So, Boguester is still MIA?
So, Boguester is still MIA?
So, Boguester is still MIA?
So, Boguester is still MIA?
So, Boguester is still MIA?
I haven't seen him post, or be online on PSN.
I sent him a few PSN messages to tell him that we needed a new OT,
but never heard back from him.
So, Boguester is still MIA?
Great day today! Quit my job of 4 years. Feels fucking good.
Thorn with field choke and snapshot and TLW with soft ballistics and either single point sling or high caliber rounds. Looks like most people yesterday agreed on that. Should make sweaties even more interesting. Also no rangefinder/shot package shotguns anymore. Thank god.
So what's the best roll for sweaty shotguns now? Are people moving back to fusion rifles?
Shot package with luck in chamber/final round/kneepads and aggressive ballistics
Yup, Ruben is my Trials bro and master. I'm learning a lot from his tactics and it makes me better at 3v3 overall. Played with various third spots but recks has been giving me the most laughs. So yea, thanks again to them for helping me out to get flawless even tho they were tired.
It definitely wasn't my night last night in PVP overall. I was a super scrub and wasn't landing any of my shots. It was the first time I brought in my Striker Titan into Trials so that was quite a learning curve. Didn't expect so many damn snipers in this map either.
The best moment was when we lost to a team but we ended up fighting against them two more times in a row and we beat them both times.
Read Lima's post that I quote. He says rangefinder and Shot package is banned from sweaties now.
Sometimes RL is real!
Ruben is awesome, I always try to pick up on his tactics as well. Any time I have the chance to play with him and his crew it's like a whole other level of pvp.
Maybe he can help me get to mercury today <3
You'll only see these self imposed limitations if you're playing against teams. No heavy ammo, no Final Round etc. You'll still see all these things in regular Crucible matches, but the competitive scene sets rules to sort of balance the game.Ruben is awesome, I always try to pick up on his tactics as well. Any time I have the chance to play with him and his crew it's like a whole other level of pvp.
I must have missed a bunch of discussion yesterday.... not sure what that's all about. But I'm still seeing shotguns with shot package and thorns/tlw with aggressive ballistics....
Maybe he can help me get to mercury today <3
"Be more aggressive!" Hehe
Seriously, a few weeks ago I played with him and young gunner... this was cauldron I think. We steam rolled the opposing team every damn round.... it was amazing. I am not that comfortable with being completely aggressive yet, although I'd like to think I'm much better than I was a few months back....
Finally got me a Hawkmoon, Gjallarhorn is due.
Same issue here, I just need to remember to hunt down the last guy whenever we down two guys on the other team.
I would gladly trade you two Horns for a Hawk.
So what's the go to striker titan exotic?
I'm currently using eternal warrior, but inmost light helm seems good as well. Do not have armamentarium yet..
The one you don't have. Rest are crap.
Please, no... don't want to farm dragon strikes for a HP... ;___;Hawkmoon is a shadow of its former self since the nerfs.
I predict that with the coming TTK expansion we will get further weapons rebalancing patches that further nerf the exotic handcannons in PvP and then we will leave the season of handcannons behind and the fall will bring on the season of a new PvP meta. We will enter the season of Pulse rifles. Bring on the days of the messenger and HP!
So what's the go to striker titan exotic?
I'm currently using eternal warrior, but inmost light helm seems good as well. Do not have armamentarium yet..
The one you don't have. Rest are crap.
So what's the go to striker titan exotic?
I'm currently using eternal warrior, but inmost light helm seems good as well. Do not have armamentarium yet..
So what's the go to striker titan exotic?
I'm currently using eternal warrior, but inmost light helm seems good as well. Do not have armamentarium yet..
It's a shame because legendary HCs are perfect right now. The exotics only need a tiny bit of tweaking:Hawkmoon is a shadow of its former self since the nerfs.
I predict that with the coming TTK expansion we will get further weapons rebalancing patches that further nerf the exotic handcannons in PvP and then we will leave the season of handcannons behind and the fall will bring on the season of a new PvP meta. We will enter the season of Pulse rifles. Bring on the days of the messenger and HP!
So what's the go to striker titan exotic?
I'm currently using eternal warrior, but inmost light helm seems good as well. Do not have armamentarium yet..
Peregrine is extremely situational though. I mean the charge is a one shot kill anyways. This exotic is only useful if you do a mid air charge on a Bladedancer or Radiance Warlock using Radiant Skin. Using the exotic slot for a situation which may or may not even happen maybe once or twice a match is far less useful than double grenades all match long in my opinion.For me... Armenineimnimtarium and Peregrine Greaves. I use those more than all of the others. The stat rolls are gravy too.
Peregrine is omextremely situational though. I mean the charge is a one shot kill anyways. This exotic is only useful if you do a mid air charge on a Bladedancer or Radiance Warlock using Radiant Skin. Using the exotic slot for a situation which may or may not even happen maybe once or twice a match is far less useful than double grenades all match long in my opinion.
The one you don't have. Rest are crap.
Yea, double grenades are awesome.
Im guessing you are talking about PvP seing as PVE is Defender Titan country! Mk. 44 Stand Asides are great fun, get that shoulder charge up. Make people angry!
For me... Armenineimnimtarium and Peregrine Greaves. I use those more than all of the others. The stat rolls are gravy too.
Armamentarium is probably the best for PVE and PVP since grenades are always useful.
Lupi is a competitive pick for Trials obviously.
Both of the greaves are fun too.
Hawkmoon is a shadow of its former self since the nerfs.
Morning DGAF!
Hey! First of all welcome back, we are always happy to have people return to Destiny.
1. Trials drops Etheric light at 6 wins and 8 wins. You can also get some from Nightfalls, Iron Banner or completing 34 or 35 PoE's. I would say the easiest to do would be the 34 PoE's
2. Yes do PoE's for armor cores/ judgements chance and try to gey them up to 34. You can also use etheric lights to ascend current gear to get you to level 34. Pair that with a new exotic and you'll be there in no time
3. Thorn you want aggressive ballistics and range. The last Word is also very good
We usually play together here, and group up quite frequently. There is a chance you might have played with one of us in the past.
Try to squeeze in PoE 32 before tomorrow's reset. The chest piece sold this week is excellent.Awesome. Thanks for the info Noomi! Looks like I've got some work to do.
Anyone planning on getting in a final few Trials runs in tonight before the reset?
Try to squeeze in PoE 32 before tomorrow's reset. The chest piece sold this week is excellent.
The perk Fallen rooms in PoE gives you a ton more armor. You can take a lot of damage. Also, Special Weapon ammo boost and Intellect or Discipline with very high rolls. All in all, worth wearing even outside PoE. Try and get that for your alts because Variks can be a troll and next week's piece might be trash![]()
Mondays are my stress-free Destiny days.![]()
I'm sorry Noomi, but I hope Xur sells Ruin Wings this week. I wasn't playing when he sold them a bunch of times![]()