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TITANFALL 2 |OT| Don't Misgender Tone.


could never
I can't be the only here getting this surely? Lol

New video up with super strange shit going on, I have no idea what to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, tried wired, wifi, resetting modem, resetting console and changing my data center from London to many other EU centers. All have the same result.


I don't get these problems with my other games... ever.

Sometimes I can play just fine for an hour or so then all hell breaks loose.


Id have to disagree here. There are a map or two that you can camp and be successful, but most of them still require wall running and precise movement to really be good at them. Some maps I can just wreck people because they just run around and Im literally running over them and able to drop down and shoot them because they have no idea I am there.

Who said anything about camping? All I'm saying is that movement isn't as effective anymore. You're super visible with the red glow and thrusters and the maps are very open with a lot of cover now.

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
My guess is that you can't handle the fast gameplay. Not saying that's a bad thing.

Personally, I could never get a feel for Battlefield because of its slower pace. It's a good game but something I know I could never be amazing at because I don't have the patience, lol.

With TF2 and COD, I feel more comfortable because of how quick everything is.

Don't worry about k/d. Play objective modes. Even if you can't contribute by getting many kills, you're still doing a great thing by capping and defending.

This faster gameplay might still be new territory for you and it may be something you might never get better at, or its something that will take you much longer to get better at.

Don't let it get to you, man. At least you gave it a chance. Hoping things get better for you cause it really is a great game but at least you know what you do and don't like.

Well that's only reason I get confused is like for instance I did pretty great in doom recently, which is pretty twitchy, and I held my own decently in overwatch but I could tell it wasn't really my thing. But most shooters like I said, halo, destiny, battlefront, Battlefield, I've been solid at 1.5 and 2.0 ratios with a good couple hundred hours played in most of them.

The kicker is this, original titanfall I loved and could really rock some matches. So that's why I'm just really bummed here.

But there is one shooter series I simply get wrecked, and that's call of duty. It'd been that way for years now, I'm not a cod player... I'm everything else but a cod player. That's why I say the correlation is there, even more than the original.. When I'm getting this crushed it's generally in a cod game. So it's why this feels like cod to me. I could hang in original titanfall but here man I am just getting rocked and what's sad is I love the feel of the weapons and the unlockables etc.... But just like cod I'm useless. I'll try some more matchmodes but it's looking bleak for me and I'm pissed I didn't buy disc version which I always do, but I was for sure guaranteed to love this after loving the original titanfall.


It's not even the glow. The maps ground you in like over 50% of the map. In R1 all you need is a little bit of a wall to get some speed going. Here, that wall doesn't even exist. Stim + Tactikill + Powercell is basically required for me to use speed to my advantage here.

My nephew adores PvP and fucking slays with the A-Wall and Hemlock. If he tried that shit in R1 he'd get wrecked.

R2 isn't growing on me in the sense that I understand it more, I'm just accepting it for what it is. Some of the great Single-player period with the best active* multiplayer this gen.

*if you don't consider R1 to be "active"


I'm not upset that CoD players are competitive. Lets be real here, in R1 they couldn't perform at all, which was a problem considering the market. They didn't go too CoD. It's still Titanfall enough for me to love it.


People complained about Attrition A LOT but it feels really good and similar for me.I think comparing with the first game's Hardpoint Amped Hardpoint has more problems to talk.No AI makes it empty and Amping mechanism kills the game flow IMO.Hardpoint in first game was my favourite game mode and also in Call of Duty i mainly played Domination starting with MW2 to today.But i'm really not feeling Amped Hardpoint.

Also i asked couple of pages ago why player levels not showing right next to names?


Is it the TSAA that's causing the texture blurriness or is it really only 4x AF on Xbone? I don't mind, just a little confused.

EDIT: You know what I love? That you can run past so many enemies in this game and it doesn't feel like you're skipping a battle.
Well that's only reason I get confused is like for instance I did pretty great in doom recently, which is pretty twitchy, and I held my own decently in overwatch but I could tell it wasn't really my thing. But most shooters like I said, halo, destiny, battlefront, Battlefield, I've been solid at 1.5 and 2.0 ratios with a good couple hundred hours played in most of them.

The kicker is this, original titanfall I loved and could really rock some matches. So that's why I'm just really bummed here.

But there is one shooter series I simply get wrecked, and that's call of duty. It'd been that way for years now, I'm not a cod player... I'm everything else but a cod player. That's why I say the correlation is there, even more than the original.. When I'm getting this crushed it's generally in a cod game. So it's why this feels like cod to me. I could hang in original titanfall but here man I am just getting rocked and what's sad is I love the feel of the weapons and the unlockables etc.... But just like cod I'm useless. I'll try some more matchmodes but it's looking bleak for me and I'm pissed I didn't buy disc version which I always do, but I was for sure guaranteed to love this after loving the original titanfall.

Trust me, give bounty hunter a go for a couple of rounds and just stay the hell away from pilot vs pilot.


Anywhere to see player base numbers by platform similar to the site that tracks that for battlefield games? Curious where the community is at.

Not on PC. There's under 400 people in my region for Amped Hard Point, which I assume is USW. I haven't been able to find a single FFA game since launch

R aka Bon

About the ending:

Maybe there was nothing to it, but if anyone has any info, i really want to be enlightened regarding the helmet that blink after the credits. Does it mean anything?
Something finally clicked with Ion last night.

He's a support Titan.

1v1, he's not great at taking out any Titans. You can, but you'll be left with a lot of damage more often than not.

However, you play a support role with other friendly Titans around, particularly Scorch or Tone, and you wreck. My buddies and I lasted a full match of Attrition with our first Titans playing off each other.

Trip-wires for area denial and traps (really only works as a trap on new players, anybody that has played a few hours just avoids them or needs to be pushed into them), primary for assist damage (damage too low and clip too short for a straight kill in most cases), and laser core for cleanup.

....still miss my XO-16 chain gun though. :(


I can't be the only here getting this surely? Lol

New video up with super strange shit going on, I have no idea what to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, tried wired, wifi, resetting modem, resetting console and changing my data center from London to many other EU centers. All have the same result.


I don't get these problems with my other games... ever.

Sometimes I can play just fine for an hour or so then all hell breaks loose.

I have the same problem.. driving me nuts. I have tried everything. The strange thing is my x1 elite via wifi has no issues. My Xbox one s wired has the problem. Even when my x1s is on wifi it has the issue.

It's beyond frustrating as I want to play it on my x1s.

I've even direct connected to my modem with the same result.


One thing I really like about the new maps is that they really open up to all these different playstyles. Like every weapon type feels viable with the right build. It reminds me a bit of MW2. Not in terms of the power level but where you could run funky builds, knife runner etc.

Still running the A-Wall + Double-Take and having a blast.
I realized that as well that they took the MW2 philosophy here and did a "serve all masters" style of MP on this. I think in some map designs it does fall apart a bit. I don't think they need such a wide ass outerbelt on some of these maps like homestead and even the other beta one with the center in he middle.I would have made them a bit tighter.


Press - MP1st.com
What a waste of 60 bucks, Unreal. Knew I should of went disc version but I thought I'd love this hell out of this mp and I just have black ops 3 flashbacks. Start a match and its just nothing but insane players, every match. Where are these guys in Battlefield? I mean I'm not the greatest gamer but I'm typically 2.0 and higher kd ratio in most games or close to it, yet these matches there's always 2 or 3 guys I'm against going 25 and 4 pretty much in matches and I struggle just to get a 10 and 5,but the only series I ever struggle this badly with is call of duty. That's why I'm bugged... I mean I'm really bummed here, I love bf1 so that'll be my game but I spent 60 hoping that this would be a great game to hunker into. Why can I roll into BF and be top of the charts most matches and here it's a complete struggle? I'm in just pilot vs pilot now, but this is almost worse than attrition. Just guys camping, instant ttk once someone sees you, just screams call of duty for me. It does feel better than infinite warfare but I don't know, cod is the only series I ever get destroyed

So you're not "Teh Bessttest!" in the game and that means you wasted $60? Battlefield player and you're super concerned about your KD...makes me think you're not a "good" BF player but one that's just sniping or going for your kills.

You're playing Pilot vs Pilot mainly and you're complaining? Really? What do you expect? You'd be number one just because you're used to MP shooters? Hate to be an ass, but news flash, buddy, the other people you're playing with play other shooters as well. This is some next-level complaining right here. I mean, I admit, I suck at Titanfall 2 MP, but I don't complain nowhere this much and acknowledge I need to be better.

Maybe go try the other modes, don't be super concerned about your KD and just have fun?

It's BT trying to contact Jack. The blinks are morse code, I've read that it says "Jack?"

Whoa! Really? That's awesome.


About the ending:

Maybe there was nothing to it, but if anyone has any info, i really want to be enlightened regarding the helmet that blink after the credits. Does it mean anything?

It's BT trying to contact Jack. The blinks are morse code, I've read that it says "Jack?"

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
So you're not "Teh Bessttest!" in the game and that means you wasted $60? Battlefield player and you're super concerned about your KD...makes me think you're not a "good" BF player but one that's just sniping or going for your kills.

You're playing Pilot vs Pilot mainly and you're complaining? Really? What do you expect? You'd be number one just because you're used to MP shooters? Hate to be an ass, but news flash, buddy, the other people you're playing with play other shooters as well. This is some next-level complaining right here. I mean, I admit, I suck at Titanfall 2 MP, but I don't complain nowhere this much and acknowledge I need to be better.

Maybe go try the other modes, don't be super concerned about your KD and just have fun?

Not really wanting or needing to be the best, but when I'm flat out useless in a mode that I enjoy that's a problem in the fun area. I just want to contribute to my team and enjoy it. I don't need to top the match chart, I just want to feel I can get better.. In cod games I try to get better but there's a flow of cod games that I simply don't connect with and same is here. I just want to have a few matches where I can sit back and analyze my match, know where to fix my problems etc.... But when I'm 2 and 8 within minutes of every match there's something I'm simply not connecting with and it's the cod influence in this game. I had one match I went 22 and 13 and it took everything I had, but I mean I didn't feel like I gained anything just had a random good match.

Edit: as for Battlefield I play a lot of team death match along with conquest, but as I stated I am am old school player who enjoys just the simplicity of competition in regular team death match in most shooters.


I was thinking I was just gonna breeze through the campaign to get a feel for the game and then hit up multiplayer starting tomorrow.

I just spent like two hours trying to get that fucking trophy in the Gauntlet race, and I am not even getting close. Insanity.


I can't be the only here getting this surely? Lol

New video up with super strange shit going on, I have no idea what to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, tried wired, wifi, resetting modem, resetting console and changing my data center from London to many other EU centers. All have the same result.


I don't get these problems with my other games... ever.

Sometimes I can play just fine for an hour or so then all hell breaks loose.

Wow. Massive packet loss? I've played in London from Los Angeles and the client prediction held up.

Could be temporary local connection issues.


Press - MP1st.com
Not really wanting or needing to be the best, but when I'm flat out useless in a mode that I enjoy that's a problem in the fun area. I just want to contribute to my team and enjoy it. I don't need to top the match chart, I just want to feel I can get better.. In cod games I try to get better but there's a flow of cod games that I simply don't connect with and same is here. I just want to have a few matches where I can sit back and analyze my match, know where to fix my problems etc.... But when I'm 2 and 8 within minutes of every match there's something I'm simply not connecting with and it's the cod influence in this game. I had one match I went 22 and 13 and it took everything I had, but I mean I didn't feel like I gained anything just had a random good match.

Ah. Gotcha. I honestly am the same. In some (TF2) games, I do very well, and in some, I suck so hard. I honestly stopped trying to wallrun everywhere and I found that I died less. I still move fast, or at least try to, but mostly to reach a Titan, attack a place I guess has an enemy, etc.

I'd say, stick with it, get better with a Titan that you're comfortable with, and do the same for the Tacticals and guns. I honestly should stop using the hook since I get killed more for using it. I chose the Alternator gun and hipfire my way, which works for me.

I mostly play BF and CoD, and I think we're kinda the same in terms of play style. Play Bounty Hunt since it's more structured (since you'll be gaining a ton of points for attacking Bounty Titans, and know that deposit time means you know where enemies will be mostly). I find Bounty Hunt easier than Attrition.

In BF and CoD, I usually am at the top of the scoreboard or something and not the case in TF2. I'm kinda OK with that now since it's a refreshing change. :)

R aka Bon

Btw i had no idea the game was running 720p on the Xbox version...here i was thinking this was 1080p(DF plz), something must be wrong with my eyes. I do remember however, that some objects looked fuzzy in one of the missions, but i saw it rarely. Anyway its a beautifull looking game, for what it was trying to achieve with the performance, and it's always with games like these that i come to appreciate the things we have.



could never
I have the same problem.. driving me nuts. I have tried everything. The strange thing is my x1 elite via wifi has no issues. My Xbox one s wired has the problem. Even when my x1s is on wifi it has the issue.

It's beyond frustrating as I want to play it on my x1s.

I've even direct connected to my modem with the same result.
Interesting, very happy it's not just me.

Meant in the nicest way possible haha xD
How is Attrition now, I heard that they did adjustments to it? I am not expecting it to be 1 for 1 to how Titanfall 1 was but is it enjoyable if you go into it with an open mind?


Respawn Entertainment
Interesting, very happy it's not just me.

Meant in the nicest way possibke haha xD

What kind of router do you guys have? Looks like either an issue with your connection/routing to datacenter, or local network issue - usually router.

Either of you tried removing router from equation? Plugging console directly in to modem?


How is Attrition now, I heard that they did adjustments to it? I am not expecting it to be 1 for 1 to how Titanfall 1 was but is it enjoyable if you go into it with an open mind?

It's basically Bounty Hunt but most of the enemies just keep spawning from the middle it feels. Yeah don't go in expecting it to be anything like Titanfall 1. I personally wasn't a fan. Really feels like the mode was an after thought.

Hollywood Hitman

Gold Member
Ah. Gotcha. I honestly am the same. In some (TF2) games, I do very well, and in some, I suck so hard. I honestly stopped trying to wallrun everywhere and I found that I died less. I still move fast, or at least try to, but mostly to reach a Titan, attack a place I guess has an enemy, etc.

I'd say, stick with it, get better with a Titan that you're comfortable with, and do the same for the Tacticals and guns. I honestly should stop using the hook since I get killed more for using it. I chose the Alternator gun and hipfire my way, which works for me.

I mostly play BF and CoD, and I think we're kinda the same in terms of play style. Play Bounty Hunt since it's more structured (since you'll be gaining a ton of points for attacking Bounty Titans, and know that deposit time means you know where enemies will be mostly). I find Bounty Hunt easier than Attrition.

In BF and CoD, I usually am at the top of the scoreboard or something and not the case in TF2. I'm kinda OK with that now since it's a refreshing change. :)

Yea, see for me i realize games have taken a turn in the score category which is cool and people can focus on that which I'm down with. But I use kd as simply my own self gage of how I feel I'm doing. You gotta kill to perform other actions, and so I feel If all I do is die then my team is just not getting the support it needs so that my own personal use of kd ratios. Not that I don't play objectives or anything, I will play objectives over my kd ratio but I at least want to have my combat down to where I can contribute is all.

I want to love this game but it'll be some work. I just normally can walk into a shooter and hang, that's my hangup... I just want to hang and be middle of the pack at least for now and feel I can really help out a team but getting beat down like a government mule is just no fun.

I spent a decent bit of time in black ops 3 and advanced warfare and I just get that vibe. Not trying to make someone rage over that comment it's just how it feels to me. But I'll try a few other modes to see.
Team Ion here, though Tone is a close second. The rest I don't care much for.
How is Attrition now, I heard that they did adjustments to it? I am not expecting it to be 1 for 1 to how Titanfall 1 was but is it enjoyable if you go into it with an open mind?
You know what's crazy is that Respawn might have been right to take Attrition away. I loved it in TF1 and was upset myself when it wasn't present in TF2, but now that I am playing Bounty Hunt I really don't feel the need to touch Attrition anymore.
What kind of router do you guys have? Looks like either an issue with your connection/routing to datacenter, or local network issue - usually router.

Either of you tried removing router from equation? Plugging console directly in to modem?

Drew does the GCE on datacenter names indicating they are google hosted? I get tons of latency on those playing from China but fine on others.
About the ending:

Maybe there was nothing to it, but if anyone has any info, i really want to be enlightened regarding the helmet that blink after the credits. Does it mean anything?

Ending spoilers

Right before BT bails you he says 'trust me'. He also says he has done the calculations and both can survive.

I take it as he has done just that.

By going into the core he has gone to a different time.

Earlier in the game, when you are time traveling yourself, BT can communicate to your helmet through time.

I am taking it as he is doing just that.
Tone is kind of ridiculous.

I'm kind of surprised she's so powerful given Respawn had to nerf the 40mm cannon in TF1 cause it was too effective.


could never
What kind of router do you guys have? Looks like either an issue with your connection/routing to datacenter, or local network issue - usually router.

Either of you tried removing router from equation? Plugging console directly in to modem?
It's a gaming Netgear one, sadly I can't check the name as it is downstairs (im disabled) also too far away to go direct as my ps4 is upstairs. But it is connectected via an extra long ethernet cale.

A friend of mine wants me to try putting my console in a DMZ. Will get pn that asap.
I can't be the only here getting this surely? Lol

New video up with super strange shit going on, I have no idea what to do.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated, tried wired, wifi, resetting modem, resetting console and changing my data center from London to many other EU centers. All have the same result.


I don't get these problems with my other games... ever.

Sometimes I can play just fine for an hour or so then all hell breaks loose.
I'm getting the same thing. Most of the time I can play for a few minutes before it all comes crashing down, but I haven't been able to complete a single round without a timed out message sending me back to the main menu.

I'm not seeing many other people having the same problem, I don't get it.


Regarding playerbase, I think that if Rainbow Six Siege recovered from a shitty launch, Titanfall 2 can as well. It would benefit from sales, free weekends, Origin Game Time, and hyping up big DLC updates. Because of its smaller 6v6 games, I wouldn't mind if the playerbase hovered around 5-10k concurrent players. It just remains to be seen if EA and Respawn will go to those lengths to bring in new players.

Titanfall can come back but it's gonna need a strong amount of effort over the holidays from both EA and Respawn

1. Respawn needs to grow up and allow a 10 hour trial on EA Access OR for all PS/Xbox players. Hell, do one better, first 3ish campaign missions and unlimited multiplayer for a week with 10% off available to all players (no gold or PS+ required)
2. Get a steady free DLC plan laid out and announced around the time CoD comes out. Tell us what's coming and what we should be excited for (maps, modes, single player DLC). Get the micro transactions details out, clarify it's cosmetics only. We know Gears is getting 2 maps a month for 12 month, we should have something similar for Titanfall.
3. Continue to advertise it throughout the holidays on TV etc. EA should to pay MS some cash to get Titanfall it's own tab on the homescreen like Battlefield has right now with all the reviews etc.
4. Announce frontier defence coming back as free DLC. Show a teaser for it.
5. Get the patch out detailing stats, challenges, ranked mode and any other small things ASAP.
6. Add the welcome message back, mentioning all future DLC will be free. Preferably before CoD's launch so people don't sell the game for CoD but probably too late now.

#1 might piss of people who just bought the game (especially those with EA Access) but whatever. If Respawn wants to make it up, give like $10 worth of loot box keys or whatever their MTX is to people who played before X date.

Honestly it's a good game, not as good as Titanfall 1 imo but it's better than CoD at least. Reviews, word of mouth and post launch support will go a long way if they are committed. A lot of small things like the things listed above will help sales massively.

R aka Bon

Ending spoilers

Right before BT bails you he says 'trust me'. He also says he has done the calculations and both can survive.

I take it as he has done just that.

By going into the core he has gone to a different time.

Earlier in the game, when you are time traveling yourself, BT can communicate to your helmet through time.

I am taking it as he is doing just that.

ahh now that makes sense


Respawn Entertainment
Drew does the GCE on datacenter names indicating they are google hosted? I get tons of latency on those playing from China but fine on others.

That just denotes where the ping server is hosted. Truth is you might end up playing on all sorts of servers in that region, not necessarily just a machine in that specific data center. For example, if you "connect" to the Virginia data center and start matchmaking, you could very easily be playing on a server in a South Carolina data center since its in the same US East region as Virginia.

Sounds like you've got bad routing to a particular geographic region, vs a specific data center issue. For curiosity, though, if you've noticed a pattern on specific regions or data centers I'd like to hear!
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