Yep, just got in now.
Everything just went down for me. Hotfix patc hnotes are posted but the site is down
Yep, just got in now.
Who do I message for a guild invite on Orias as an Exile?
Can someone in Neo Empire shoot me an invite real quick? Character name: Istara.
can someone post the hot fix? The forums down for me.
can someone post the hot fix? The forums down for me.
Fixed an occasional crash resulting from right clicking to report spam.
Fixed a bug where players who had purchased the game were being placed into the "guest" realm queue.
Fixed an exploit that was allowing some users to bypass the server queue.
Fixed issue causing character create screen to be blank after the queue popped.
The Bag of Awesomeness can now be rebound via the Account Services UI if the player character no longer has the bag in inventory.
Fixed a server crash related to pathing.
Added more cheat detection.
Definitely not fixed but who cares: EU/NA ping pong galore
Anyone else having camera deadzone issues?
It's like there are invisible UI elements in certain areas that won't allow me to right click and turn the camera. A pointer hand cursor shows up in these areas.
No EuroGAF on Ravenous?
It has the coolest name.
Yea, I tend to run and jump when running around, which is how I noticed it, lol
Weird, so you basically get the same thing?
What GPU do you have?
Sorry, didn't check thread in time. I can give you one after the hotfix if you're still around.
I forgot how amazing housing is. Now that i'm actually invested in a permanent character i spent closet to 45 minutes setting up the sparse furniture i own. I went with the rocket ship house.
What's with the queues people are talking about. I made my character on Orias earlier today and haven't seen a single queue.
How are you all doing on money? I couldn't get my mount until level 16 and I have about 3 gold left over now. Everything in this game seems so expensive.
Anyone else having camera deadzone issues?
It's like there are invisible UI elements in certain areas that won't allow me to right click and turn the camera. A pointer hand cursor shows up in these areas.
You have any addons running? Is using a few quest addons, when I turned them off, the problem went away.
Anyone else having camera deadzone issues?
It's like there are invisible UI elements in certain areas that won't allow me to right click and turn the camera. A pointer hand cursor shows up in these areas.
Anyone else having camera deadzone issues?
It's like there are invisible UI elements in certain areas that won't allow me to right click and turn the camera. A pointer hand cursor shows up in these areas.
You have any addons running? Is using a few quest addons, when I turned them off, the problem went away.
No EuroGAF on Ravenous?
It has the coolest name.
No Addons. :\
How are you all doing on money? I couldn't get my mount until level 16 and I have about 3 gold left over now. Everything in this game seems so expensive.
I get that occasionally, but not near as bad. I have an R9 270x. I don't think it's the card though, it seems like server sync.
No Addons. :
Is it by any chance above the player frame?? Go to the "Interface Menu" via the Escape Menu, go to the "Window" tab and uncheck the movable mark for Vacuum Loot.
Could someone in neo empire please send me an invite? Name: Cyllis
The UI is still a bit of a mess. I have tried for months to give feedback...![]()
I specifically remember GW2 was *laggy as fuck* on launch day. It was definitely not smooth at all.
ESO does not have many people playing it.
This game is *laggy as fuck* on launch day. I'm getting 700ms. Way worse than GW2 ever was. At least, being able to play a laggy game is better than not being able to play it at all. Which is the case after a 4k queue. Sigh.
Did you play on some secret GW2 client I don't know about?