot, one or more skulls, crown, flag.
Three small dots means a "weenie swarm". Pull one and it *will* bring friends.
One large dot means a single non-swarming "normal" monster. Social aggro does happen, so if you pull a single dot that is close to another single dot, chances are good that both of them will aggro you.
Skulls indicate what other games call "elites", "lieutenants", or "minibosses". The number of skulls indicates just how nasty they are.
Crown indicates a unique named mob, usually the target of at least one specific mission teir. These are usually also "elites" in terms of strength.
Flag is what happens to a Crowned mob when your current active quest has that unique named mob as an objective for the current teir of that quest.
You KNOW I've been itching to place this lolI forgot to mention I have a key for anyone REALLY interested - not gonna give it away lightly though ... let me think of something![]()
I think Blue Mountain is where the difficulty really ramps up and the game continues to get progressively difficult from that point forward.
In what way? Enemy damage output? Behavior?
The damage output and defense of enemies begins to scale upwards and you tend to fight them in larger numbers, especially in Egypt.
I see.
Due to the game's already mature market, and starting later, I generally tend to overgear anyway, by spending SP to qualify for stuff that's 1-2 QL higher than the zone i am in. No quests provide upgrades, and dungeon blues are maybe sidegrades for more specific roles or builds.
It seems like something I should be able to sustain by continuing to overgear for the zone. Or does enemy damage outpace player stats by that much?
I found this online as a reference for suggested gear QL for instances:
Polaris - QL 2-3
Inferno - QL 4-5
The Darkness War - QL 5-6
Ankh QL 6.5-8
Hell Fallen - QL 8-9
The Facility - QL 10
Hell Eternal - QL 10
Slaughterhouse - QL 10
Is that accurate? I'm assuming that's for green-quality gear?
More or less. I would definitely aim for the upper end of the QL numbers if you plan on tanking or healing. The lower end should be fine for DPS.
Why did I get an email that my sub had expired? I Bought the game after they removed subs
Yeah Secret GAF is pretty dead. I mostly play on the weekends, but I am in Europe so that makes it even harder I guess.
It's just how I feel. I guess I did not make a large enough push for the B2P switch, but I got already accused of being a "marketer" before so I was a little worried.
edit: oh there was a big balance update (and new jump animations!)