Baron von Loathsome
Just beat and dateBut how many characters you can date?Undyne in pacifist run. That scene is simply amazing.
I only didPapyrus and Undyne.
Alphys is mandatory to get the true pacifist ending.
Just beat and dateBut how many characters you can date?Undyne in pacifist run. That scene is simply amazing.
I only didPapyrus and Undyne.
Alphys is mandatory to get the true pacifist ending.
Game pretty much tells you to do it after the second dateThe game prompts you to do it, or do I need to discover that by myself?
I need to face that area now.
No, Mother is pretty long-ishNow that I loved this game should I try Earthbound or Mother? I think i've seen some people compare between the Mother as short as Undertale?
Now that I loved this game should I try Earthbound or Mother? I think i've seen some people compare between the Mother as short as Undertale?
I'd say play cave story.
Game is more similar than you'd think!
A bit LTTP considering how much this game is right up my alley, but I just started up and subsequently beat it yesterday. It's something special, for sure. I completed the pacifist route.Funny thing playing a game that's influenced by EarthBound's ending sequence while on Steam: the rapid fire forced-quits and restarts from the Photoshop Flowey fight meant I had steam friends who could tell what part of the game I was at and started steam messaging me during the sequence. It's both surreal to see the steam chat box comment during that sequence that said "it's okay", "it's just a bad dream", " from which you will never wake". It's also highly appropriate that I was able to pound out quick calls for help between bullet hell sequences and get a little "<3" show up in the corner of my screen.
I've completed the game, got the true pacifist ending, but I got the twinge of wanting more growing inside of me. However, I am filled with DETERMINATION to let the game lie. When I finished the game the idea of turning around and doing a genocide run did not sit with me at all, and the way Frisk remembers the number of times she dies to Asgore already got me thinking down the path that the game is aware of your actions outside of your current "life". After confirming that the genocide pathdoes remember that you did the pacifist route before it and restarting actively undoes all the good you've done in your previous run, I'm dead set on not exploring the genocide run. While it means less Undertale for me, one of the parts that I love about the game is how it explores and recognizes the oddities of doing 100% completion for the sake of it, even when it's actively against the morals you've set for yourself in what would otherwise be your "canon" run. I love that the game builds that into itself, even though the very nature of doing so actively discourages me from exploring this game top to bottom like I do with other games I love. Can't have my cake and eat it to, so time to go and boot up my Xmas copy of Fallout 4. Maybe in the future I'll revisit the game again, but I can tell you right now it's going to be another pacifist run. Until then, thanks Undertale, and goodbye!
Rapid fire forced restarts? Flowey only shut off my game once.
Did it? I could have sworn I had to boot up the game again at least a second time. Either way, it was enough for steam friends to deduce what part of the game I was at just from them seeing the "PBalfredo is playing Undertale" messages pop up on their end, so *shrug*
No, Mother is pretty long-ish
You should definitely play them though, specially EB and M3
While Mother/EarthBound Beginnings is the shorter of the two (about 20 hours long), it's as grindy as you'd expect an NES RPG to be. EarthBound is roughly 10 hours longer, but it's much less grindy and has much more unique content to fill up those hours. I'd recommend EarthBound to people new to the series, and Mother 3 after that. And I definitely recommend EarthBound to anyone who enjoyed Undertale.
OK i just started the game and can I spareToriel when i fight her?
I really wanted to try and spare her but then suddenly I hit her ith a crit and she dies T.T
Yes, Earthbound has more... events, story, humor.
I notice my friends tend to drop Earthbound not long afterand move on to other games as it's got a fair amount of backtracking and 16 bit RPG quirks about it.Moonside
Though it's not balanced to be frustrating, the most annoying part of the game is the Dragon Quest style inventory management.
Mother was the first take on an unconventional RPG and it's... pretty conventional for a late NES RPG. It's not unheard of to be wiped out by a crazed hippie shortly after leaving home. It's balanced to be grindy, when it's not almost unfair with some of the random encounters. Kind of reminds me of Final Fantasy III for the Famicom in that way, not a good way.
And the story is... not really there. Apart from text in the early game and some major developments in the late game, it's very very different from all the other games we compare it to.
But you will notice things from Earthbound that are clear references to Mother, many things. It's worth playing if you're really fond of Earthbound. I'm not sure I'd give it a strong recommendation otherwise.
This is why I hate the spoiler tags. I answered this exact question two pages ago!
Maybe we should have a sticky for saving Toriel.
Hah the game did hint about it early on, but I thought that'd be something End game like XP
How long is a single playthrough? 5ish hours? Cuz I wouldn't mind a replay knowing what I know now.
Hah the game did hint about it early on, but I thought that'd be something End game like XP
How long is a single playthrough? 5ish hours? Cuz I wouldn't mind a replay knowing what I know now.
The one bit I really wish this game had was an alternative to the bullet hell combat for players with a physical handicap, who can't clear the game otherwise. I suppose there's LPs, but that's kind of a shallow solution.
There's some people I'd love to recommend this game to that can't play it because of that. I'd suggest maybe something in the same spirit like Zork-like combat to Toby, if I was important enough and he was interested in going back to this game.
OK i just started the game and can I spareToriel when i fight her?
I really wanted to try and spare her but then suddenly I hit her ith a crit and she dies T.T
I honestly thought the game had genuinely crashed at that point, and when I started the game up again and saw a glitched intro sequence, I force quit the game and rebooted my computer. I was pretty damn pissed off. It was only when I Googled the"error code" I found out that it was intentional.
oh hahahaha but when you loaded again the glitched intro played again or it goes directly to the photoshop flowey intro?
I want to try and convince some of my friends to give it a try. Does anybody have any suggestions for YouTube videos that do a good job of showing it off without spoiling anything too significant, or where the creator comes across as annoying ?
I want to try and convince some of my friends to give it a try. Does anybody have any suggestions for YouTube videos that do a good job of showing it off without spoiling anything too significant, or where the creator comes across as annoying ?
i love spec ops but the fact that you literally can't in-story back away from violence is in my opinion a failing on its part. the designers said in interviews that you can just 'stop playing' but imho that's not a valid 'player choice' since it's not a meaningful choice taken by the player-character avatar so much as it is by the player-person
i love spec ops but the fact that you literally can't in-story back away from violence is in my opinion a failing on its part. the designers said in interviews that you can just 'stop playing' but imho that's not a valid 'player choice' since it's not a meaningful choice taken by the player-character avatar so much as it is by the player-person
I want to try and convince some of my friends to give it a try. Does anybody have any suggestions for YouTube videos that do a good job of showing it off without spoiling anything too significant, or where the creator comes across as annoying ?
The stop playing "option" drives me up the wall when I see it in defense of Spec Ops because it's the equivalent of throwing the game disc out the window and writing fan fiction.
Spec Ops likes to equate participation in the game's violence with condoning it. Which I feel is a false equivalence when it is the only possible option. It's like blaming the actors on stage for Romeo and Juliet's bloody demise because they did not walk off the stage abruptly in Act 1. Meanwhile, there is no question who is at fault for a genocide run coming to pass in Undertale.
I want to try and convince some of my friends to give it a try. Does anybody have any suggestions for YouTube videos that do a good job of showing it off without spoiling anything too significant, or where the creator comes across as annoying ?
Well, I powered through it, and while I do think the game got somewhat better after moving past having to deal with the two, the game never really grabbed me. I'm now at the final boss on what I assume is what people are calling a "neutral" playthrough, and fuck this. I do not have the patience for nonsense like this.skeleton bros
Honestly, the combat throughout was pretty frustrating in ever encounter, whether I chose to kill or not.
At least I can say the music was incredibly good.
If only I found that funny or charming in the slightest =/
I did.
Gonna have to accept that not all games are for everyone.
I'm not huge on Fallout 4 and apparently that game was the bee's knees. This isn't a problem with me or the game, it just happens sometimes.
I played the game and got the neutral ending when it came out. I then spend a couple hours reading about the alternate endings and watching True Pacifist on YouTube. Really really loved it.
But then I heard the soundtrack today, months later, and immediately got the urge to play through the game again.
I never play games for hours straight. But I played Undertale for 6+ hours straight today, beating True Pacifist for myself. Damn what an amazing ending to play.
Why would you kill greater dog even in neutral.
You monster.
Complete, but the gamepacifist rundidn't endI need to backtrack and discover stuff, this title is amazing.
remember to return to the ruins at the start of the game
I have one question regardinggenocide run: do I need to kill EVERYTHING? I mean, I see there's one boss who only appear in October, I need to kill him too?
I have one question regardinggenocide run: do I need to kill EVERYTHING? I mean, I see there's one boss who only appear in October, I need to kill him too?