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Truth & Trolls |OT| The Brothers Were Right

Dusk Golem

A 21st Century Rockefeller
Is it just me or does it sound like Susan broke character writing that? There's no way a 9-year old could write in that fashion, sounds like an adult wrote it.

This has to be a troll.

Nope, it's TAFKAJ(*)

Is it just me or does it sound like Susan broke character writing that? There's no way a 9-year old could write in that fashion, sounds like an adult wrote it.

What makes you think it's Susan? You should read "Kenzie's" tweets. She's just a *very* mature 9 year old, with an interest in booze and financial websites. (twitter.com/gamerceo)

(*) The Artist Formerly Known as Joseph.


Is it just me or does it sound like Susan broke character writing that? There's no way a 9-year old could write in that fashion, sounds like an adult wrote it.

Fortunately for us we've always known that it's been Susan posing as a 9-year-old on the website and on the twitter account.

"I got death threats. Give me money!"


There is a difference between criticising the scam and ridiculing the game. I think the little girl's feelings are still important, doesn't mean I'm not disgusted by the rest of it. Nor does it have anything to do with the protect women movement that's going on - I'd feel the same if it was a boy.

You're right though, it is an iron clad scam.

You're right. We shouldn't ridicule the game as the efforts of a nine-year-old, but if the game really is about the internet drama surrounding Susan and this project, then I'm not sure we can really consider it to be just the efforts of a nine-year-old at that point.

In any case, my apologies. It seems I misinterpreted what you'd written and going back over your post, I can see that your point was not to make fun of Kenzie.

I've gotta say that if Kenzie really is the one making all those tweets and comments, then she's certainly much worldlier than I was at that age. Maybe it's a rich kid thing?


The real child is Susan. She practically put a fatwa on people who dared expose her extremely scam-infested history. She's a sociopath without any self-awareness.


This has to be a troll.

Troll or not, it'd be amazing to meet "Joseph" in real life.

Lol at the game still not being out, and yeah, it looks like Susan messed up royally since she didn't specify whether it was in her or Kenzie in the latest update, not like the backers care though.
So I'm assuming nothing yet? I haven't been following this but I'd assume someone would have pics or vids by now if it was out.


Alright, I avoided the original kickstart thread like the plague from looking at the title.

What the fuck is going on here.
Watch Suscam pull a Fez 2 and come up with some reason to cancel the game.

There is minor problem with that scenario. If she closes down her twitter account like Phil Fish did, she can no longer cybersquat or stalk celebrities and industry leaders through there.

Also if ever she would want to close down the very valuable @FundHer account, she'll likely try to sell it first. So far we haven't seen her try that yet.

But if this Fez 2 scenario becomes a reality it'll likely be Susan's 9 year old alter ego that will take on the role of the drama queen.


LOL, from the KS comments:

Kaedryl - Obsidian's Mad Doctor about 6 hours ago

From the update:
"it’s not just difficult for a 9 year old to create, commit and execute a story line and long-term plan (with long-term being anything beyond 2 weeks), it’s mentally and physically impossible!"

So her brothers were right.


LOL, from the KS comments:

Kaedryl was one of my favorite commenters during the campaign. I'm suprised he/she wasn't refunded/blocked.

Amazing how 7 hours have gone by and no one has tried to defend her. Not even Susan. I just can't wrap my head around how quiet 1400 people are.


Most of them probably forget they donated in the first place. All the better for Susan. She can squash out any troll critics rather easily.


They probably should have gone with a different excuse than the one they've given.
Sorry. I just can't figure out how to get this stupid script I decided to put in at the last minute to work. I didn't want to be like a lot of other Kickstarters and be late so I'm very sorry. Hopefully my brain will figure it out while I'm asleep. I'll figure it out in the morning or delete the whole thing and just send what I should have sent earlier. Talk to you tomorrow.

That doesn't leave them a lot of room to draw the release out.


They probably should have gone with a different excuse than the one they've given.

That doesn't leave them a lot of room to draw the release out.

Being a 9 year old gamer CEO (or a greedy multimillionaire posing as one) must be tough.
They probably should have gone with a different excuse than the one they've given.

That doesn't leave them a lot of room to draw the release out.

Oh, don't worry, these people are extremely talented at coming up with excuses.

truthandtrolls.com said:
STATUS 8/1/13:

Missed 7/31 release because of not listening to Philip Tan at MIT (@djphiliptan). NEWBIE LESSON #1: Lock down & release the game (even 1.0) when it's ready or you'll be tempted to make it better. I feel horrible but thanks to the backer who said missing my deadline is a sure sign I'm a real indie game developer. LOL!

The "Newbie Lessons" (as the excuses are officially called) are numbered already. Next Newbie Lesson (#2): "My dog ate my Dell mouse, which was signed by Michael Dell. Philip Tan told me to put him on a leash. I should have listened..."

I'm a little confused though. Philip Tan said to release the game when it's ready. So basically the game is ready, but Kenzie couldn't stop herself and tried to make it better, right? But didn't Susan say they don't even have enough content for a 15 minute game ready at the moment? It's probably indie game dev logic, that is too hard for me to get. Rock on Susan Kenzie!


Somewhere a Ph.D. in Cognitive Studies or a similar field has just frothing at the mouth with all of the amazing content Susan's delusional crusade has provided them.

There's enough juice in this saga for at least three theses.


Neo Member
Kaedryl was one of my favorite commenters during the campaign. I'm suprised he/she wasn't refunded/blocked.

Amazing how 7 hours have gone by and no one has tried to defend her. Not even Susan. I just can't wrap my head around how quiet 1400 people are.

Thanks, I just call it like I see it. I also could help but post that after the entire supposed premise of the original KS and that last update.


You're right. We shouldn't ridicule the game as the efforts of a nine-year-old, but if the game really is about the internet drama surrounding Susan and this project, then I'm not sure we can really consider it to be just the efforts of a nine-year-old at that point.

In any case, my apologies. It seems I misinterpreted what you'd written and going back over your post, I can see that your point was not to make fun of Kenzie.

I've gotta say that if Kenzie really is the one making all those tweets and comments, then she's certainly much worldlier than I was at that age. Maybe it's a rich kid thing?

I'm sure she isn't the one tweeting, and the game isn't actually the work of a 9-year-old, but she probably still feels like its creator. It's a horrible situation the mother's put her in.
I had a busy weekend and totally forgot to check up on TATs.

Nothing has changed? Wow.

Nope. Not even a single screenshot/bullshot was posted (apart from the generic ones that have been posted months ago), even though the first 15-minutes-episode of the game was finished (*), if it weren't for that "stupid script".

(*) at least in this exciting work of fiction that Susan Wilson has been creating for the past few months.


Maybe this game should be renamed - Truth telling trolls.
The entire back story would be about a group of trolls that tried to tell everyone the truth about the evil witch, but no one would listen to them as trolls had a bad reputation of being hideously evil creatures that would kidnap and eat little kids while the evil witch had a great cover story :)
Maybe this game should be renamed - Truth telling trolls.
The entire back story would be about a group of trolls that tried to tell everyone the truth about the evil witch, but no one would listen to them as trolls had a bad reputation of being hideously evil creatures that would kidnap and eat little kids while the evil witch had a great cover story :)

That would be a shameless copy of the critically acclaimed Waqar's Quest. ;-)


I know Kotaku did it before, but now you can really see this is a scam. You have all the facts now and they could do another article about it.

No, it was obviously a scam from the beginning, and nothing has changed about that. I don't know why some people refuse to believe it. Major news sites defended it, though, and I wonder if they would have even given the project the benefit of doubt if the gender roles were reversed, or if this was simply due to Susans influence as a business person.


No, it was obviously a scam from the beginning, and nothing has changed about that. I don't know why some people refuse to believe it.

It was indeed always a scam, and we've predicted Susan's every move well ahead of time.

The idea that she's making a "game" with her daughter is laughable. The daughter is being used to disingenuously promote Susan herself as a trailblazer for women and kids in gaming/STEM.


Gold Member
No updates in a few days...

The suspense is killing me! Will it ever be released I need to know, I haven't eaten or slept in days!
No updates in a few days...

The suspense is killing me! Will it ever be released I need to know, I haven't eaten or slept in days!

Susan has been hosting her first ever (free and entirely virtual) STEM camp these last few days.


Which is probably why she's been too busy to care about Kenzie and her game.

The good thing is that she's saving a 100 female entrepreneurs from the clutches of this man's world. Why only a 100, you ask?

Susan Wilson said:
I'm limiting the information to 100 people because if everyone knew, it wouldn't work.

No room for more than 100 succesful women on this planet!


damn...i want that box art as a fabric poster scroll.

and not the shit they have in their geekstore..."i drink like a girl"..really?


Gold Member
Susan has been hosting her first ever (free and entirely virtual) STEM camp these last few days.


Which is probably why she's been too busy to care about Kenzie and her game.

The good thing is that she's saving a 100 female entrepreneurs from the clutches of this man's world. Why only a 100, you ask?

No room for more than 100 succesful women on this planet!

Well as long as she is putting her time to good use, I'm happy. After all I've seen what they have been doing this past few months and it's way more than expected.... wwaayyy more than expected.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The reason why there's no update is because Sony will announce it as a PS exclusive at gamescom.
Getting dat Indie developers on board.
The reason why there's no update is because Sony will announce it as a PS exclusive at gamescom.
Getting dat Indie developers on board.

You might be on to something! Makes complete sense too, because she already retweeted one of Shahid Kamal Ahmad's tweets. So clearly they are close friends and she speaks with him on a daily basis about the progress on Truth & Trolls.

Meanwhile we gotta commend Susan for sticking her neck out every day for the sake of girls/women in STEM. She's such a brave little warrior, despite all the trolls (and Joseph) constantly breathing down her neck. People should pay her for continuously fighting that good fight!


Still taking about Susan Wilson Is there a possible Infatuation with her.
The intention of this thread was to prevent people from giving money. Susan has already gotten the money. isn't your money. What other people choose to do with their money isn't our business.
Now its really boring. Its old stale news being repeated on every page. Dont you think it's time for everyone to move on to another topic.

Because I still laugh when thinking about this epic first post.


LOL. $usan's philosophy in a nutshell.

Inc. ‏@Inc 1h

Crowdsourcing isn't just for indie films. It can help grow your company too http://bit.ly/1cJKEpA @speakerjeff
Retweeted by FundHer

Also this one.

FundHer ‏@FundHer 9h

@85Broads Isn't that a Kennedy quote? Love that @JeffBezos still thinks BIG & ACTS! Anyone remember what was said about him in 1998 & '99?

And this one.

FundHer ‏@FundHer 8h

@TheMommyGamers I <3 this line &#8220;My mom has the right to prevent me from tweeting something when I&#8217;m not in school, not the school district.&#8221;

And look out, everyone!

FundHer &#8207;@FundHer 8h

@onbergen @Skillcrush I'm 43 & know enough coding to be dangerous. I keep trying. Email bootcamp is great but also let's me file for later.
Meanwhile "Mackenzie" is still struggling with RPG Maker.

More so, she's getting resource packs, likely in an attempt to make her game look even more generic.

Disguised Susan Wilson said:
Kenzie &#8207;@GamerCEO 19h
@RPGmakerweb Will resource packs bought on sale thru Steam work w/RPGMaker VXAce already installed on my PC that's NOT Steam?

Kenzie &#8207;@GamerCEO 19h
@RPGmakerweb Can u explain benefits of moving to RPGMaker on Steam & how best to do it? Lots of info but unsure. [email protected]

I don't think a whole lot of game making has been done at this point. Which brings her one step closer to a Phil Fish moment. (It's great though that she's spending the backer money wisely, by getting resource packs for RPG Maker in a sale instead of full price.)

Fortunately, there's always some 'shopping' to get her through those depressing moments:

Disguised Susan Wilson said:
Kenzie &#8207;@GamerCEO 10h
Look at my pimpin' @so_sohappy jacket! Also got 3 t-shirts PLUS a free postcard & stickers. http://sosohappyonline.com/about pic.twitter.com/opPTOrlOSM


If my 9 year old used the word pimpin' I would have serious issue with that.

Funny how I saw the Steam sale the other day and thought, "Great now Susan has a chance to start working on the game"


i think in 5 years time, people will be pointing towards jonathon blow, phill fish and mackenzie wilson as the 3 founders of indie gaming.
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