Three points. THREE.
Do we have any sales numbers?
I think we will never see a TF3
Respawn, this is a post about Reapers
1. Collision on Friendly Reapers is extremely annoying. They can trap us in, and this is never a purposeful strategy from the other team. Removing their collision (at least for Titans) would make this game a little less annoying.
Three points. THREE.
Lol, why is the only argument against SBMM "I really have to play hard and can't watch TV on my second monitor and win games"! Really guys? If everyone wins ~50% matchmaking would be ideal. If there are enough players around your skill level you should always get matched up with them. If not then with weaker or better ones naturally. You would always find games and games would be close most of the time. There would be no issue. You can not argue against that except if your goal is to roflstomp people.
Well then there needs to be a basic tutorial
Even just a screen with info would help
Explain bounty hunt. Explain batteries. Explain boosting and Hipfire. Explain attrition.
the only thing I wanted changed for tone was pilot dmg w/ the 40 and it feels like the only thing that didnt change. Shit still annoys me
Three points. THREE.
Lol, why is the only argument against SBMM "I really have to play hard and can't watch TV on my second monitor and win games"! Really guys? If everyone wins ~50% matchmaking would be ideal. If there are enough players around your skill level you should always get matched up with them. If not then with weaker or better ones naturally. You would always find games and games would be close most of the time. There would be no issue. You can not argue against that except if your goal is to roflstomp people.
Game is turning into dog poop fast. Nerfing the Volt just turned this into hemlock domination .
Volt gets ripped apart by the CAR from close to mid range now easily as well.
The logic behind balancing a game based off the lowest populated platform (PC) is about the dumbest shit I've seeen in a long long time
Edit : and if I see someone say "well now you gotta move more!" No sorry it doesn't work that way on console with insane hit box and aim assist . Plus, everyone has now decided sentry turret is the thing . Bye bye mobility .
You still have no arguments against it. It's actually perfect for solo players. Especially ones that don't play the game 24/7. CoD community revolted with the same non argument you make "I don't want to play serious 100% of the time" which is simply no argument against SBMM.This tells me you're not very knowledgeable on the subject. They should either have a RANKED PLAYLIST or CONNECTION based - get the SBMM shit out of there. It's a cancer to solo players and not fun at all. I'd rather get stomped every 3 games than have to sweat and be super serious every match. No one wants that shit (look at why Destiny pvp is failing). Look at CoD - connection is all that matters. When Treyarch activated it, the community revolted. Also, SBMM is the antithesis of helping people get better.
The "you want to roflstomp" is a dumb argument that has been disproven many times.
You still have no arguments against it. It's actually perfect for solo players. Especially ones that don't play the game 24/7. CoD community revolted with the same non argument you make "I don't want to play serious 100% of the time" which is simply no argument against SBMM.
You still have no arguments against it. It's actually perfect for solo players. Especially ones that don't play the game 24/7. CoD community revolted with the same non argument you make "I don't want to play serious 100% of the time" which is simply no argument against SBMM.
I agree. Hopefully, Respawn can comment on balancing the game differently. The Hemlock is another gun that suppresses movement. I was getting one bursted so much last night. It was like navigating a minefield on drydock.
Izuna, your Hemlock has been rustling my jimmies lol. Seems to be more popular these days. They should leave the Hemlock as is, but buff the SMGs hahah.
It gets worse as population drops and pings start to vary. A weapon like the volt gets effected by poor hit registration from varying pings harder than other weapons. Volt+fast reloader bouncing around the map is about the most fun i've had in this game since launch. Now they go and ruin that. You can't run Volt with fast reloader now, it has to be extended mags. You need more bullets. So fucking stupid.
I'd love Rayme to come in here and comment on the idiocy of balancing the game the same across PC and console. He won't though. There's no sound reasoning behind it. It probably comes down to time and resources.
The game isn't far from being great though. It's minor adjustments that shouldn't be hard to implement on console.
They need to:
- Put the Volt back to where it was or decrease hemlock/G2a effectiveness
- Either stop allowing the stacking of sentry turrets or lower their health
Slight changes could go a long in the quality of pilot combat. As of now Pilot v Pilot is simply sitting back with hemlock/g2a or 201 and placing as many turrets on the map as possible. It gets downright stupid.
It's simple changes and yet they'll ponder over it forever while the game starts to lose population.
Nah fuck it. Only nerfs
Nerf Ronin plox
also I would rather a CAR buff. ADS is a little too butt for that weapon. or something. I love that gun but it's not worth it here.
Nah, I'd rather suffer than have more weapons nerfed lol. Nerfing, to me, is the antithesis of fun.
I hate the Tone nerfs because there are too many fucking Ronins now. Usually like 1 in a match. Which is too many. ;(
I want northstar to stay awesome.
If I could have ONE northstar change, it would be that you can't self damage the tripwires. I accidentally blow them up with cluster or smoke before they hit the ground ;(
Overzealous Ronins can be punished by pilots, but unfortunately barely anyone shoots Titans (the assist change doesn't help at all). Yesterday I faced a team where every single pilot started shooting my Titan. Never get those folks on my team![]()
That's because you don't play with me ;(
Every time I get killed by a Devotion I can hear Rock the Boat playing in my head. It's getting annoying.![]()
My first GIF :
Tried to go for that crush
Titanfall is the epitome of "let's make gifs" the game haha.
I think we get on at different times generally. Didn't see you online in TitanGAF lol.
Haha, pretty much !
pro tip, stop appearing offline
Lol, why is the only argument against SBMM "I really have to play hard and can't watch TV on my second monitor and win games"! Really guys? If everyone wins ~50% matchmaking would be ideal. If there are enough players around your skill level you should always get matched up with them. If not then with weaker or better ones naturally. You would always find games and games would be close most of the time. There would be no issue. You can not argue against that except if your goal is to roflstomp people.
Did you see their FAQs page? It's legit amazing.
The 40MM took a huge hit in accuracy. The Ion laser is a lot stronger for antipilot attacks. Northstar's rail cannon also does good work.
as a pilot I still dont like the 40mm. It's just a personal vendetta against what titan weapons I think should be able to kill pilots in 1 hit but does.
What you described sounds horrible to me. Everyone wins about 50% of the time? What is the fun in that? Get a little better at the game and think you're going to start winning invisible algorithm is going to slap you back down and make sure that doesn't happen...and you'll never know if you just plateaued in your skill level or if the playing field is stacked against you. That's BS, and thankfully even the games I've played that have SBMM don't implement something this punishing. Halo 5 was probably the closest among games that I played but at least that was transparent. You knew what you were getting into with the ranked system. The Last of Us multiplayer was another one and it was enough for me to get so frustrated that I put the game down forever.
And yes, I do want to stomp bad players. Stomping bad players is fun, just like being challenged by really good players is fun, and playing comparable players is fun. Without SBMM, you get all of these and everything in between just from being randomly thrown into matches against players of all skill levels.
Finally, SBMM tends to cause other unintended problems. More high ping players dragging down games (see Destiny). Punishing solo players (see Halo 5).
SBMM only belongs in a ranked playlist in my opinion where it's completely transparent what is going on. I don't like that it is in TF2 but at least the devs seemed to have the good sense to prioritize good connections and limit the impact of SBMM. I do hope they turn it off or at least reduce its impact further.
as a pilot I still dont like the 40mm. It's just a personal vendetta against what titan weapons I think should be able to kill pilots in 1 hit but does.
Hmm, turrets you say?
I'm still a bit puzzled about people mistaking AI for Pilots, their animations are completely different. For me the orange glow is a terrible addition, it guarantees that I'm seen practically at all times and I don't like it.
I have only played a few hours since the new patch, but I think the changes to the Volt are inline with how the game should play. Highly mobile play styles use the smg, less mobile Pilots tree try and create distance from the mobile players with weapons like the G2A/Hemlock. I play on PC and Xbox and honestly I haven't seen Hemlock usage increase that much.
I'm more pissed whenever I get killed by a Legion despite aiming nowhere near me, usually when they have no idea I'm even there.
Frothy wants to see a Tone Elite, kinda like the Wingman Elite I guess. Something that requires more skill to use but is similar. He's not happy with current Tone: "I don't use her because I don't feel justified in using such an easy to use and powerful Titan"
Most pilot kills I've ever gotten in TF1 or TF2. In fact I don't think I've ever hit above 25 in any MP shooter before either lol. Ronin is a pilot killing machine.
I started running the suicide Ronin kit as well, nuclear ejecting while in phase shift. Catch lots of unsuspecting Titans and then I can call in a replacement Ronin immediately. Love it!
yea i was tilted after one kill cam that showed a legion spinning wildy w/ smart core and killed me b/c of it. Otherwise I dont think ive been killed by smart core that often. For me here's what I think should 1 shot pilots as a titan outside of core abilities:
1. melees
2. ronin shotgun at close range
3. scorch gun
4. legion predator cannon
5. northstar rifle
6. ion laser
Nice dude - Ronin can be a lot of fun. I'm still trying to get better with him.
Ion laser is the easiest anti-pilot weapon on a titan.
+1TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Don't Misgender Northstar.
TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Don't Misgender Northstar.
oh im not ranking them, just listing what i think should 1 shot pilots
For real, though. I gotta say it's pretty cool Respawn committed to differing personalities to each Titan. I didn't know that was a thing until I played the game.
Nice dude - Ronin can be a lot of fun. I'm still trying to get better with him.
Ion laser is the easiest anti-pilot weapon on a titan.
Yes please