When does this go up on Steam? 9am PST?
They always did it this way. Episodes released digitally and retail disc later when all episodes are done."Retail version after all episodes are released, you can get a special edition disc at Telltale's website."
Is that really true? I didn't know this. They're doing this crap backwards. I'm not going to shell out for the damn disc after having played all the episodes digital, but I sure would have loved to have a disc instead.
Whether there will be a retail version or not I think the entire business model for these games is flawed. It should all be done first and then released. And because they are doing it this way, having delays like we've had is really unacceptable. I won't be supporting TT after Wolf is over.
"Retail version after all episodes are released, you can get a special edition disc at Telltale's website."
Is that really true? I didn't know this. They're doing this crap backwards. I'm not going to shell out for the damn disc after having played all the episodes digital, but I sure would have loved to have a disc instead.
Whether there will be a retail version or not I think the entire business model for these games is flawed. It should all be done first and then released. And because they are doing it this way, having delays like we've had is really unacceptable. I won't be supporting TT after Wolf is over.
So third episode is releasing then, nice! I have an XBLA season pass, do I get another download code tomorrow or will it work properly this time?
We'll all find out together.
You can't download it because it's not out yet not because of the season pass.
People who don't have a season pass can't get it either
You say this and yet the game clearly says the episode is available to download and I even had a pop up message informing me the episode was available to download...
Perhaps Telltale and MS should get their shit together and not update the game to show there's a new episode available if there isn't.
I hope it's a good length.
I hope Miles Quaritch drowns in an ocean of his own bitter tears.
Yes, that little red sign is to say it is not up yet.
It happened with the Walking dead as well and the season pass worked just fine.
I hope Miles Quaritch drowns in an ocean of his own bitter tears.
I guess we'll see tomorrow. My anger was justified though in that it instantly reminded me of the issues that surrounded episode 2...
In a murder suicide pact with Telltale, sure.
I find it funny that every post he seems to hate telltale, and he is second on the posts of fame for this thread.
I was really hyped for this after TWD S1 and after playing the first episode and then it all went to shit. I feel my hate is somewhat justified when you factor in how early adopters have been treated with the first episode going free within a couple of months and the season pass going on sale in the same time-frame.
Let's not forget this was all done with absolutely no updates on the when we could expect episode 2. Not to mention all the issues surrounding episode 2...from it not being available to season pass holders to it being one of the buggiest pieces of content ever released.
I don't get why all the complainers just buy it on Steam, these games run on a toaster and they always release on Steam on the first day every time. There's no reason not to get it on PC. Console version all run like shit and are always late or something.
This isn't news either, it's been sucking on consoles since WD season 1. Can even get some nice cheap deals on PC too sometimes.
I don't get why all the complainers just buy it on Steam, these games run on a toaster and they always release on Steam on the first day every time. There's no reason not to get it on PC. Console version all run like shit and are always late or something.
This isn't news either, it's been sucking on consoles since WD season 1. Can even get some nice cheap deals on PC too sometimes.
My PC can barely run Clicking bad though![]()
The Walking Dead season 2 runs really well on PS3. The Wolf Among Us doesn't, though.
Anyway, downloading now on Steam. Whoop!
I don't get why all the complainers just buy it on Steam, these games run on a toaster and they always release on Steam on the first day every time. There's no reason not to get it on PC. Console version all run like shit and are always late or something.
This isn't news either, it's been sucking on consoles since WD season 1. Can even get some nice cheap deals on PC too sometimes.
Goddamn this was good. So good.
Totally ripped his fucking throat out and I've been playing nice so far otherwise.
My previous laptop couldn't run The Wolf Among Us at all. Was an MSI CX620 with shitty specs. So what you would call a toaster I guess![]()
My laptop can run older games (and stuff like this) fine, but my shitty i3 processor will eventually just hit a spike to 100%, causing my PC to go to desktop and tell me there's "not enough memory available". Just waiting for a minute and resuming works fine. In Telltale's games, I can just go back to the game immediately. Fallout 3 tends to crash completely. ><
Goddamn this was good. So good.
Totally ripped his fucking throat out and I've been playing nice so far otherwise.
I spared him. Goddamn at that silver bullet scene, though.
It was a fantastic episode. Thathad me scratching my head, and during thetriple choicesection I was doubting so hard that I ultimately just did nothing.Auntie Greenleaf<I wanted to fucking confiscate the tree, but nooooo.
Fun episode,made me laugh."Georgie won't remember this"