I don't think the comics have ever mentioned Mr. Toad at all.
Well, I remember reading up that he is
named on a tombstone at a graveyard
I don't think the comics have ever mentioned Mr. Toad at all.
Ah, finally an answer to my question of whether this bullshit from Walking Dead was in this one too. I guess I'll be skipping out on this one. I really hate things timing out as I have barely had enough time to read options let alone determine by the incredibly shitty text what kind of attitude my character will be displaying with them. It often went the opposite of how I would have naturally "in real-world decision-making timing" acted in Walking Dead way too many times because I don't magically live inside the developer's mind to instantly know precisely what meaning is intended.
That happened to me too, sometimes a line I chose came out very differently than I had thought. I don't consider it that big of a deal in these games though. The episodes are so short and movie-like so I just enjoy the ride. It'd be worse in an RPG or so where I really want to be the one making the decisions.
Still, it wouldn't hurt to implement some extra options, including an option to extend or disable the time.
Guys, the Platinum trophy icon for this game is amazing. Some may consider it a spoiler, but here it is.
The wolf among us coming first week of February.
The wolf among us coming first week of February.
The wolf among us coming first week of February.
Disappointed. Was hoping for mid Janurayhttp://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/56934/episode-2-release-info
The wolf among us coming first week of February.
Hmm. Cert issues somewhere?We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us (not to mention the additional delays due to the holidays). I won't dive into the details, but its been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season.
The wolf among us coming first week of February.
Hmm. Cert issues somewhere?
I don't share your same doubts. There's a certain plot thread that I can't see them leave hanging for an entire episode.I'm a little worried that this one won't be incredible like the first one though, in the sense that this one will probably setup more questions rather than answering any of the big ones.
I also didn't expect it to go on sale so soon. I'm think I'll just wait one or two months before buying Tales of Borderlands or the Game of thrones oneI'd definitely think twice about buying a Telltale season pass upfront again. The smarter move is apparently to wait for a sale to save yourself money, or for all episodes to be out to save yourself some heartache.
The wolf among us coming first week of February.
Do you guys think it would be "cheating" of sorts if I went back and changed my choices before episode 2 came out?I went to Toad first and now I really regret it because Prince Lawrence is dead. Also, I threatened Toad because I accidentally messed up one of the evidences and I feel bad about that.
I think it's more fun sticking to my first choice...even if it makes me feel a little bad.
But if it's hurting your ability to enjoy the game, then change it.
The wolf among us coming first week of February.
Do you guys think it would be "cheating" of sorts if I went back and changed my choices before episode 2 came out?I went to Toad first and now I really regret it because Prince Lawrence is dead. Also, I threatened Toad because I accidentally messed up one of the evidences and I feel bad about that.
Good. Hopefully we don't have any more ridiculous delays after this. The Walking Dead was bad enough with the two month gaps, but four is inexcusable. It'll be interesting to see what happens going forward with TWAU and TWD, espcially with GoT and Borderlands planned.
I like to do multiple playthorughs. I have one that is my main, another that is the opposite on big decisions, one where I'm mean to everyone, and one where I choose the silent option for everything.
I just hope it doesn't mess with TWD S2E2. I'm still expecting that next month (Looks like it'll be pushed to March, though)
Surprised this wasn't posted earlier, but yeah super excite! Finally we get news!Hey guys,
Kevin from Telltale here! Funny that this came up today, as we were planning the announcement of Ep 2, but… no time like the present!
Ep 2 should be available the first week of February. We are working hard with all of our partners (Xbox, PlayStation, Steam, Apple) to coordinate everything, but we’re confident enough to announce that here. The episode is looking really good (as is the rest of the season!). We are very concerned about the long delay for this episode, but this is one of those occasions where several things conspired against us (not to mention the additional delays due to the holidays). I won't dive into the details, but it’s been an unusual and specific set of circumstances and we do not anticipate it happening again as we go forward with the rest of the season.
So there you have it. First week of February!
#TheWolfAmongUs Ep 2
2/4 - PC/Mac, @PlayStation NA
2/5 - @Xbox 360, @PlayStationEU
Also next week on iOS @AppStore! pic.twitter.com/tLBlEE6kZQ
All right, decided to do a replay of Episode 1 to freshen up on my choices. Went with a different choice during the-section, going to visitFrog or Princeinstead.the Prince first
Do you guys think it would be "cheating" of sorts if I went back and changed my choices before episode 2 came out?I went to Toad first and now I really regret it because Prince Lawrence is dead. Also, I threatened Toad because I accidentally messed up one of the evidences and I feel bad about that.
You're wrong, both of you will burn in eternal hellfire for such mischievous deeds.I'm actually doing the same thing (I hope to finish the episode again tonight). It's your game, do whatever you want with it. No one will judge you so don't overthink it.
I'm actually doing the same thing (I hope to finish the episode again tonight). It's your game, do whatever you want with it. No one will judge you so don't overthink it.
This imagine in the OP was strangely prophetic.
Four months is a long time to remember just what exactly in the fuck happened. Imagine if television shows were four months apart, you'd be totally lost.