When do these go up for Xbox? I mean I know it goes up tomorrow but is there a certain time it goes up or is it just random?
Is it automatically downloading on Steam or do I have to go into the game first?
If everything goes smoothly then it should be up at around 2 am Pacific.
Do you use steamcloud? I think that would help, and I'm pretty sure it's uploaded automatically if you have it enabled.Is your save data stored online or locally on your PC? My gaming laptop died last week![]()
So about that very last decision...
I went straight for the cigarettes, it just felt right.
So about that very last decision...
I went straight for the cigarettes, it just felt right.
Rumor has it on the Steam forums that episode 5 is coming out in September. I hope that's not the case. Loving this story more so than the Walking Dead's.
Yeah I did the same thing![]()
what happen if you smoke?
It's absolutely badass.what happen if you?smoke
It's absolutely badass.Bigby just steps a little bit closer withouth a word, slowly takes out the cig while the whole room is watching him, takes out the lighter, and when he flicks it open with a click the game cuts to black.
Great episode.
It's absolutely badass.Bigby just steps a little bit closer withouth a word, slowly takes out the cig while the whole room is watching him, takes out the lighter, and when he flicks it open with a click the game cuts to black.
Great episode.
360 isn't letting me download. Just getting a red circle with a Lind through it on the popup window. Any advice?
Lovely. Good job Telltale. Top of your game as usual.I get that, it means it is not up yet so you will have to wait for 10 more hours.
To be fair they did say Wednesday for 360.Lovely. Good job Telltale. Top of your game as usual.
IGN review went up, got a 6.
This episode doesn't look too good from what I'm seeing all the critics seem to be disappointed with it.
Seriously, don't believe their lies. This definitely ranks among the best episodes of the season for me.
Yeah, I definitely made the right choice at the end. So badass.
I'm so surprised that ginger man didn't turn out to be the Crooked Man, he must still have a major role to play...right? And was Nerissa implying that one of Bigby's friends is behind this during their interview?
Overall, a fantastic episode. It felt very short compared to the other episodes, but maybe that's just because I was enjoying it more than the others. The build up to the last episode is great, here's hoping they deliver.
Seriously, don't believe their lies. This definitely ranks among the best episodes of the season for me.
Lies? Compared to the previous episodes, this one did have the least impact imo. That does not mean that it was a bad episode though.
Itoo. Sad to hear that all options end in it, so it's not all that special anymore.lit the cigarette
Decent episode, but as I feared given how soon this came out after episode 3, it was pretty short. I clocked in at about 1 hour 25 minutes. Its not even how short these episodes are getting but even just the limited amount of interaction you have outside of dialogue choices.
I'm still enjoying things but I feel like each passing episode of TWD or The Wolf Among Us is getting less and less interactive, whether that's from a gameplay sense or even just a making choices sense.
The episode was fun though.The Jersey Devil fight was fun. Is there any difference if you go to the Butcher first? Can you actually take off Nerissa's ribbon if you choose the action to remove it? I'd find it kind of funny if the game let you do that and her head just plopped off.
I just hope TellTale takes their time with the last episode so that its like at least 2.5 hours long. That would be nice.
According to IGN the start and end were good and everything else was just filler.
The review was terrible though, so many spoilers in such a short review.