Quick Mustard
What server is EU Gaf on? Oh and what faction? haha! Who do I contact for an invite?
Guild isnt up yet, Tunesmith is offering to make one for us.
Hazak, PvP server for EU.
What server is EU Gaf on? Oh and what faction? haha! Who do I contact for an invite?
Yeah I don't understand why performance is so bad in this game. I'm running an 8320 @ 4GHz with a 660ti and its 30fps on ultra, 30fps on potato mode. But i don't think I've seen an MMO run at 60fps besides WoW for me. Is the game CPU bound and its just not playing nice with AMD or does the game require more vid ram than 2GB wish Carbine could tell me.
There were no queues for either TESO or GW2. No one ever had to queue to get into those games.
Not yet, but we're congregating on EU Hazak, Exile I think (server issues permitting).
Guild isnt up yet, Tunesmith is offering to make one for us.
Hazak, PvP server for EU.
What about migrating to Zhur, so that everyone can play without issues (and I can join)?![]()
Hazak has been temperamental for me, I wouldn't be against swapping to Zhur if it means less queues.
(I don't necessarily have to make the guild, whoever reaches the requirements first can do that.)
Also, there's already a NeoGAF circle it seems? Who can invite to that?
My current character name is Phol by the way.
I'm only level 3 at the moment, so wouldnt mind swapping to another server.
I'll go with the flow.
The queue for Hazak is awful, so I cant even play right now :/
im up fior a change of server since this wait time is really bad for hazak
Any gaffers on a PVP server?
2 hour power nap. Back at it. PVP'ers, you were right. Far more demand than our data showed. #AdmittingError #PVP #WildStar
Let's hop to Zhur then, I'm level 10 on Hazak but it doesn't matter.
Zhur has a 15 min queue, it's way way less than Hazak at least.
I'm gonna try out a Warrior/Soldier on Zhur once I get in. Phol be the name.
thats fine ill start a char on zhur
same name baskcm
also exiles are we on
Has anyone opened a boom box yet?? I can't wait to see what is inside! If so what did you get for your first box?
I have 92 to go through.. full summer's worth of boom boxes lol
Looks as though my temps being in the 80's for the GPU were down to being in windowed mode.
Switched to Fullscreen and I'm now at 40C.
Wtf is that for real?? What about border less windowed?
Sucks that boomboxes are tied to a specific character once claimed. You can claim on any character but they're unique.
EU GAF: We're jumping to Zhur.
I also made a circle called ExileGAF which we can use in the meantime while there's no guild.
Are circles cross-server? GAF and NeoGAF are taken.
It seems to dip up and down, but windowed mode seemed to put it higher.
Its by no means staying at 40, but it doesnt hit 80C at all now.
I'm nearly out of the queue on Hazak but I'll stay in it for now since I've been sat it in all afternoon basically lol.
I'll grab the character creation codes for my toons though [Edit: Oh.. can only do that when creating the buggers] and see about recreating them over on Zhur later on instead. Just hope the character names I'd reserved earlier on today aren't already in use on the other server =)
Hazak has been temperamental for me, I wouldn't be against swapping to Zhur if it means less queues.
(I don't necessarily have to make the guild, whoever reaches the requirements first can do that.)
Also, there's already a NeoGAF circle it seems? Who can invite to that?
My current character name is Phol by the way.
Ok, in terms of graphics issues, can anyone confirm if there seeing what I'm seeing here?
I've recorded a small one minute clip of it.
Basically, when jumping, it seems to clip the character around a bit.
The video shows it much better than I can explain it.
I've just re-installed my video drivers and it still seems to do it.
I have no idea whats causing it.
Its not game breaking, just really annoying.
Any GAF love on Ascendancy? (EU-PvE)
Umm actually just tried spaz jumping like you seemed to be (jumping and spinning quite violentlyand yeh I get it too
in 6 hours of play I can honestly say I've never jumped whilst spinning to that extent
Any GAF love on Ascendancy? (EU-PvE)
This launch is really bad.
Was gonna ask the same, I'm on Ascendancy EU, Exiles?
I am but queue's man..
Welcome to every MMO launch.