Ok I need a new anti Titan weapon, I've rocked the shit out of the laser, what's the next best?
I think Mag Launcher is probably the best overall anti Titan weapon.
Ok I need a new anti Titan weapon, I've rocked the shit out of the laser, what's the next best?
Put me into game with the score of 76-24X
Please, Respawn, make it where any JIP is loss protected. It will drastically increase the QOL.
Even if the scores are even you often join a game with multiple titans. In TF1 you'd get a free titan, but in TF2 you have to earn one.
How do I buy skins? Do I have to wait for the map to be available to everyone?
There should be a "store" button in one of the multiplayer menus
I'm actually a little worried the free weekend might push people off the game. Without paying for it and having the need to justify the money spent on the purchase, people might have a little less patience for the savages in this thread wrecking them over and over. Hopefully, enough new people jump in so there's a great mix of new and old players this weekend.
I'm just playing devil's advocate, not looking to argue, but I would say that not including deaths also promotes willful ignorance and encourages players to seek out kills at all costs rather than try to strike a balance that maximizes their team's chance of winning.
On second thought, the more people running around in the open like a chicken with its head cut off trying to get kills at all costs, the more easy targets for me to shoot at!
I'll say this though, the way Respawn have nerfed the weapons and Titans is very nice when you're used to the Blizzard nerf hammer totally destroying everything they nerf. The subtle nerfs that make weapons still completely viable is pretty great. I was worried the Volt would be destroyed but nope, still a great and fun gun to run around with, just not God tier like it was before maybe.
Even if the scores are even you often join a game with multiple titans. In TF1 you'd get a free titan, but in TF2 you have to earn one.
They need a newbie only playlist just for the free weekend
When I join a game in progress I usually start with some amount of Titan meter (I've seen as high as 80-something percent)--so you're right, no free Titan per se but you can get pretty close.
Finally getting around to checking out the store. Ronin stuff looks dope. Oni(?) nose art - Oni Genji skin... I know what youre doing
I think Mag Launcher is probably the best overall anti Titan weapon.
Yeah, you get Titan energy equivalent to the match progress but never a Titan. I just think the player being put into a GIP needs to be taken care of. The maximum threshold should be a 10 point differential. Anything above is loss protection.
Those are my thoughts on the manner.
That will hurt the population and will also have people making new accounts to pub stomp. New players aren't delicate flowers and games should stop treating them as such. Everyone learns a new shooter by losing. Some pick it up faster than others.
On a lighter note, please gives us the option to mute players from the gamescreen. Most of the time it's fun chatting with randoms (like the good old days) but every now and then there is an annoying kid on the mic lol.
Holy shit I'm having SO MUCH FUN!
CTF IS AWESOME. Except on the giant maps. I'd rather not see it again on that one big map.
Playing it on Eden is immensely exhilarating. How are there only 60 players ?? This needs better promotion. Double xp or at least the front page.
Halo CTF is something that no game has touched, but this may finally scratch that longing I had for a good CTF mode. Really unfortunate that more people don't play the mode
I like mixtape though I'd rather avoid LTS which I'm findin to be weak
I tried ctf a few times and it never clicked, despite also loving Halo CTF.Holy shit I'm having SO MUCH FUN!
CTF IS AWESOME. Except on the giant maps. I'd rather not see it again on that one big map.
Playing it on Eden is immensely exhilarating. How are there only 60 players ?? This needs better promotion. Double xp or at least the front page.
Halo CTF is something that no game has touched, but this may finally scratch that longing I had for a good CTF mode. Really unfortunate that more people don't play the mode
I like mixtape though I'd rather avoid LTS which I'm findin to be weak
I tried ctf a few times and it never clicked, despite also loving Halo CTF.
I figured Overwatch would definitely take some categories, just not all of them. What a shame.And TF didnt win any reward :<
I should have clarified, when I click on the buy icon it tells me "customization packs are not supported on the Prime Titan chassis. I'm trying to get northstar skins
Yeah, you get Titan energy equivalent to the match progress but never a Titan. I just think the player being put into a GIP needs to be taken care of. The maximum threshold should be a 10 point differential. Anything above is loss protection.
Those are my thoughts on the manner.
That will hurt the population and will also have people making new accounts to pub stomp. New players aren't delicate flowers and games should stop treating them as such. Everyone learns a new shooter by losing. Some pick it up faster than others.
On a lighter note, please gives us the option to mute players from the gamescreen. Most of the time it's fun chatting with randoms (like the good old days) but every now and then there is an annoying kid on the mic lol.
Finally getting around to checking out the store. Ronin stuff looks dope. Oni(?) nose art - Oni Genji skin... I know what youre doing
There are all kinds of amazing arena like areas in the singleplayer that would be awesome as multiplayer maps.
Can the purchasable Callsigns be upgraded to PRISM and such?
I just got off a high where I stole a flag, stimmed past an enemy, turned around and killed two chasers by dashing to the side and finishing another with a pistol, ran to the base, started getting shot, barely got under a door, and capped it
Amazing. But it's so map dependent
They flat out need to remove one total stinker that had some ship that was crashed in the middle
Instead of Double XP weekends they should just have double XP events tied to certain game modes. That should get people out of their comfort zones and hopefully find out they like playing something like CTF.
I haven't been playing Titanfall today but hopped on quickly to get a gif example.
This was my very first kill in my very first game. I spawned, bunny hopped around the building, wall ran, jumped off, killed someone. Kills like this account for maybe a fifth or so of my pilot kills when using an SMG.
Using something like the Hemlock isn't great for this kind of playstyle, as your ads accuracy gets swayed when falling or wall running and hip fire is unreliable. SMGs are unaffected, so I just don't need to stop. It's just more fluid and versatile than the Hemlock and G2.
Not that those weapons are bad, not at all, but they definitely favour more grounded playstyles, even if they can be used in more aerial situations, that's not where they shine.
Don't think so.![]()
Why is the OT still in community and not moved back to gaming?
Why is the OT still in community and not moved back to gaming?
You can kill like that with the hemlock easy... In fact I've posted a gif like that before. It's also very situational anyway.
With gun ready, you can ADS in a moment and only need to fire once in many occasions. (btw the last gif was to show it one bursting)
Man Volt is NOT nerfed in any way. Started using it thinking it will be bad after seeing so many tearful posts in this thread about how it got nerfed and it absolutely decimates.
it's not as good at distance.
Good. It's A SMG.
In my experience it (Hemlock) only seems to be a 1 burst kill up close and probably with part of the burst landing a headshot, or against an injured opponent. All my mid range to longer range shots require 2 bursts.
Even the two burst from it is ridiculous. It has the most insanely short TTK of any primary other than maybe the EVA
Never.... Imagined wanting to play this game over Battlefield 1 when I bought them.
But man this game
I one burst all the time with it (shameless 3rd post: http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Cobalt Izuna/video/24087447)
Headshots are kinda automatic