aw man, nice avatar! y2kev = best mod.
Vlodril said:
I cant for the life of me get a handle on saejima's fighting.
someone else here told me this helpful bit: try just holding down triangle. his charged spinning lariat thing clears most rooms, and even works great one-on-one, im currently owning my way through the colosseum with it.
fernoca said:
Men of Yakuza Dynamic theme is up for PS Plus subscribers (and for "free")...and it's nice.

.....and there's also a new "DLC" called 'Upgrade Pack', which says lets you increase strentgh and stamina further and build your relationship with Haruka to a higher level. Is an 108kb download though.
good looking out! i grabbed the theme, and it is indeed nice, was happy to finally change out my Heavy Rain one. didnt see the new DLC, ill grab it tomorrow for sure - thanks man!
teacupcopter said:
I've been told it's like Shenmue + heavy rain + fighting games

who told you that, though? there's not much Heavy Rain in here at all, is the thing. its Shenmue-like, but instead of a Virtua Fighter combat engine, its more old-school beat-em-up, with you picking up objects & bashing the crap out of random street thugs, to level and learn new awful ways to knock their teeth out, literally. it's a blast, and each character has their own unique fighting style too.
if it helps, think more Streets of Rage than Street Fighter.