I get crashes when I tap start race at the slots. A remedy is to manually go to the race itself via the map.All the time, along with the slot machine crashing out if app every time it spins.
It's now worldwide on Android.
Yep. I got so far on the iOS version before I switched to the s5. No way I'm doing all of that over again.It is out on Android now. Started it, linked to Uplay, quit. Started it again and I had to repeat the beginning tracks again, linked to Uplay a second time, then it told me that I had to choose between this "current" game or download my level 2 character from minutes before from the server....so it doesn't look like we can transfer progress from iOS to Android. F that.
Yay, got my PLATINUM on Trojan Giraffe at 30:340, top of my friends list and #100 worldwide... Considering my Riptide has the lowest upgrade level of all my friends and I'm 10sec faster than #2 it's not too bad
Wow... I'm pretty sure I don't even want to know if it gets worse than that. I got up to the fifth or sixth Tier 3 track (the one that randomly costs only 7 fuel, lol wut) and nearly got to the final set (?) of ANBA missions (did enough of them to unlock the second tier 3 bike), but if the grind gets that stupid I'm done.You aint seen nothing yet!
Seriously, do not use random extra parts to upgrade unless you REALLY need to. Save ALL the lower tier parts for latter fuses to appease this needy vile woman
Wow... I'm pretty sure I don't even want to know if it gets worse than that. I got up to the fifth or sixth Tier 3 track (the one that randomly costs only 7 fuel, lol wut) and nearly got to the final set (?) of ANBA missions (did enough of them to unlock the second tier 3 bike), but if the grind gets that stupid I'm done.
You aint seen nothing yet!
Seriously, do not use random extra parts to upgrade unless you REALLY need to. Save ALL the lower tier parts for latter fuses to appease this needy vile woman
Well it is actually not a whole lot worse, but more of the same. There are many more of those "Get three Tier V Items" coming - which are time consuming as hell.
You have to beat the AI on quite a few of the hard 10 fuel tracks too to get more of those one off items (the thing beside the parts in the above image).
There is one track called The Watchers, and the game forces you to get near a Platinum time to beat the AI to get access to the wheel to get a CHANCE of winning one of those one off parts. That dame near broke me a few days back.
I was playing a lot of the Tier III tracks with the first Tier III bike - as ANBA was broke for ages and could not access the second bike. Maybe that made the game harder to work through.
I've still got some game left, and near Level 38 now. I feel like I am playing now out of stubbornness. I cannot stop until the Saloon is empty..
I think I just beat the game. It's over. Only "The End" and AMBA in the saloon.
Well, I guess that's that?
Dash Kappei said:
...and btw, I'm still #1 on my friends list leaderboard
Also top1000 worldwide and considering half of those are hacked... seriously Ubisoft are morons, why they don't fix that... when you have people in the top10 with level 2 riders, well something doesn't add up don't ya think?
Challenge me! UPlay: dashkap
Put your GAF handle in the message request or I won't add you (I've had 30+ requests from randoms last time! not falling for that again lol!)
Added you. I'm ShapeGSX. No way to put a note in the in-game GUI.
The design behind this game is the worst shit ever, like any F2P iPhone game, yet I cannot stop playing it. Just reached the 10 fuel cost tracks and seeing a screenshot of a fetch quest involving V parts is making me cringe. I don't know if I should go on knowing that they're coming up. I do enjoy the gameplay a tonne. I've spent $5AUS and felt bad about that, but I have enjoyed it so I'm not going to argue. Spending no more though unless those V fetch quests break me.
Also, has my A.N.B.A bugged out? It's stuck on 6 block repairs and every time I repair the 6 blocks it just resets it. This happened after I did a ~28 block repair quest, the dialogue seemed to cut out after the 'boss' of that repair and then it went back to 6. There's still at least 1 level I cannot access because it's telling me to do ANBA missions.
And finally, fuck Uplay. It's so bad.
Btw, what about uPlay in this game bothers you?
ANBA grids can have the same number of blocks a few times in a row, not unusual, carry on playing![]()
It's just not necessary and keeps signing me out so I have to log in to use the slot machine. Frustrating.
Fair enough, but I haven't received any unique dialogue in a good 3-4 blocks of 6. I'll keep going though as I use it to grind coins.
Did the latest patch add the inverted airtime or is that added once you reach a certain level on your slot machine? Either way, inverted airtime can suck a big one. It's by far the most frustrating thing to get, but at the same time the most rewarding when you pull it off. I had to get 5 inverted airtime and do 6 frontflips on one track and it took about 20 minutes. Fist pumped a lot after that one. Adding gold or silver to inverted airtime is a nightmare.
Ghost challenges suck. Some of them are hacked, people teleporting everywhere, driving through invisible platforms. Not fun.
Btw, ANBA won't advance past a certain point if you don't keep clearing "storyline" bits from the main campaign.
What's the best way to grind these V parts? I'm using the 10 tracks but struggling, it's taken me about a week to obtain one and a half of them. If there's heaps more coming it's going to be months before I finish this damn game... it's killing me!!
Also my advice is to keep your times as bad as you can that way you can rake in the coins from the anba robot by beating your times. And when you do beat the ghost only beat it by a second or less if possible.
Seems like everyones given the fuck up anyways, but the latest patch makes spins now take 90 minutes instead of 60, and makes you pay gems for a new island that's "so worth it".. except it's full of shitty 5 gas levels with equally shitty rewards. Lol fuckouttahere.
Mission is "Doing Your Part" you have to beat Cassidy on THE LIFT while filling a 6-bars reverse air-time...
HOW?! Please help, can't seem to be able to fill up the bar, and whenever I even get as far as 5 (I need 6 anyway) then Cassidy beats me.
So.. Anyone still playing this and/or the Halloween update?
I don't know how the fuck the 4th pumpkin quest will be possible. Barely completed the 3rd with like half an hour to go. Almost completely reliant on your spins and having infinite time.