Dogi is in 8 just not as a party member.Ys is probably my favorite series ever. this or MGS.
hope this one sells well.
EDIT: Why isn't Dogi in these anymore?
Dogi is in 8 just not as a party member.Ys is probably my favorite series ever. this or MGS.
hope this one sells well.
EDIT: Why isn't Dogi in these anymore?
I mean if you are going to complain it's too easy and mindless while playing on a easy setting while spamming healing items that's completely on you and no 8 doesn't adress that. The boss fights in ys games are pretty much the series shining star.
Like Ernst in 6 on nightmare is a freaking struggle but if you use healing items you can literally just mash attack and heal when needed.
I'm going to second this collector's edition being high quality. It's very nice.
The cloth is really cool and I like the acrylic print bookends a lot.
Just put it on nightmare/inferno and call it a dayTo be fair, the series doesn't exactly make it easy to guess how difficult a setting will actually be. Felghana is a challenge for most people on Normal but that same setting is a complete joke with Celceta.
To be fair, the series doesn't exactly make it easy to guess how difficult a setting will actually be. Felghana is a challenge for most people on Normal but that same setting is a complete joke with Celceta.
To be fair, the series doesn't exactly make it easy to guess how difficult a setting will actually be. Felghana is a challenge for most people on Normal but that same setting is a complete joke with Celceta.
Tell me about it. One of my biggest ass kicking was starting Oath on hard because normal was easy on Ys I + II.
Either way, Ys 8 should give him quite a challenge on hard upwards.
Still waiting for PSN to unlock. By then, I need to go to sleep so its going to be another day of waiting before I get to play. Weekend can't come soon enough!
I'll be playing VIII on Hard, personally.
Going to do a no healing items run on inferno for my first run through then solo adol no damage inferno for second run through
Given your skill, the odds seem to be in your favor.My constitution isn't quite that high, alas.
I posted this in the Steam thread, but I realized it would be good to post it here.
OK, I finally finished Ys Celceta. I was pretty meh on the game, but everyone is raving about Ys VIII. So, if these were my primary issues with Celceta, are they addressed in VIII?
- mindless hack and slash with little reward
The enemies were very easy to cut down. There were a lot of special abilities to unlock, but there really wasn't much strategy to using them other than mashing buttons and making chaos. And no loot drops, which are generally the benefit of this kind of gameplay, but I hear that's not in VIII either.
- little exploration
The map was pretty boring. I uncovered near 98% of the map just going to the obvious places. I think I found one hidden area. I hear there is jumping in VIII? Is it used to make getting around the world more interesting?
- normal was too easy
I know I could just bump up to hard, but that's not really my thing. You start on hard and things are fine, and then later on you wind up hitting a brick wall. But normal in this game was really easy except for a few bosses, and those could be dealt with by spamming potions.
A typo, during my writing. Lol will fix.
Here is my video unboxing of the limited edition. Pretty nice. https://youtu.be/gUtv-OWcSoU
You might want to add some annotations whenever you say "Ys Seven: Lacrimosa of Dana" on the video, as well, haha. Between Y's and this, it sure made me chuckle a couple times. Cool unbox though, really digging the look of the CE.
-If you're worried about the game being too easy and yet you won't try a harder difficulty, I don't know what to tell you. In both Celceta and VIII, you can change difficulty mid-game. In Celceta, you can only decrease it, and in VIII, you can both increase and decrease it, although changing it mid-game may prevent you from getting some trophies, and you can't change to or from Inferno difficulty.
Eh, it's just one of my gaming quirks. Once I drop down a difficulty I feel defeated and I'll often just check out of a game.
Sounds like there's not a big enough difference here that I'll enjoy the game. That's fine, not every game is for every person.
You might want to add some annotations whenever you say "Ys Seven: Lacrimosa of Dana" on the video, as well, haha. Between Y's and this, it sure made me chuckle a couple times. Cool unbox though, really digging the look of the CE.
It really, truly is an enormous upgrade from Celceta in almost every way, so hopefully you'll reconsider it if you liked the idea of Celceta.
Dogi is in 8 just not as a party member.
VIII takes place right after the events of V, which is why Adol has a particular sword in VIII's intro.I had thought that the timeline was 0, 1->2, 4, 3, (5), 6->7, is this one supposed to take place in between 6 and 7? Or is it after 7 and I'm just in a sleep deprived haze?
They mention Altago at the beginning. So I pulled out all the games, cloth maps and such.
I really thought it was 1->8, with each game being pretty much after the other. Is that not correct anymore? It's been a while since I have played 7, and I have never played 5 (but only because falcom can't get me a copy to play here in the USA).
I had thought that the timeline was 0, 1->2, 4, 3, (5), 6->7, is this one supposed to take place in between 6 and 7? Or is it after 7 and I'm just in a sleep deprived haze?
Plan is to do an Inferno no healing items.
I really can't get behind using healing items in Ys.
is the DLC available on PS4 yet?
So seven is the latest in the time line?
VIII takes place right after the events of V, which is why Adol has a particular sword in VIII's intro.
It's before 6. One day we will get a game that takes place after seven![]()
VIII takes place right after the events of V, which is why Adol has a particular sword in VIII's intro.
Well, Xandria and Kefin are basically in the same region where you'd find Egypt on our map. So it's a mistranslation, but a funny one when I think about Isis the goddess.Special note on that - its name is an unfortunate casualty of the localization. I'm not sure if it was a misromanization or a typo, but it's called Isis Blade in English, while it should be Isios Blade. (Greek for "straight".)
I'm going to second this collector's edition being high quality. It's very nice.
The cloth is really cool and I like the acrylic print bookends a lot.
Honestly, once I beat Ys VIII I wasn't really thinking much about Ys V remake. And believe me, I was in the Ys V remake camp before. But the game just does and hints so much stuff that right now I'm dying for IX in a certain location... hopefully.![]()
Hrm, shitty, I just got a notice from Best Buy that my order was delayed (PS4) with no ETA given.
As an addition to this, I forgot I placed a Vita pre-order for this in Feb. and forgot to cancel it >.>
Just got a shipping notification from Best Buy for that, so I assume people getting that version should be fine?
Seven came right after Origin, so, if the pattern holds, getting IX before a remake of V makes sense.