Respawn, this is a post about Reapers
1. Collision on Friendly Reapers is extremely annoying. They can trap us in, and this is never a purposeful strategy from the other team. Removing their collision (at least for Titans) would make this game a little less annoying.
2. See the gif below -- I am getting sick of taking time to kill a Reaper only for an AI to get the kill. A Reaper takes 2 Archer Rocket shots AND a Firestar to kill. That means an Archer Rocket does just less than half health. I don't know what this is, so I'll shoot a rocket hoping to get the kill (points + charge) but then AI will get the final hit in. This happens far too frequently. Either allow Reapers to give assists (so I can at least get build time for it) or stop having AI take away points.
I can understand why this was done because it stops a player from getting a couple hits in a Reaper than having the AI finish them off, but there needs to be some sort of solution to this. Maybe put the assist on some sort of timer? I don't know how hard that would be, but an AI reaper getting the final hit in means I may as well not bother with a Reaper or I'm standing there waiting for the health to get low enough.
TITANFALL 2 |OT2| Don't Misgender Northstar.
Why is the OT still in community and not moved back to gaming?
Why would it be put back to gaming? All gaming OTs go to community at some point.
Haha, you and your frag grenades!
Or Forza Horizon 3?Titanfall 2 |OT2| I'm 50% in love
Because it's inconsistent and takes the OT from the majority of people.
Why is Battlefield 1 still in Gaming?
Or StreetFighter?
It really is the only rational option.Titanfall 2 |OT2| Whatever the fuck that means
if it's not this i'm going to rage
Since the update, does Warpfall Transmitter no longer allow you to crush enemy Titans? I haven't gotten a single crush since the update. I've had a few good attempts, and I've seen the enemy Titan actually get 'nudged' out of the way where it should have been crushed.
Titanfall 2 |OT2| Whatever the fuck that means
if it's not this i'm going to rage
Titanfall 2 |OT2| I'm 50% in love
Because it's inconsistent and takes the OT from the majority of people.
Why is Battlefield 1 still in Gaming?
Or StreetFighter?
I find myself using them even when it would be better to use a gun. They're fun!
Me too. And even in TF2 pre-patch I had plenty of crushes using Warpfall. That's the only reason I equip it. I'm just afraid it may have been nerfed.You can crush with any type of titanfall, it's just placement isn't as accurate as in the first game (at least it seems like that to me). I used to crush people left and right with warpfall in tf1.
Respawn, I don't know what the fuck is going on but this needs fixing. I have had this happen all day today.
Respawn, I don't know what the fuck is going on but this needs fixing. I have had this happen all day today.
This thread is in community because barely anyone cares about Titanfall 2. Sad but it's true. It's just the same people posting over and over again.
Me too. And even in TF2 pre-patch I had plenty of crushes using Warpfall. That's the only reason I equip it. I'm just afraid it may have been nerfed.
More of a Vanessa guy myselfYeah, it's really cool, but I still want my voice packs. Had a kawaii ogre in TF1 lol.
Is it because you got less points for more kills ? Maybe your comrade killed more Reapers (Scorchers ? The 5 points guys) while you killed more grunts.
Those minions are a good way to get out of close games btw, usually when we're in the last seconds of a game and the point difference is too close, I specifically target those bots to get the advantage.
Is it because you got less points for more kills ? Maybe your comrade killed more Reapers (The 5 points guys) while you killed more grunts.
Those minions are a good way to get out of close games btw, usually when we're in the last seconds of a game and the point difference is too close, I specifically target those bots to get the advantage.
No, minion kills add 5 if you kill a Reaper. It's bullshit, honestly. Add them up.
Legion literally can't do anything against Ion. Smart Core, Shotty etc... His shield is invincible. I don't know if it was always like this but it's kinda dumb...
A lot of what I do versus Ion is try to throw off his timing. Most Ions will just burn every drop of energy shielding the second they see you begin to shoot. Staggering your charged shots and firing sporadically can drain his energy while not allowing him to collect too much return damage or deplete too much of your clip.
Why oh why don't I get credit for the Titan kill if I doom a Titan? Someone else always ends up taking the credit when I do all the work.
Titanfall 2 |OT2| Whatever the fuck that means
if it's not this i'm going to rage
Yes that's extremely annoying.Why oh why don't I get credit for the Titan kill if I doom a Titan? Someone else always ends up taking the credit when I do all the work.
It's also easier to engage Ions with Legion at range. Ions only have the laser for long range sniping. Throw off the timing with Legion's long range bullets and shotty to deplete the shield then that Ion won't have anything to fight back.
TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Ion
No, minion kills add 5 if you kill a Reaper. It's bullshit, honestly. Add them up.
Legion literally can't do anything against Ion. Smart Core, Shotty etc... His shield is invincible. I don't know if it was always like this but it's kinda dumb...
God, yes. I'd say 90% of Ions can't return any damage from long range, so you're free to just go nuts on them. It's all about draining that shield without opening yourself to too much damage. Just not shooting, which some people do, is often death because it gives Ion time for backup to arrive or fuck up your positioning.
Titanfall 2 |OT2| Whatever the fuck that means
if it's not this i'm going to rage
Anyone got tips for Kraber? I feel like sometimes I get the feel down and others Im just way way off with every shot
are any minions worth 2 points? if so you could just replace two 1 pointers with two 2 pointers.
Can you lose points? self kills maybe? Thats the only thing I can account for yours being so borked.
Anyone got tips for Kraber? I feel like sometimes I get the feel down and others Im just way way off with every shot
I don't understand the game has the craziest mobility out of any current shooter and people choose to play cloak and hide .
Respawn should not be catering to that style of play. Either move or go play battlefield .
Played a match where the other sides MVP cloaked and hid with hemlock+sentry boost the whole match. I didn't see him one time
I've got killed multiple times in a game by a OHK Kraber - it def. needs a nerf
If it's PVP then that's just the nature of the mode. I think them showing deaths is a big contributor. Moving around fast gets you killed in PVP - at least Xbox. Hemlocks around every corner.
Are you joking or serious? It takes a lot of practice to actually get good with it.
I would wait for Frontier Defense, only time I used snipers for real in TF1, actually correction. there was a regen challenge for 50 pilot kills with one of the sniper rifles.
Otherwise I wouldn't bother, at least for me the pilot movement is too hard to accurately kille with a Sniper and I don't like staying still at any time in the Mp modes. Unless your Benchy and can 360 no scope, etc.
Tip: stop using it unless you have god like aim. It is trash, it is not going to kill anybody with a brain.
This thread is in community because barely anyone cares about Titanfall 2. Sad but it's true. It's just the same people posting over and over again.
Since the update, does Warpfall Transmitter no longer allow you to crush enemy Titans? I haven't gotten a single crush since the update. I've had a few good attempts, and I've seen the enemy Titan actually get 'nudged' out of the way where it should have been crushed.
Warpfall's advantage is how fast it falls right? Maybe it was too much of a cheap way to kill titans.
Since the update, does Warpfall Transmitter no longer allow you to crush enemy Titans? I haven't gotten a single crush since the update. I've had a few good attempts, and I've seen the enemy Titan actually get 'nudged' out of the way where it should have been crushed.
So, what I'm noticing is that the damage is not enough to kill Titans in all scenarios. I dropped my Ronin on a full health Ion and I did not kill him; it did a chunk of damage, though. I would need confirmation, but I think there may be a fixed damage for Titanfalls (like 3 bars of health or something).
You slightly missed him, is all.