So when is this coming out? My hype levels are maxed out. Just bought a GTX 780 specifically for this game.
So when is this coming out? My hype levels are maxed out. Just bought a GTX 780 specifically for this game.
So when is this coming out? My hype levels are maxed out. Just bought a GTX 780 specifically for this game.
FundHer ‏@FundHer 1h
I <3 Dropbox b/c I can share large files easily & access my stuff 24/7. FREE sign up + xtra space for us w/this link:
Sorry. I just can't figure out how to get this stupid script I decided to put in at the last minute to work. I didn't want to be like a lot of other Kickstarters and be late so I'm very sorry. Hopefully my brain will figure it out while I'm asleep. I'll figure it out in the morning or delete the whole thing and just send what I should have sent earlier. Talk to you tomorrow.
Sounds like Susan's running out of storage space for Truth & Trolls game files.
Everyone sign up for Dropbox through her link so that she can get more cloud storage. Otherwise the game won't be made.![]()
So are there still people who think a game is coming out of this?
I do! (*)
(*) If we make Waqar's Quest and sell it to Susan for $24K. Ofcourse all net profits would have to go to trolls in STEM.
Edit: remember the 14 year old guy's project btw, with which Susan compared her own on to get some extra money?
The last update on that project so far was on June 14th. It just contains to links to the game's site. Be sure to check them out! And be prepared to be amazed!
Wow. That one is just sad. $2800 well spent on a kid who doesn't care about his project.
STATUS 8/1/13:
Missed 7/31 release because of not listening to Philip Tan at MIT (@djphiliptan). NEWBIE LESSON #1: Lock down & release the game (even 1.0) when it's ready or you'll be tempted to make it better. I feel horrible but thanks to the backer who said missing my deadline is a sure sign I'm a real indie game developer. LOL!
The YT video with the producers is great. They must feel proud for contributing.
The site's been gutted. No more concept art, no more story info, not even the page that mentions harassment and threats.
At least the game and apparel purchase links survived the redesign.
From the homepage:
Yes, Susan. LOL.
The YT video with the producers is great. They must feel proud for contributing.
badly disguised Susan Wilson said:Kenzie ‏@GamerCEO 7h
@BeGeekGo @2young2code Already making my 1st RPG game w/RPGMakerVXAce. Feature creep got me. What's ur best way to STOP feature creep?
badly disguised Susan Wilson said:Kenzie ‏@GamerCEO 7h
YEP! @KauffmanFDN @MichaelDell @Dell @FedTalks @sjfeliceatdell Be4 @Kickstarter made me 9yr old CEO my mom @FundHer was G'town EiR & rocked!
Oh my, I hadn't noticed the Credits Wall of Shame yet.
"Kenzie" has been busy on Twitter too, btw. It's not the stupid script that was the problem, it's feature creeping. There's just too much content in the game, people! Notice how "Kenzie" uses a lot of capitals, must have inherited that from Susan... such a close mother-daughter bond.
And because Susan felt awesome again this morning, she felt the world needs to know about that:
How many Susan Wilsons are there in this world? What saddens me most is that she's probably not as bad as some of the real "entrepreneurs" out there.
I wondering, will this be the first OT that might not have a game at the end of it? It's looking increasingly likely to me lol.
I wondering, will this be the first OT that might not have a game at the end of it? It's looking increasingly likely to me lol.
That's the joke. We have an OT for a game that was never going to be made, but was just a front for a scam by a multimillionaire who got $25000 and used the kickstarter to advertise herself.
Oh I know all that mate I was fairly active in the other threadI was kind of expecting something once DG started this thread though...fuck knows why!
Gotcha. Well, I think the thread was a way of reminding Susan and her watchful minions (Hi guys!) of the pile of dogshit that is Susan's entire operation.
I couldn't agree more. I don't why I do it but I'm compelled to read her tweets, damn she is irritating. I should really stop, but it's like a sour sweet - you know it's foul but keep licking lol.
Lol read those tweets and it's such a badly made attempt at pretending to be a 9 year old tweeting XD
I don't think there will be a comeuppance. Susan's entrepreneurial aura is too impenetrable. Months ago I figured things would go like this:
- after funding, long silence
- small tidbit of news, "game delayed"
- backers don't mind, still deluded, tell her "take as long as you need!"
- longer delay, less communication
- backers forget about it
-Kenzie$usan eventually tells backers game won't be made, but experience was invaluable
- backers rationalize being scammed by telling themselves it was for the better of kids and women in STEM/gaming
FundHer ‏@FundHer 6h
@LeahRemini Someone NOT seen publicly in many years is worth investigating. Took courage! Now know other MIA rpts filed 4 same wife=CONCERN!
Kaedryl - Obsidian's Mad Doctor 2 days ago seems to have been gutted. Pinkiesquare unchanged since May. Any new news?
Lol read those tweets and it's such a badly made attempt at pretending to be a 9 year old tweeting XD
His account is gonna be deleted and he's gonna be persecuted by activists.
Every 9 yo girl dreams of being a CEO.
Is KS going to do anything in this case? I am recalling that they 'overruled' their own rules for this one...
Clearly, every 9yo girl knows what the CEO acronym stand for too.