Bet they won't do that until next gen.klee123 said:One thing though, I do admit. Sega needs to change the setting completely for RGG5.
They could actually use the assets from Kenzan and expand on it.
You just have end your combos with traingle. This helps if you also upgraded akiyama with double or triple kicks so you can end with 3 triangles after his full square combo. You wont knock down fatguy though, they are extremely hard to knock down without a weapon.Lindsay said:Like a ship without a sail without a... whys that song in this game? I thought I'd never hear it again after PSU x_x;
Trying to find the key on the rooftop above theater alley is driving me crazy! I don't see any sparkling no matter where I look! And I hate how Akiyama is rich but ya still gotta get buy with what piddly lil cash ya earn from fights & substories <.< Also it seems harder to knock people down in this game. Where'd all the hunched over dudes go?
Edgeward said:You just have end your combos with traingle. This helps if you also upgraded akiyama with double or triple kicks so you can end with 3 triangles after his full square combo. You wont knock down fatguy though, they are extremely hard to knock down without a weapon.
Lindsay said:13 hours 20 minutes on Akiyama alone. Sheesh I really lost myself in the game this time. Usually I just playthrough the first time for the story but that locker key radar had me hunting 'em like mad!
hehe what I meant was barreling over ordinary people walking the streets seemed more difficult then last time. Its so darn stupid its funny, I just gotta knock 'em down and totally get away with it @_@
Edgeward said:Oh, seemed about the same to to me from 3. As long as you hit them directly from behind and they are male, it seemed like a pretty good chance of knocking them over. Managed to get it before I finished Akiyama's chapter and sidequests.
Edgeward said:Saejima is easy once you knock an enemy down. Unlock his helicopter spin move, it's a charged triangle. I forget if you unlock in in the sewers helping out the master or if it's an upgrade. But knock an enemy down, time your charge so that you unleash it just as they are getting up, rinse and repeat.
dgenx said:I hope Yakuza of the end will be this or more awesome, zombie sidequests![]()
Mistouze said:Finished it! 72 hours, 64,38%. Ending fights where stylish as fuck but on the story side I felt it lacked some crazyness but overall it's a great game. Now off to finish Kiryu's side missions and go for some trophies and crowns!
Thing is, after 4 Yakuza games my expectations fo crazyness are fucked up. Where isvalentine71 said:Events leading to the ending really felt forced for me.Daigo against Kiryu wasn't crazy enough?
Mistouze said:Thing is, after 4 Yakuza games my expectations fo crazyness are fucked up. Where non-descript foreing baddies group? No bare handed bull-fighting? But yeah at least their arrival at the top of Milennium Tower was badass if you can afford to blow 100 million yens in the air :lol And the new status quo at the end promises some heavy shit in the next episode hopefully
Replicant said:秋山さんーてば!!♥♥♥
Now that I've played all 4, I feel that Akiyama is the best in terms of combos. His is easy to execute and connect in comparison to the others.
Also, is the time after finishing all 4 characters story and before the final confrontation is the time to finish up all the sidequests? Or will I be given another time to do it after the game is completed?
valentine71 said:Yes, before the final confrontation you will have a chance to finish all the sidequests. Also after you finish the game, you can start the premium adventure mode to complete everything (sidequests, coin lockers, hostess bar, fighter maker, etc.) and if you want to you can keep the stuff (items, money) you had in the story mode (if you do this, also you won't need to play the sidequests and other stuff you completed in story mode as far as i remember).
In case you didn't know, Saejima has weapons in his inventory that can be equipped too. Also, you can ignore those annoying guys with a lot of life and focus on the weaker guys since they keep on spawning.IrishNinja said:the 2nd brawl (with Seajima), ive gotten it down to 15 guys before running out of time. im grabbing what weapons i can (mostly tasers and wooden sticks) but its just not happening.
I thought that one was pretty easy once I realized you don't need to go after the rock walls with the dead end on the right in the 2nd part and just went straight to the left. You'll should have enough time at the end that way to break through the final walls. Just back off and let the boulders do their thing if a lot are falling and go for the walls when there isn't much. Once you get hit by a wave of em, you're pretty much screwed.the 7th trial - also Seajima, of course - i get to the last row of rocks to break and the boulders kill me while doing so. the square x 3 then hold triangle combo is really great, but not keeping me alive at that point.
Yeah. That one was annoying as hell. I used this for reference:and holy shit, fuck the 4th speed race with sugiuchi; i have to hustle just to get him down to about halfway of his fuel (if i manage to bump him from the side). there's gotta be an easier way to do this.
Shakala said:So, I played the Y4 demo and was trying to decide between it and the 3rd(which ultmately won out because it only cost 20). Now I wanna beat it quickly so I can get 4 after seeing your guys' enthusiasm![]()
Mikhal said:In case you didn't know, Saejima has weapons in his inventory that can be equipped too. Also, you can ignore those annoying guys with a lot of life and focus on the weaker guys since they keep on spawning.
Yeah. That one was annoying as hell. I used this for reference:
Although, having said this, I'm at the start of chapter 4 now and this hostess stuff is fucking weird. Everything about it is really creepy and clearly designed for people who have no interaction with real women. I don't want to dress up a women for creepy dudes in a bar with all of that odd j-pop and sparkling menus.Foliorum Viridum said:I'm three chapters in and already this is miles better than the piece of shit that was Yakuza 3. Not one orphan in sight!
Liking the focus of new characters, too. Feels fresh.
Replicant said:Ah, good to know. I'm stressing myself out trying to finish all the sidequests before the final boss fight while the truth is I just want to get into the final confrontation. On that note, will it be easy to fight the final boss with my characters only on level 20?
Foliorum Viridum said:Although, having said this, I'm at the start of chapter 4 now and this hostess stuff is fucking weird. Everything about it is really creepy and clearly designed for people who have no interaction with real women. I don't want to dress up a women for creepy dudes in a bar with all of that odd j-pop and sparkling menus.
It's completely unenjoyable too which makes it even worse. I never went to one hostess club in the first three games so it's kinda annoying I'm being forced to now to such a degree.
Mikhal said:If you want to do them now, there's a time period after you make your way to the hideout (while on high alert), but before you talk to Kido to continue the story, where the police are back to their normal selves. Once you talk to him, you'll be back on high alert. Either way. you're safe to do everyone's substories later in the game though if you want. You won't miss anything.
Flunkie said:Just getting into the franchise: start with Yakuza 3 or 4?
IrishNinja said:A: You totally can. Like every chapter before it, 4 has an excellent video recap of each prior title. Like any franchise, you won't be as emotionally invested in the plight of certain characters, but it's your call - having recently played through 1 and 2, i can tell you: 1 is often called the weakest of the series, and 2 was fantastic/superior on every level; if you get a chance, you should totally give it a go. On that note, reviews have said this one is up there with 2 as the series' finest, so that's good too.
If I got through all of the orphan stuff in 3 I was always going to hurry myself through that sectionvalentine71 said:Won't take too long, so don't give up.