Please do not reply to this post or post in this thread any longer. I am posting it here simply so that it can be linked to and will not interrupt discussion in the current one. is a tool to help form groups with those other DGAF members who are likely to be playing at the same time as you. It relies on setting groups up as far in advance as possible, so that everyone in the fireteam can sign up to take part in an activity at a time they know they will be available. We have set up several DestinyGAF-only groups based on logical criteria, any of which you can join if they might be beneficial to you.
It is not a be-all, end-all grouping solution. It will not replace or make obsolete any previous tools or methods you have used for finding groups. If you simply wish to put a group together as quickly as possible and start as soon as the fireteam is full, this thread or a resource such as will always be superior. the100 is simply an additional resource intended for those who have had trouble taking advantage of the thread for grouping purposes, or are otherwise interested to try advance scheduling of activities to see if it works for them.
WARNING: If you were in the original test group, please leave it to free up your group slot. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Click the friendly chibi guardians to go to the group.

It's very important to keep in mind that you may join up to 3 groups. In theory, you can even join more groups than that by creating a secondary account (you'll just have to let your group leader know what your actual PSN/XBL ID is when using that account).
This is not about forming exclusive groups or dividing the community for any purpose. The members of your DGAF the100 group(s) will not be the only gaffers you play with. There is a soft cap of 100 and a hard cap of 120 (via referrals) per group. They are public, no one will be excluded, and if there is enough sincere demand to completely fill a group again again we'll create additional groups based on the data about where the extra spots are needed.
Inactive members (those who haven't joined or created a game) will be automatically kicked after 30 days.
Once you are in a group, you will receive emails for every game that is created by default. You may disable or customize these email notifications in your settings. Alternatively, you can create a Gmail filter with these criteria:
I hope this tool serves as a solid option for those players who may have had issues finding groups using the thread alone or simply can't keep up with the thread on a regular basis.
If any new or existing players inquire about the100 or alternatives to the thread for grouping, please direct them to this post. I will update it with any changes or additional information. is a tool to help form groups with those other DGAF members who are likely to be playing at the same time as you. It relies on setting groups up as far in advance as possible, so that everyone in the fireteam can sign up to take part in an activity at a time they know they will be available. We have set up several DestinyGAF-only groups based on logical criteria, any of which you can join if they might be beneficial to you.
It is not a be-all, end-all grouping solution. It will not replace or make obsolete any previous tools or methods you have used for finding groups. If you simply wish to put a group together as quickly as possible and start as soon as the fireteam is full, this thread or a resource such as will always be superior. the100 is simply an additional resource intended for those who have had trouble taking advantage of the thread for grouping purposes, or are otherwise interested to try advance scheduling of activities to see if it works for them.
WARNING: If you were in the original test group, please leave it to free up your group slot. I apologize for the inconvenience.
Click the friendly chibi guardians to go to the group.

It's very important to keep in mind that you may join up to 3 groups. In theory, you can even join more groups than that by creating a secondary account (you'll just have to let your group leader know what your actual PSN/XBL ID is when using that account).
This is not about forming exclusive groups or dividing the community for any purpose. The members of your DGAF the100 group(s) will not be the only gaffers you play with. There is a soft cap of 100 and a hard cap of 120 (via referrals) per group. They are public, no one will be excluded, and if there is enough sincere demand to completely fill a group again again we'll create additional groups based on the data about where the extra spots are needed.
Inactive members (those who haven't joined or created a game) will be automatically kicked after 30 days.
Once you are in a group, you will receive emails for every game that is created by default. You may disable or customize these email notifications in your settings. Alternatively, you can create a Gmail filter with these criteria:
Don't miss that last checkmark as that's the one that pulls all the ones you've got so far out of your inbox. Now, I can click a the100 button on the left and see all the games that have been recently posted in any of my groups, in one place
I hope this tool serves as a solid option for those players who may have had issues finding groups using the thread alone or simply can't keep up with the thread on a regular basis.
If any new or existing players inquire about the100 or alternatives to the thread for grouping, please direct them to this post. I will update it with any changes or additional information.