They can fuck off with this controller aim assist on pc
It was on the first one as well; but kb + m is still superior
They can fuck off with this controller aim assist on pc
It was on the first one as well; but kb + m is still superior
Are you hipfiring or aiming down sights, try to hipfire. Also adjust your sensitivity. I found the default a bit high for me.
It will click as you play. We were getting rolled when we started and haven't lost a game yesterday once we got into the groove. Also hop on the discord and group up with people, communication really helps in this game.
Ronin is my favorite titan; I see a lot of people playing him wrong. He can completely dominate most Titans in a 1v1 scenario, if you manage to get close.
Not but much anymore.
Though I wanna see didact play and see if he can make R2 look good.
Frothy may move fast sometimes but his gameplay is basic.
This is totally not what I expected from the campaign. It's like they made a Portal game.
Midway through the game I think I kept saying out-loud, "This is a Valve campaign". It's really reminiscent of Portal.
Problem is that they don't let you keep the toys after a level otherwise there could have been some insane shit at the end of the campaign.
Do you use a Scuff? If not, you need bumper jumper in your life ASAP.The best gadget is easily. Though it was clearly designed for just that level.L1 to time travel
The best gadget is easily. Though it was clearly designed for just that level.L1 to time travel
The campaign is very good but it still has some problems. The first is that the AI is about as stupid as a bag of bricks. There's been numerous cases where I've run them either doing nothing or looking at a wall or what-have-you. They're about as smart as the AI in the multiplayer and as a result are about as interesting. The second is that the combat in the singleplayer isn't ever really challenging partially due to the AI being so stupid but also because some of the 'abilities' make the game EZ mode even on Hard. There wasn't any 'pilot' equivalent for the enemies where they'll just be wallrunning everywhere.
TF2 is so exhausting, in a good way. Most matches are really close and crazy shit is happening every second. Have to take a longer break now
so equivalent to the enemies/combat in HL2
damn, GOTY confirmed brehs
Legion really does need a nerf to either health or damage output. "Oh hey, let's make a Titan with the highest single target dps have the most health out of all other Titans, then give him a shield and an auto-aim attack! Brilliant!"
I haven't played HL2 in a long ass time but the AI is noticeably worse than other modern games.
I love the campaign so far
Why is it taking so long to find a Pilots vs Pilots match on PC. This is concerning![]()
I play Ion, and I just went against a Legion who kept shooting at me while I sucked up all his bullets, then spit right back in his face. Then I get a quick laser shot, and dash out of his view. Let my vortex recharge, then go back in. Just lots of salt and pepper. Don't fight head on for long periods of time. You'll wear him down in no time.Anyone have any strategies for combating Legion? I feel like it's just too powerful and my health bar gets chewed to shreds.
The fact that it can shield around it's gun is just crazy as well.
Frothy's strength is in his his tactics, understanding the strength and weaknesses of any given loadout, situational awareness, etc. His aim isn't the best I've seen from the PC community but I have never seen anyone get under the hood of the game like he does.
Did they change Bounty Hunter from the beta? I thought everyone was complaining about it in the beta. I think it's fantastic. Way more fun than Attrition.
I know exactly what you mean. This is my first TF experience, and the online feels incredibly cold and empty, for whatever reason. The highs are high, but I spend so much time running around not shooting anyone.
Anyone have any luck with the "...Becomes the Master" trophy/achievement? It's such a pain.
what results do you get?
no packet loss
3ms jitter
it's not me
its happening to everyone ive played with in open chat in numerous games from level 1 to now level 19. It's an issue. Somethings going on.
I have about 3 seconds to shave off.
amped hardpoint is definitely the game mode.
Anyone have any luck with the "...Becomes the Master" trophy/achievement? It's such a pain.
Hmm... That is very strange.
Really? Have you not been experiencing any of it? Everyone i've played with has.
I just unlocked Tone, but I am going to have to be pretty impressed if it is going to replace Scorch. I love the gas cloud/thermite combo.
Ending spoilers!
It's not a cliffhanger. It's BT contacting Jack on his helmet. Remember when he formed the link so you could communicate across time when you phased between the past and the present? BT clearly got zapped into a different time at the end.
Coming in an update. Your progress is being tracked tho.
Anyone have any luck with the "...Becomes the Master" trophy/achievement? It's such a pain.
Respawn you're killing me with these server timeouts man, this game is too good. I've tried resetting modem etc