lolDoing flawless raid at 4am, time to rethink life :|
lolDoing flawless raid at 4am, time to rethink life :|
Okay what's the deal with everyone repping Dead Orbit?
Nearly every streamer I see has the Dead Orbit class item.
I sure hope it's not just for that black shader...
Revenant thirst is real.Okay what's the deal with everyone repping Dead Orbit?
Nearly every streamer I see has the Dead Orbit class item.
I sure hope it's not just for that black shader...
Okay what's the deal with everyone repping Dead Orbit?
Nearly every streamer I see has the Dead Orbit class item.
I sure hope it's not just for that black shader...
If you have a hunter, it's just about the only shader that doesn't look Revevant isn't that good looking
EDIT: the ship is sorta ugly too. Whats with the curved shape
On ps4? PSN is iRAWRasaurus. I dont mind helping out if there is someone else interested in doing PoE 32 since its kinda hard to find people at this hour ( 3:16 am EST)Anyone want to help get an armor core? Need to do 32 PoE
If you have a hunter, it's just about the only shader that doesn't look hideous.
Agree on that ship though.
Anyone want to help get an armor core? Need to do 32 PoE
I can help with Raw.
Hmm. I have that. Will check it out later.
I can help with Raw.
Cool. What's your psn. Mine is kinda long...
Okay what's the deal with everyone repping Dead Orbit?
Nearly every streamer I see has the Dead Orbit class item.
I sure hope it's not just for that black shader...
pansies that are not hardcore enough to get God of War shader or other red ones ;D
Cheers!Great day today! Quit my job of 4 years. Feels fucking good.
Gonna link this post to the OP. Will edit any I missed to this post.
List of Gaffers' Twitch Streams:
- - The Unstable Train (Trials of Osiris and occasional raids, PoE, Iron Banner)
- - TearsOfBlood (Trials of Osiris)
- - EJRobinson90 (Trials of Osiris)
- - Hawkian (Newbie Raid)
- - Namikaze1 (occasional raid and PoE)
- - Kadey (Crucible, Trials of Osiris, Raids, PoE, Iron Banner)
- - Boguester aka Drizzay (occasional Raids, Trials of Osiris, Crucible, Iron Banner)
- - Wheelhouse1
- - xplicit_one (Crucible, Trials of Osiris, New PvE content releases)
- - Ganhyun (Crucible, maybe Trials and other stuff in the future)
- -XenoRaven (Sometimes Crucible, sometimes Trials, sometimes raids, many times FFXIV)
Not a gaffer but does Trials Carry Trains like Unstable:
- - Nghtly of 13 Devils, Zoba's former clanmate (Trials of Osiris)
Great day today! Quit my job of 4 years. Feels fucking good.
This is the best shader for Hunter.
Trust me.
EDIT PIC: regal as fuck
Sound like a good choice man, congrats.
I always rocked the god of war shader sadly with PoE gear and trials gear it looks fucshia pink.
Im looking to do 32 or 34 PoE psn is Legendkilla3rd hoping to avoid lfg.
Great day today! Quit my job of 4 years. Feels fucking good.
Yeah, never expected to stay in this job for 4 years, had been wanting to quit for the past few months, finally pulled the plug.
Taking a break now, might travel a bit, let's see what the future holds![]()
Yeah, never expected to stay in this job for 4 years, had been wanting to quit for the past few months, finally pulled the plug.
Taking a break now, might travel a bit, let's see what the future holds![]()
I'll do a 34.
Really happy for you death, congrats.
Have you join somewhere? or planning for full time no pay job on DGAF?
Congrats! World Traveler? Bring your Remote Play device for those CP's. LoL!
Nice man, sometimes it takes courage to take that step.
Hopefully we can meet up in Germany in a couple of months!
Might end up in Germany for gamescomm in aug, so let's hope for an EU DGAF meetup![](), is loner.rebel any good weapon ? Any suggestions for the best roll for it ?
Psn is Legendkilla3rd
Yesterday we did the Summoning Pits again, three warlocks and it felt like this time I was the more experienced one. The problem is that we always end stuckhaving to shoot Phogot through the door, with risky supply runs that half the time end in death. The only person I have seen going out and surviving was a Lvl.32 Guardian. I suppose that if this was a group of friends instead of randoms we could craft a decent strategy for it.
I'm getting at least House of Wolves in a few days, no point in waiting for TTK as I will forget about the game once I go back to studying in September. Anything in particular I should know? Looks like Prison of Elders only has matchmaking for level 28, so I would end with the same issues as usual trying to find people.
The usual hang out spot for Phogoth other than the entrance thing is in the far left corner of the map. There's a rock you can hide behind, and only a few adds come bothering you / the wizards leave you alone.Yesterday we did the Summoning Pits again, three warlocks and it felt like this time I was the more experienced one. The problem is that we always end stuckhaving to shoot Phogot through the door, with risky supply runs that half the time end in death. The only person I have seen going out and surviving was a Lvl.32 Guardian. I suppose that if this was a group of friends instead of randoms we could craft a decent strategy for it.
I'm getting at least House of Wolves in a few days, no point in waiting for TTK as I will forget about the game once I go back to studying in September. Anything in particular I should know? Looks like Prison of Elders only has matchmaking for level 28, so I would end with the same issues as usual trying to find people.
DGaf, is loner.rebel any good weapon ? Any suggestions for the best roll for it ?
Not sure this is going to happen? Still missing a 3rd for the run.
Yesterday we did the Summoning Pits again, three warlocks and it felt like this time I was the more experienced one. The problem is that we always end stuckhaving to shoot Phogot through the door, with risky supply runs that half the time end in death. The only person I have seen going out and surviving was a Lvl.32 Guardian. I suppose that if this was a group of friends instead of randoms we could craft a decent strategy for it.
I'm getting at least House of Wolves in a few days, no point in waiting for TTK as I will forget about the game once I go back to studying in September. Anything in particular I should know? Looks like Prison of Elders only has matchmaking for level 28, so I would end with the same issues as usual trying to find people.
If your still down we ca start with us 2 whats your psn?
It's actually the ideal archetype for a LitC build.After giving the stats a quick look, I'd say it's average. Not the best, but also not bad. It's in the same impact category as Fulcrum and Red Hand so it's not the best candidate for a LitC/Final Round build.
If you like it, go with Quickdraw (or the others, comes down to personal preference), Zen Moment, Extended Mag (or Flared Magwell, it has the third lowest reload speed of all current Legendary Hand Cannons), and Hidden Hand. It's worth noting that this exact build is on the vendor version of The Fulcrum, so if you want that instead, go for it.
You guys still need one?
Just did 34 so yup im down asking if merocket wants to join.