Lucky you! This game has an NG+ mechanic where you can just play as solo Adol switching weapon types!
First time, I heard of that. That's very cool. I'll probably do it on my 3rd run though. Want to go through Inferno first.
Lucky you! This game has an NG+ mechanic where you can just play as solo Adol switching weapon types!
Lucky you! This game has an NG+ mechanic where you can just play as solo Adol switching weapon types!
So I changed my button configuration around a bit, and I ended up putting Evade and Dash on the same circle button. Before I get used to it, will this cause me any problems later on? Will there be a boss battle where I need to be dashing and jumping at the same time (I have jump on the X button, so I can't do both)?
Evade and Dash are on the same button by default (L1), so no, you shouldn't have any problems.
Digging this game after 8 hours. Just got another party character but I don't play on using them at this point because I like my original three!
Derp, I was focused on what button configuration I wanted that I didn't realize they were on the same L button to begin with, lol. Anyways, thanks!
Chapter 2 ending thoughts.
They kinda fucked up boss placements imo, as funny as seeing the dino eat the dude the spider should have been the last boss with you chasing him into the cave avoiding traps along the way. Should have been fight him, spider drops down eats his ass then fight spider or way you came in gets blocked off and you fight the spider shortly after. That boss was way over tuned in comparison to it's follow up bosses and felt like who they wanted to be a big chapter finale
and the dude sure as hell was not a chapter ending worthy boss
I was laughing out loud as Barbaros kicked the bucket. The animations and writing is just so ridiculous that you can't take it seriously. I felt sad for Little Paro though... He liked the captain. Ya, I totally agree. The spider was tough and the rest were easy.
I was laughing out loud as Barbaros kicked the bucket. The animations and writing is just so ridiculous that you can't take it seriously. I felt sad for Little Paro though... He liked the captain. Ya, I totally agree. The spider was tough and the rest were easy.
Maybe she's French.Since when is Dana pronounced Daw-nah and not Day-nah?
Since when is Dana pronounced Daw-nah and not Day-nah?
Actually Adol is 21 in VIII. Which means he's officially over the hill.Had to laugh at Dogi talking to Adol in the opening scene.
"You're twenty years old and still eager for adventure!"
I suppose 20 counts as approaching retirement in JRPGs, I mean he hasn't been a teenager for a matter of months![]()
Ha. Poor sod. He ends up stranded with nothing but a rusty sword and a sailors outfit, but Laxia, last seen in her fineries below deck, somehow managed to escape with her lovely rapier, a full intricate adventuring outfit and a towel. She's either a pre-cog or incredibly lucky. Or incredibly competent- maybe she was in the process of gearing up to head upstairs to kick arse when it all went downActually Adol is 21 in VIII. Which means he's officially over the hill.![]()
Started playing today got to chapter 2, so far ys 8 has been exactly what I expected. Another mediocre party ys game with waaaay too much story with flat uninteresting characters surrounded by our out of time silent protagonist. It's nice to have jumping back but combat still breaks down into flash guard/dodge into special spam to unleash your super move. The new camera was also a terrible decision whoever thought behind the back with lock on was a good idea should be fired.
I always felt ys was missing a generic tsundere who's introduced with a garbage fan service scene and comically doesn't know how to cook oh ho ho *vomits*
I dont use the lock much because it likes to go crazy and not all that useful anyway.
I strongly disagree with the camera part. The change in camera perspective makes it dramatically better for me, personally. I changed the lock on to only lock on things in front. But I don't actually use lock on for much besides bosses, it's not necessary.
Yeah man Ys combat is pretty shitty overall, I mean Oath just relied on you jumping over stuff to avoid things over and over hella boring![]()
I strongly disagree with the camera part. The change in camera perspective makes it dramatically better for me, personally. I changed the lock on to only lock on things in front. But I don't actually use lock on for much besides bosses, it's not necessary.
I'll seriously never understand your complaint about the character swapping.
The characters are weapon movesets to learn from my point of view.
The combat in this fast fluid and challenging as well
Started playing today got to chapter 2, so far ys 8 has been exactly what I expected. Another mediocre party ys game with waaaay too much story with flat uninteresting characters surrounded by our out of time silent protagonist. It's nice to have jumping back but combat still breaks down into flash guard/dodge into special spam to unleash your super move. The new camera was also a terrible decision whoever thought behind the back with lock on was a good idea should be fired.
I always felt ys was missing a generic tsundere who's introduced with a garbage fan service scene and comically doesn't know how to cook oh ho ho *vomits*
I'll seriously never understand your complaint about the character swapping.
The characters are weapon movesets to learn from my point of view
Why would you pay for this game at full price? Just curious. If I had your opinion of the franchise at this point I would have waited for a sale or watch a let's play for example.
Also, I can't be the only one that locks on all the time.
Like at the end of the day all oath is jump over stuf, whirls wind over or earth dash through things and mash attack or fireballs and do rush mode when an opening is there
You just always sound jaded when oath is just as simple at the end of the day.
Calling 8 mediocre action game is a huge disservice to it
1. There are typically more enimies being more agressive in this game to make up for it, all of the characters have big hitting attacks and in doing so typically have all the attention from monsters tho they are typically being mowed down as you push forward.That's nonsense for so many reasons
1) allies that draw enemy aggro and deal damage to enemies radically change how the games are designed and how the games feels to play
2) your allies have different amounts of health and stats that all have to be micromanaged between weapon and armor upgrades
3) allies have different personalities which may draw a player to want to use one over another even if it may not be as efficient a team composition.
4) allies keep talking during cut scenes and feel the need to stop the exploration every 2 screens to point out the foot prints in the sand or complain how we still haven't found anyone yet
5) more a personal point but why did they remove adol's ability to wield all 3 types of weapons after 7? That was a clever solution to get around problem 3. In mem of celceta it meant I almost never used the other slash character because it feels weird to not have Adol in the party in these games.
I wasn't going to, but then the price dropped like a rock on amazon where it was cheap enough with some amazon credit where I didn't feel upset buying it day 1.
Yeah the characters are pretty fantastic to me, hate that one guy but I am sure we all do.
Of course.Carlan?![]()
allies that draw enemy aggro and deal damage to enemies radically change how the games are designed and how the games feels to play
your allies have different amounts of health and stats that all have to be micromanaged between weapon and armor upgrades
allies have different personalities which may draw a player to want to use one over another even if it may not be as efficient a team composition.
allies keep talking during cut scenes and feel the need to stop the exploration every 2 screens to point out the foot prints in the sand or complain how we still haven't found anyone yet
more a personal point but why did they remove adol's ability to wield all 3 types of weapons after 7? That was a clever solution to get around problem 3. In mem of celceta it meant I almost never used the other slash character because it feels weird to not have Adol in the party in these games.
I wasn't going to, but then the price dropped like a rock on amazon where it was cheap enough with some amazon credit where I didn't feel upset buying it day 1.