Hey VitaGAF! Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but has anyone heard anything about a UK pre-order for the Undertale collectors edition yet? My google-fu is coming up empty.
Hey VitaGAF! Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but has anyone heard anything about a UK pre-order for the Undertale collectors edition yet? My google-fu is coming up empty.
So I just got my european copy of Tokyo Xanadu.
There's this weird site called that still has stock of them that a kind user on reddit shared.
They are uk based and they seem to ship internationally because mine arrived to Germany.
So if anyone wanted it physically and didn't get it because Aksys, get on it they still had about 20 copies left last time I saw.
Can't link right now.
Unfortunately, physical PS4/Vita copies are exclusive to Fangamer. They have a preorder page up, and they do ship to UK, but it's not live yet. We're supposed to get more news this month on it.
Unfortunately, physical PS4/Vita copies are exclusive to Fangamer. They have a preorder page up, and they do ship to UK, but it's not live yet. We're supposed to get more news this month on it.
Pre-Order is live:
Get your PS Vita copy quick, seems like they are limited to 2000 pieces.
It's free over a certain amount and the CE exceeds it. Without that it'd be like $10.How much do they charge for shipping to the US?
It's free over a certain amount and the CE exceeds it. Without that it'd be like $10.
Pre-Order is live:
Get your PS Vita copy quick, seems like they are limited to 2000 pieces.
It's $4 shipping for just the game. $10 if you throw in the artbook too, though.How much do they charge for shipping to the US?
Where are you seeing the numbers? Is that the LE or the SE? I want to wait until payday but if there are only 2000 copies of the SE...
Got it from the LRG thread, but seems like only this first run is limited to 2000 pieces. But there will be more if the demand is strong:
The Asian physical release of Ys Origin is delayed to September 7th according to Play-Asia.
Yep, I logged in without any problem.Is anyone able to log into Vita PSN right now?
yes, we'll be looking into it. Tesla vs Lovecraft may be too much, but Time Recoil and JYDGE are of same scope as Neon Chrome.
Not limited from what I know but if it's like Shovel Knight it'll sell out eventually.So is a physical copy of undertale on Ps vita going to be rare? Is this a limited release?
Best Buy just set the release date of Mary Skelter to September 19th. Because we need more Vita games in September, apparently.
VGP is carrying both Axiom Verge and Velocity 2X for the Vita (NA release).
Best Buy just set the release date of Mary Skelter to September 19th. Because we need more Vita games in September, apparently.
What are the chances the Mystery game on August 25th being one of the God Eater games, maybe both games in some shape or form? LRG was able to sign Ray Gigant after all, so why not God Eater?
What are the chances the Mystery game on August 25th being one of the God Eater games, maybe both games in some shape or form? LRG was able to sign Ray Gigant after all, so why not God Eater?
That's the first confirmation of Velocity 2X for NA no?
God Eater isn't a jrpg, so 0%?. The mystery game is also Vita only.
It's most likely Stranger of Sword City Revisited.
Ray Gigant was more of a deal with Acttil (which resulted in Deemo) than a deal with Bandai Namco. If anything, that opened a line of communication with Experience and we're getting Stranger of Sword City Revisited.
This makes me really sad, both because I really wanted to play the game on my Vita and the fact that Sony didn't manage to keep their "promise" to the Vita audience. To me, this is the final symbol that Sony have stopped caring about the V side of their customers.
It may sound stupid but this might change how I look at Sony in the future :|
That sucks. Was looking forward to playing that.
Expect to hear a lot more western indie vita cancellations as we approach 2018 and beyond.
Today I was thinking about this . I need this game , and I want it on this console. Day 1 whenever that day might be.
Yes I know. However, I don't think any of them will have quite the same emotional impact on me as this one.
I wish that we had a Vita successor to look forward to because (this far) the Switch isn't doing much for me (yes I own Zelda and no I don't like it very much).
Expect to hear a lot more western indie vita cancellations as we approach 2018 and beyond.
I refuse to believe the following will suffer the same fate as The Banner Saga, Poncho, or the like:
2064: Read Only Memories
Pixel Noir
Regalia: Of Men & Monarchs
VA-11 HALL-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Drift Stage
Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey
Or I could be wrong and more than half these games are cancelled for Vita within the next two years. Atleast Undertale is coming soon and 99Vidas just released.
Not sure if it is okay to ask a general question here, but is there any consensus on whether the 1000 is the superior build quality for thumbsticks? The OLED doesn't make a big difference to me and the shorter battery life isn't fantastic but durability of the controls would make choosing between the two versions dead simple.