That sounds like a super villain origin story.Lucky for you, I have one on hand.
That and probably because the main character gender is never estabilished so you might be gay in multiple ways through the story.Why did this game become the whipping boy for the angsty anti-SJW kiddos? Is it because there arein it or whatlesbians
Why did this game become the whipping boy for the angsty anti-SJW kiddos? Is it because there arein it or whatlesbians
I seriously cannot believe that this might be my GOTY. I beat a neutral run a few days ago and loved every minute of it. Going to start a pacifist run soon.
hey quick question how do I reset the game?
is it justreinstalling and wiping out the local appdata folder?
Does anything happen from completing true pacifist multiple times?
Why did this game become the whipping boy for the angsty anti-SJW kiddos? Is it because there arein it or whatlesbians
It's because the tumblr Homestuck kids latched onto Undertale. that's literally all there is. Even in /v/ threads I constantly see the sentiment that 'the game is fine' but the fans have ruined it.
I guess. I didn't know what OFF was or that it existed until you told me just now, so I don't know.Like OFF, basically?
You can do pacifist and genocide as a first play through.You got the neutral ending, first playthrough is always neutral. You now can do a pacifist run (don't kill anything+other stuff) or genocide run (kill everything). You should probably do them in that order since genocide is kinda one way's also *way* more difficult. Both playthroughs are extremely different. Also the game is a lot quicker the 2nd/3rd time around because you don't have to really read every little thing like your first run through.
"I will never forgive them"
I just finished the game. Wow, thewas just on another level.4th wall-breaking
Some questions:
So I played the game as a normal RPG, killing things, leveling up, but showing mercy at the end when given the option. What ending did I do? I'm able to continue just before fighting King Algore, I believe. If I choose to fight him, is that a different ending? What about if I choose to fight Flowey? I'd rather not play through the whole game a third time (after a pacifist run) if the point of divergence is just with that one choice.
It's not worth it, man.So I just started a genocide. I...hmm.
I'm a wuss and I get easily attached to characters. Kudos to people who can power through genocide, it's just not for me.
No powering through needed for me, here. Hell, I've constantly been thinking about heading back into the game after having played through it for each ending, but specifically for the Genocide route again. I just want to experience it once more.
Why did this game become the whipping boy for the angsty anti-SJW kiddos? Is it because there arein it or whatlesbians
I'll never forgive those sjws! I'll RUIN those sjws!
Sölf;187603323 said:Yeah, I did. I am not completely finished yet.Just reached Sans. Holy shit. Undyne was already hard enough. Well, that will probably take some time... xD
Sölf;187603323 said:Yeah, I did. I am not completely finished yet.Just reached Sans. Holy shit. Undyne was already hard enough. Well, that will probably take some time... xD
Please keep in touch with us. After you beat it let us knowhow many times longer it took to beat Sans than you spent playing the other playthroughs combined.
That boss is a piece of cake compared to what comes after.I tried a genocide run, butis too much of a pain in the ass.Undyne the Undying
Might try again later, but I'm content with what I've done in this game for the time being.
That boss is a piece of cake compared to what comes after.
I tried a genocide run, butis too much of a pain in the ass.Undyne the Undying
Might try again later, but I'm content with what I've done in this game for the time being.
It's not worth it, man.
I was stuck on the Undyne boss fight for days, and after I finally beat her I felt no satisfaction and just abandoned that playthrough. I can't keep killing off those characters after True Pacifist.
I'm a wuss and I get easily attached to characters. Kudos to people who can power through genocide, it's just not for me. I already know the gist of what happens and, I'll probably end up watching the rest on Youtube anyway.I don't care if Flowey taunts me about itDamn my morbid curiosity. I'm part of the problem. /hangs head in shame
Sölf;187617990 said:This. I am now ~15 tries in. Got as far asWill try again tomorrow, it's nearly 1:30 AM here already.1 attack before his Special Attack.
Agreed. I thought the red text was very effective since it wasn't all over the place, I only found a couple instances so they caught me off guard. Specifically:The # left text for save spots is creepy in its own way too.
Sölf;187678269 said:Beat him after another ~5 tries (so around ~20 in total).
And I just erased the whole world. Well, fuck me.
Very impressive. This is the best I've ever heard anyone do for their first time.
Sölf;187688820 said:Still, considering the duration of the whole battle, it probably still took me 2-3 hours just to beat this one fight.