He did one for Megalovania as well and its far better than it should be
That Megalovania one is extremely fun, I listened to it like five times in a row when I first found it.
He did one for Megalovania as well and its far better than it should be
I wanted to give the Earthbound Halloween Hack a try after playing Undertale, but it just feels like an exercise in frustration.
I just finished it on the true pacifist route.
That was one of the sweetest games I've ever played. It did a great job making the story feel like it was designed for that route even when it was designed for multiple. I was really impressed with how it handled the True Lab. It would normally be a horror setting, but since you're on the true pacifist route to even be there in the first place, you already know that there's nothing really to be scared of, and it played to that with the shower curtain and the bed apparition. The ending was so satisfying that I'm not even sure I want to see the bad endings. I liked the game way more when it was being sweet and sincere than when it was being unpleasant anyway.
So apparently Undertale was mentioned on the 700 club
hilarious and sad.
I am here just reading and waiting for a patch with new harder you dog : (
We all know he would do a genocide run if he ever played the game.So apparently Undertale was mentioned on the 700 club
hilarious and sad.
Since Kirito, in all likeness, will likely be stopped 150 times by UU and 200 by Sans, it's just one timeline in 30'000. Knowledge of how it has really gone down and how to prevent it is worth one timeline in 30'000.
I think I'm gonna throw down the towel and steal a savefile or something.
I know I can do it butsurviving sans last attack is so goddamn hard
Stealing a save file to complete genocide is an unprecedented new low in evil-doing. Congratulations.
Stealing a save file to complete genocide is an unprecedented new low in evil-doing. Congratulations.
Which dog?
Why is the soundtrack so damn good. The Core is even better than the last few tracks *_*
Im gonna have to wait till I finish to buy the soundtrack. Each new theme is like eating a cookie that just gets tastier each bite.
Also when you hit the 700 club, you know you've made it.
Stealing a save file to complete genocide is an unprecedented new low in evil-doing. Congratulations.
You don't even have to do that, as there's a save editor floating around.
I don't know how this works with the Steam edition, so I wouldn't touch it, myself.
So apparently Undertale was mentioned on the 700 club
hilarious and sad.
How ironic is it that he talks about video game violence in the context of a game filled with scenarios that actively encourage non-violent play?
I'm interested in this game but idk if I'm going to have time to play it.
How long is it? And if it's long ( longer than 6~8 hours for one playthrough), does its gameplay allow you to easily pick it up after being away for a few weeks/months?
I'm interested in this game but idk if I'm going to have time to play it.
How long is it? And if it's long ( longer than 6~8 hours for one playthrough), does its gameplay allow you to easily pick it up after being away for a few weeks/months?
does anyone know whats happening to vinesauce joel's chennel?![]()
I didnt saw that the link itself was a spoiler, fixed that.
Got a friend to start playing this and they're already really digging this, which is a pleasant surprise since they're not big on RPG's and don't have much of a connection to Earthbound. Have any of the more mainstream gaming sites picked up on Undertale yet? I reckon with enough of a push it could be a Shovel Knight-style breakout hit since it's super accessible.
The degree of coverage that Undertale receives feels like the exact representative we needed to demonstrate how poor traditional video game media is.
I tried looking it up in the IGN search bar and it basically thought I typed in "Undertaker."
Mainstream gaming media is just a marketing tool at this point
I can agree with that. Things do not pick up until you get to the waterfalls. But yeah it really does tug at you because neutral Asgore. I ran through it twice and that was enough for me.Game was pretty solid. I didn't see what was so special about it for the first hour or two...starts pretty slowly...but it gets progressively better, in my opinion, and I was absolutely loving all the meta stuff at end-game.
Thanks, Toby!
It is sad when a gaming blog like Kotaku covers it more than actual game news sites.The degree of coverage that Undertale receives feels like the exact representative we needed to demonstrate how poor traditional video game media is.
I got stuff to do. = D
I remember watching a YouTube video where the guy's friend gave up after the first 5 minutes. Was hilarious. But yeah, in this ADHD generation build-up like in Paper Mario tends to get more dislike than in the past. I get the first hour is meant to draw you in, so I was fine. Then you are running away from spears and it gets real.confirmed.Danganronpa 3
I find it weird so many people were meh about the first hour or two. Even if it wasn't as good as the end it still hooked me and drew me in. I don't find any part of the game to be weak; I thought the beginning was good too.
I finally got through a run of this game, so I should be safe to hang out here now, right? This game's incredible! I mean, I know some people are overselling it, but if sites like IGN are barely acknowledging it, I can understand why people want to get the word out. Besides, it makes sense people would try to hook new players that way, seeing how its heavily inspired by the Mother games and that's basically what U.S. Mother fans did for almost-literally decades.
Anyway, I have a question about the Run I just did, and my "Attempting to avoid spoilers" approach to answering it just confused me. I did a Pacifist Run, butI couldn't find Alphys after beating Mettaton, so I couldn't "date" either of them before fighting Flowey. I know that Undyne's supposed to give you a letter to trigger that date in a second playthrough, but do I have to do a second run now? I think I met the other requirements, since I never earned any XP, and befriended Undyne and Papyrus. And I know that Alphys is the key here, since Flowey flat-out said so after I spared him. But he sent me back to the final checkpoint; I don't know if that's so I can go back and fix things, or to let me know that I can't go any further without restarting.
Do I need to start an entirely new run? Or is there a way I can go back,, and get the Pacifist Ending without starting over? Either way, I'm satisfied with the ending I got, but I know it's not the "GOOD" Good Ending; if I have to start over, that's going to bug me. That's not to say that the game's not incredible, though. Because it is. "Best Game of All Time" might be overstating things, but honestly, between how good it is, and how weak this year has been for me, this is my Game of the Year, barring Mario Tennis if it's secretly hiding a finished game underneath that one stadium we've seen so far.befriend Alphys somehow