Okay here's 9 random Undertale sprites, leaving it at that for now.
Hope you guys like it & like all the sprites I post they're free for anyone to use.
I love these so much. I'm especially fond of your Moomin-style Toriel.
Okay here's 9 random Undertale sprites, leaving it at that for now.
Hope you guys like it & like all the sprites I post they're free for anyone to use.
I love these so much. I'm especially fond of your Moomin-style Toriel.
Oh snap.Sorry for the double post but this is really interesting
Toby teasing the "game shrouded in darkness" that was specified in the Undertale kickstarter that is related to Undertale.
Sorry for the double post but this is really interesting
Aww yiss! more Tobygames!
Is there anything to indicate that this is related to Undertale? I'd like to see something else from Toby.Hope this expands on Gaster
Is there anything to indicate that this is related to Undertale? I'd like to see something else from Toby.
Hope this expands onGaster
I was thinking today, and I have a question. What characters have defined genders (she/he)? I know the main character doesn't, but which others?
I was thinking today, and I have a question. What characters have defined genders (she/he)? I know the main character doesn't, but which others?
I imagine the question was supposed to be "which characters don't have defined genders". In which case, not counting various background characters/enemies: Monster Kid, Napstablook, Riverperson, andall apply.the Fallen Child
Napstablook's an interesting case though, sinceseems to almost refer to them as "he" before switching to "they".Mettaton EX
I'm a little confused, guys. Spoilers follow, I guess.
So I killed Asgore, then finally defeated Flowey (I didn't kill him), then I got the phone call with Papyrus and Sans, the only major characters still alive for me) then Flowey appeared and dared me to do it again, then I was set back just before Asgore. Was that the ending? Or is there more if I go through and fight Flowey and Asgore again, it sounded like he was hinting at doing what I've heard of through osmosis is a pacifist run. Is there more here? I just feel super empty, if that was indeed one of the endings, huh. Okay, I finished it? I don't really feel anything.
I'm a little confused, guys. Spoilers follow, I guess.
So I killed Asgore, then finally defeated Flowey (I didn't kill him), then I got the phone call with Papyrus and Sans, the only major characters still alive for me) then Flowey appeared and dared me to do it again, then I was set back just before Asgore. Was that the ending? Or is there more if I go through and fight Flowey and Asgore again, it sounded like he was hinting at doing what I've heard of through osmosis is a pacifist run. Is there more here? I just feel super empty, if that was indeed one of the endings, huh. Okay, I finished it? I don't really feel anything.
Did you kill anyone in that run?
If you didn't move back a few rooms to activate pacifist.
Neutral ending is a bit of a misnomer really. It is an ending but it reveals nothing about the true nature of the game.
You hit one of the neutral endings. Flowey basically told you to reset and do a pacifist run to get the true ending. At least, I'm assuming you need to reset, 'cause it sounds like you killed a good bunch of characters. If you didn't, you'd be able to pick back up and go do the pacifist ending from here.
Well, you know what, I really don't have time for that right now, I knew I was on some neutral path or whatever, but I thought I'd actually get a bit more closure than I actually got. I assume you literally mean start the entire game over and gain no xp killing nothing including bosses -- then I'd get the "true" ending or something like that? Got a youtube link? I'd like to see the true ending, but there's no way I'm actually going to execute on a pacifist run, that just sounds far too tedious.
Well, you know what, I really don't have time for that right now, I knew I was on some neutral path or whatever, but I thought I'd actually get a bit more closure than I actually got. I assume you literally mean start the entire game over and gain no xp killing nothing including bosses -- then I'd get the "true" ending or something like that? Got a youtube link? I'd like to see the true ending, but there's no way I'm actually going to execute on a pacifist run, that just sounds far too tedious.
The game's pretty easy and quick the second time through, and the reduced health from staying low level doesn't make too much of an impact. I'd recommend giving it a try, but if you're dead-set on giving up here... Dodger's playthrough is pretty great. VODs from her stream are up on her Youtube channel. Part 12 and onward is the true pacifist end content.
One more thing, is there any form of controller support? dodging attacks on laptop arrow keys was harder than it should have been.Yeah, I like Doger's work, I was also considering watching the TwoBestFriends playthrough -- although that's something I'll watch anyway.
I just can't help but feel super disappointed right now, even if it's totally all my own doing that got me here. I think I might actually go ahead ad properly complete the game, or at least see these two other variants, the genocide and pacifist runs. Genocide sounds like a bit of a slog though. Other than not killing everything (and killing everything on genocide), is there much I need to know to not fuck up my own playthrough? Or is it pretty straight forward?
There's controller support, yeah.
Pacifist is pretty simple. Just never use the fight button and you'll be fine. You can re-load your save if you accidentally kill something. Also, go out of your way to befriend Undyne.
Genocide's a bit more complicated. You have to kill enemies in each area until no more spawn... which is quite a bit of a slog. But yeah, "kill everything".
So genocide is literally random battling away the world, as well as bosses, huh. Now is there any indication to when you've fully cleared an area? Or just do a couple of laps of each room to make sure it's clear?
Oh and fleeing qualifies as pacifism? Not just sparing?
Rapid fire forced restarts? Flowey only shut off my game once.
I just reached theEncounter.Undyne
So I just Plead and Spare til she gives up right?
I only ever killed like 1 monster besides Toriel
For me this game is great for its character and music, but dang do I hate the moody ones @_@
If you wish to get the pacifist ending, you need to not kill any monster,. Thought I should warn ya in case you want to go back.Toriel included
I just reached theEncounter.Undyne
So I just Plead and Spare til she gives up right?
I only ever killed like 1 monster besides Toriel
For me this game is great for its character and music, but dang do I hate the moody ones @_@
I'm aware of that, now to figure out just how longUndyne will keep yapping before her encounter ends, yeesh
I'm aware of that, now to figure out just how longUndyne will keep yapping before her encounter ends, yeesh
TL;DR: Undertale is a brilliant game, and the less you know about it before going in, the better.​​
And that's because, despite the Earthbound-ish elements, Undertale stands on its own as something entirely unique. Not only due to its design choices, but also to the amazing quality of the game as a whole. From the artwork to the soundtrack, from character design to battle systems, Undertale is easily one - if not THE - most coherent and consistent game I've ever played, where everything exists for a reason and I couldn't imagine it any other way.​
But nothing is perfect. While Undertale is a very short game that can be beat in around 4-5 hours (in your first playthrough), it has some pacing issues. (...)
It comes as no surprise that re-playing an area based entirely on puzzles and a weak, gimmicky character isn't fun at all.
Surprisingly, though, that's the biggest criticism I have of Undertale.
Yo, try!escaping
Also move it when you do.
Also TOTALLY OPTIONAL THING PEOPLE MISStry running to Undyne's house while you're running away from her!
Where isher house?
Transparent Metta and Undyne (I guess no one wants to use Flowey as an avatar, right?)
West of Blooky's place, it's the house with a bit of angry face going on. Can't really do it now that you've escaped and (I assume) saved, though.
For example, I had no clue that I hadn't completed. I would've been super pissed if I went through with the ending without finding that out.befriending Undyne until I was right at Asgore's doorstep and I looked at the guide
Sorry, but I have to vent my anger at this shitty game.I've been loving the game all the way through, great characters, great humour, great battle mechanics. A truly delightful game. I've been doing the pacifist thing of course, solving every encounter without violence. Until I get to the final boss and I just can't figure it out, there's nothing you can do. So I try staying alive for a super long time, nothing happens. I try dying over and over, nothing happens. The only thing the game keeps telling you is to have DETERMINATION. Don't give up! So I keep trying to figure it out, I try various items, explore the castle, try to find hidden menu options, etc. I spend so much time on this fight before I eventually give up and look it up online. Turns out there's no solution, you just HAVE to fight this boss. Doesn't matter if you're playing pacifist, you still have to attack him with a goddamn knife. So utterly fucking stupid. Fuck this game.
I might finish it later when I'm less angry.
This game has ruined me. I beat the neutral run yesterday, thought nothing could top that ending, and then just beat the final battle on the pacifist run. The latter part was such an emotional moment that I had to leave my PC to get some breathing room. My eyes were watery by the time themain theme kicked in during the final battle with Asriel and I was on the brink during the lost souls bit of the fight. I can't do the victory lap around the game world right now.
Oh and fleeing qualifies as pacifism? Not just sparing?[/SPOILER]
This game has ruined me. I beat the neutral run yesterday, thought nothing could top that ending, and then just beat the final battle on the pacifist run. The latter part was such an emotional moment that I had to leave my PC to get some breathing room. My eyes were watery by the time themain theme kicked in during the final battle with Asriel and I was on the brink during the lost souls bit of the fight. I can't do the victory lap around the game world right now.
I have some thoughts on some other content of the game that I need to get off my chest.
1.Everything I read and saw online about the genocide run disgusts me. I can't comprehend why the developer would put this in the game. Seems way too cruel and completely at odds with the rest of the game. Why is the PC possessed by the first human to be this sociopathic killing machine? Makes no sense. The horror elements of the final encounter with the first human sounds especially fucked from what I read and saw.