Should be getting the game tomorrow .
Anyone know if there is a manual with the silver edition ?
Would be nice to have one with a Ys game
'Fraid not. Physical manuals are discouraged for North American Vita releases, and we're not about to ruffle any feathers by being "that guy."
Fortunately, the LE comes with a 130-page book, and the book smells better than any manual ever could (not to mention being more awesome in general!), so I don't think you guys will be disappointed!
So hyped for this. One of the reasons I bought a Vita. Anyone know if the LE is available in stores or online only? Don't want to wait for shipping, would rather pick it up.
Definitely available in stores -- not necessarily today, though most GameStops will likely have it in either today or tomorrow.
Are reviews still embargoed for this or something?
This game is out today and there's not a single review?! What's that about.
Manufacturing for this game was really, really tight, and PSN codes aren't active until the game goes live, so review copies went out a bit later than we'd have liked them to. Most people are likely to have only started playing this past weekend.
Are books 1 and 2 worth picking up on Wii VC?
I think you'd be better off with Ys I & II Chronicles on PSP or Steam, and I'm not just saying that as a representative of their publisher.

The VC versions are very good, but they're also extremely dated, with the biggest issue being that you can only move in four directions. Chronicles retains the classic feel of the original games, but gives you either 8-directional or full 360-degree movement (you can choose which you want in the options), and that seriously makes all the difference in the world.
Plus, they're updated with FAR better graphics, arguably better music, better balancing and a new translation (which I rather unmodestly consider better, but YMMV!).
On the other hand, the VC version is voice-acted, where Chronicles is not, so if you're a stickler for voice-acting, the VC version might be more to your liking.
It's the original TG-16 CD-Rom version of the game. I believe the original game was actually on the Sega Master system or the VIC20....I'm sure someone will correct me.
No, the original was for either PC-88 or PC-98, I can't remember which. The SMS and TG16 versions were both ports.