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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.

On Xbone I've noticed basically no problems.

Not nice calling a girl an it.

Hmmm... im' on PS4. Maybe that has something to do with it. PS4 is using dedicated servers as well, correct? It feels like old school COD lag comp mixed with occasional bouts of rubber banding and some bad hit detection. Still loving the game... just a shame it's not perfect :(


You like me, you really really like me!
This game's HUD drives me insane. So many things on screen. I thought MW2 was nuts but they really went over the top with this one. Gonna take time to get used to this.


Really liking the MP. Not sure why people were hating on the two tech tests. This is fast and fun, just like the first one.


I beat the third time by all of .5 seconds. Don't care got the trophy though.
All I need now it to beat the game on Master and collect all collectibles. Will do that some other day though.
This is gonna be a silly question but, does the pin-up art in this game look less classy compared to the pin-up art in COD? There not even going for sexy subtlety. One of the Scorch Titan's nose art is just girl's ass in your face.


that gooser range tho


you cant even see the pilot in the gif lol, bless up


I play Ion, and I just went against a Legion who kept shooting at me while I sucked up all his bullets, then spit right back in his face. Then I get a quick laser shot, and dash out of his view. Let my vortex recharge, then go back in. Just lots of salt and pepper. Don't fight head on for long periods of time. You'll wear him down in no time.

Ah that makes sense. I'm using Ronin, so I have to stay close to be able to do anything, really. I tend to just phase behind him and get a few sword hits on him, and then unload the shotgun on him.

Not easy though.

I absolutely love the different titans in the game. I've seen all of them at least once on the battlefield so far, so it looks like the balance is pretty good.

Also, I've been impressed with the viability of each and every weapon in the game. You do see a lot of base AR users, but it's easy enough to take them down with almost any other gun.


So for multiplayer is there an agreed-upon "best" Titan? Or are they all balanced? Haven't been able to jump on multiplayer yet (still at work).


Really loving this game so far. Just put a few hours into both campaign, and multiplayer.

It's hard to articulate why, but I'm finding this to be the best controlling shooter i've ever played on a controller. It just feels perfect.


Tone seems stupidly overpowered after a couple rounds with it. So you kill pilots in one hit with almost no aim required, do great damage against Titans from any range, get free sonar, and can hide behind a shield. Meanwhile Northstar has to actually aim, only does slightly more damage per shot and way less over time, and has almost the same core ability except it makes you a sitting duck. It just felt like a straight upgrade.

I like the grenade launcher that works like quake rockets because it's amazing for farming grunts. But against pilots it's a bit too situational as you need to land a perfect shot to kill. Frustrating when they live with a tiny sliver of health from a not-quite-perfect hit and then you die in 2 hits from whatever automatic weapon they have. Also, I thought the gravity grenade would be a great combo with it, turns out it just absorbs the projectiles.

I saw someone using some shotgun that instakilled me from halfway across the map, Mastiff I think. That seems nuts. I'm sitting on about 100 credits and still considering what I want to unlock - the lock-on rockets and DMR seem like solid choices.

The ability to give myself a free battery seems like a smart choice over amped weapons because I'm so much better in a titan than on foot, so I could unlock that instead. I just keep getting in that vicious cycle where I get shot in the back and the game spawns me in the middle of the enemy team 5 times in a row. The worst was when it literally put me down a dead end hallway with 3 enemy titans sitting at the other end. I just stood there like, what the fuck do you want from me. When I get a Titan I always go on a massive kill spree unless something stupid happens when I spawn.


Well I guess you could say I'm enjoying the game. I just hit Generation 2 about an hour or so ago. The game is fantastic and feels so good moving and running around. I just hope people stick with it and it doesn't get forgotten about by next week.


Loving Scorch, loving Bounty Hunt, loving the battery system, loving this game.

I understand Amped Hardpoint, I just always seem like I'm the only one Amping, which leads to a lot of waiting for enemies to come. Not always scintillating, but it gets me tons of defense points. But whenever I leave the point, no one else amps for us.

Also, what a smooth rollout, I've been playing on both consoles, and barely had a hiccup, no drops, barely any lag, and super fast matchmaking.

Well done, Respawn!

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
What a waste of 60 bucks, Unreal. Knew I should of went disc version but I thought I'd love this hell out of this mp and I just have black ops 3 flashbacks. Start a match and its just nothing but insane players, every match. Where are these guys in Battlefield? I mean I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm typically 2.0 and higher kd ratio in most games or close to it, yet these matches there's always 2 or 3 guys I'm against going 25 and 4 pretty much in matches and I struggle just to get a 10 and 5,but the only series I ever struggle this badly with is call of duty. That's why I'm bugged... I mean I'm really bummed here, I love bf1 so that'll be my game but I spent 60 hoping that this would be a great game to hunker into. Why can I roll into BF and be top of the charts most matches and here it's a complete struggle? I'm in just pilot vs pilot now, but this is almost worse than attrition. Just guys camping, instant ttk once someone sees you, just screams call of duty for me. It does feel better than infinite warfare but I don't know, cod is the only series I ever get destroyed


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Just went to Best Buy and picked it up. Waiting for the tiny first day patch to DL real quick and eating some lunch then going to dive into the Single Player.
Tone seems stupidly overpowered after a couple rounds with it. So you kill pilots in one hit with almost no aim required, do great damage against Titans from any range, get free sonar, and can hide behind a shield. Meanwhile Northstar has to actually aim, only does slightly more damage per shot and way less over time, and has almost the same core ability except it makes you a sitting duck. It just felt like a straight upgrade.

I like the grenade launcher that works like quake rockets because it's amazing for farming grunts. But against pilots it's a bit too situational as you need to land a perfect shot to kill. Frustrating when they live with a tiny sliver of health from a not-quite-perfect hit and then you die in 2 hits from whatever automatic weapon they have. Also, I thought the gravity grenade would be a great combo with it, turns out it just absorbs the projectiles.

I saw someone using some shotgun that instakilled me from halfway across the map, Mastiff I think. That seems nuts. I'm sitting on about 100 credits and still considering what I want to unlock - the lock-on rockets and DMR seem like solid choices.

The ability to give myself a free battery seems like a smart choice over amped weapons because I'm so much better in a titan than on foot, so I could unlock that instead. I just keep getting in that vicious cycle where I get shot in the back and the game spawns me in the middle of the enemy team 5 times in a row. The worst was when it literally put me down a dead end hallway with 3 enemy titans sitting at the other end. I just stood there like, what the fuck do you want from me. When I get a Titan I always go on a massive kill spree unless something stupid happens when I spawn.

Titans DEF need some balancing. There almost isnt any reason to pick some of them in most gametypes.


What a waste of 60 bucks, Unreal. Knew I should of went disc version but I thought I'd love this hell out of this mp and I just have black ops 3 flashbacks. Start a match and its just nothing but insane players, every match. Where are these guys in Battlefield? I mean I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm typically 2.0 and higher kd ratio in most games or close to it, yet these matches there's always 2 or 3 guys I'm against going 25 and 4 pretty much in matches and I struggle just to get a 10 and 5,but the only series I ever struggle this badly with is call of duty. That's why I'm bugged... I mean I'm really bummed here, I love bf1 so that'll be my game but I spent 60 hoping that this would be a great game to hunker into. Why can I roll into BF and be top of the charts most matches and here it's a complete struggle? I'm in just pilot vs pilot now, but this is almost worse than attrition. Just guys camping, instant ttk once someone sees you, just screams call of duty for me. It does feel better than infinite warfare but I don't know, cod is the only series I ever get destroyed

Try some of the objective modes. Bounty Hunt rewards you with doing more than just shooting players in the face.

Get over your k/d and you'll have a lot more fun.
Anyone have any luck with the "...Becomes the Master" trophy/achievement? It's such a pain.
Two major things to get a fast gauntlet time: jump off of walls as much as possible (you're faster after jumping off a wall, not wallrunning on it), and learn to slide hop (currently the way to get the most speed). Try a few runs shooting nothing to get the movement down.
Hmm is there any way the happy hour time can be changed so it's convenient for EUGAF too? It's 2am in the UK.
Yeah, I need to figure out a good medium for the PC Happy Hour. I could make it late night US, early morning Europe, if that sounds good to the Europe folks?
What a waste of 60 bucks, Unreal. Knew I should of went disc version but I thought I'd love this hell out of this mp and I just have black ops 3 flashbacks. Start a match and its just nothing but insane players, every match. Where are these guys in Battlefield? I mean I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm typically 2.0 and higher kd ratio in most games or close to it, yet these matches there's always 2 or 3 guys I'm against going 25 and 4 pretty much in matches and I struggle just to get a 10 and 5,but the only series I ever struggle this badly with is call of duty. That's why I'm bugged... I mean I'm really bummed here, I love bf1 so that'll be my game but I spent 60 hoping that this would be a great game to hunker into. Why can I roll into BF and be top of the charts most matches and here it's a complete struggle? I'm in just pilot vs pilot now, but this is almost worse than attrition. Just guys camping, instant ttk once someone sees you, just screams call of duty for me. It does feel better than infinite warfare but I don't know, cod is the only series I ever get destroyed

this game is all aboutmovement. Keep moving indoors and you'll bemuch harder to kill. Amped hardpoint gives you a much better attack/defend mindset and helps you become creative on taking points.


The Gauntlet takes place in SP, where the motion model was locked a long time ago.

MP continued to tweak the motion model over the last few months, so MP and Gauntlet feel a little different.

That's my excuse for why it took me this long to get the achievement.
How do I join titangaf on ps4? I put my name on the spreadsheet and asked for an invite in this thread, didn't see anything pop up when I logged in. I searched for titangaf in the networks, found it, but couldn't select it. Help?

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
Try some of the objective modes. Bounty Hunt rewards you with doing more than just shooting players in the face.

Get over your k/d and you'll have a lot more fun.

I'm just an old school shooter fan tho, been playing since the modem days when it was just death match. I enjoy just running and gunning, I'll do some modes but not a fan of so much of them. I'm a stat person and enjoy knowing when I'm doing decent, I feel like I contribute more when I'm offering my normal combat skills.. When I cant efficiently kill in tdm I get annoyed
I feel like that's no longer as much the case for Titanfall 2.

Indoors at least it's true. Outdoors you're definitely right.

Sry sophism, my game crashed during the loading screen.

Maybe time to check out the SP finally. There are SOOOO many unlocks.

Does anyone know how the Regen works in this game? Between weapons and Pilots and titans and whatnot?


Xbox TitanGAF Happy Hour is Midnight GMT (which is 1AM BST, because daylight saving etc.) -- it's peak time for US.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I feel like that's no longer as much the case for Titanfall 2.

Id have to disagree here. There are a map or two that you can camp and be successful, but most of them still require wall running and precise movement to really be good at them. Some maps I can just wreck people because they just run around and Im literally running over them and able to drop down and shoot them because they have no idea I am there.
Ronin is too fucking good. It helps that because he has low health I have to play smart and choose when to drop on my enemy. I don't myself playing with any other Titan for a while.


Anywhere to see player base numbers by platform similar to the site that tracks that for battlefield games? Curious where the community is at.


A pilot blew up my titan, I ejected, grappled to a wall and immediately kicked him in the face. The grappling hook was easily the best addition to the game. Even closer to Attack on Titan.
What a waste of 60 bucks, Unreal. Knew I should of went disc version but I thought I'd love this hell out of this mp and I just have black ops 3 flashbacks. Start a match and its just nothing but insane players, every match. Where are these guys in Battlefield? I mean I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm typically 2.0 and higher kd ratio in most games or close to it, yet these matches there's always 2 or 3 guys I'm against going 25 and 4 pretty much in matches and I struggle just to get a 10 and 5,but the only series I ever struggle this badly with is call of duty. That's why I'm bugged... I mean I'm really bummed here, I love bf1 so that'll be my game but I spent 60 hoping that this would be a great game to hunker into. Why can I roll into BF and be top of the charts most matches and here it's a complete struggle? I'm in just pilot vs pilot now, but this is almost worse than attrition. Just guys camping, instant ttk once someone sees you, just screams call of duty for me. It does feel better than infinite warfare but I don't know, cod is the only series I ever get destroyed

My guess is that you can't handle the fast gameplay. Not saying that's a bad thing.

Personally, I could never get a feel for Battlefield because of its slower pace. It's a good game but something I know I could never be amazing at because I don't have the patience, lol.

With TF2 and COD, I feel more comfortable because of how quick everything is.

Don't worry about k/d. Play objective modes. Even if you can't contribute by getting many kills, you're still doing a great thing by capping and defending.

This faster gameplay might still be new territory for you and it may be something you might never get better at, or its something that will take you much longer to get better at.

Don't let it get to you, man. At least you gave it a chance. Hoping things get better for you cause it really is a great game but at least you know what you do and don't like.


so equivalent to the enemies/combat in HL2

damn, GOTY confirmed brehs
Like this shit makes no sense breh. Not only is this the first campaign of he series but the shit is fun as a MFer. Like some 90s action movie fun type shit. The MP community I'm a little nervous about in the long run but we eating for today tho.

Like you can tell this is the old IW here. Dudes making blood sacrifices to put out good ass shooters. It's not even fair.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Id have to disagree here. There are a map or two that you can camp and be successful, but most of them still require wall running and precise movement to really be good at them. Some maps I can just wreck people because they just run around and Im literally running over them and able to drop down and shoot them because they have no idea I am there.

I've encountered camping on every map I've played in Pilot Vs. Pilot matches. Including guys camping right near my team's spawn point, which is absolutely ridiculous.

That said, I've been able to rack up kills by switching to a sniper rifle in those situations. I typically never use sniper rifles in other FPS games, but they're super-easy to use in TF2. You also need to be constantly moving, like others have said- I had an awesome moment where I ran a slid down a hill while killing another player and shooting another one. I got killed, but it just looked so incredibly badass in the replay, lol.


One thing I really like about the new maps is that they really open up to all these different playstyles. Like every weapon type feels viable with the right build. It reminds me a bit of MW2. Not in terms of the power level but where you could run funky builds, knife runner etc.

Still running the A-Wall + Double-Take and having a blast.
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